Loss of appetite on PCT


New Member
Anyone else get this?

2nd week into PCT and my appetite is non-existent, i've kept my diet pretty much the same but im having to force myself to eat.

Currently taking Nolva
I take nolva/clomid on put now and have had a decreased appetite but not to the point of force feeding myself.
Your body goes through changes on pct. I always felt like shit coming off a cycle. Doesn't help your appetite.
Anyone else get this?

2nd week into PCT and my appetite is non-existent, i've kept my diet pretty much the same but im having to force myself to eat.

Currently taking Nolva
What is your cycle of ass before your pct ?
Take some supplement food for your liver, some B-12 and ... the radical solution are GHRP-6, shoot around 200 to 300mcg and the appetit come around after 10 mins ;-)
Nolvadex is a poor choice to restart HPTA. You should have included clomid as it not only signals the testes to produce testosterone but blocks estrogen at the pituitary and hypothalamus to signal more LH in order to stimulate the testies to produce your own (endogenous) testosterone. Both Nolva and clomid work very well together at rebooting your HPTA and should be used together during recovery, not individually.