Low-Dose Tamoxifen/Clomid long term


New Member
Taking a low dose of Tamoxifen (5mg) or Clomid (12.5mg) once per week helps to keep my natural test up, libido up, mood improved etc. i

Is there risk to doing this long-term?
Taking a low dose of Tamoxifen (5mg) or Clomid (12.5mg) once per week helps to keep my natural test up, libido up, mood improved etc. i

Is there risk to doing this long-term?
You want to use it as a Testo-Booster? Not recommended that way at all! Instead of these two, use Enclomiphene, it's less toxic with all the benefits of clomid and more! Are you natural?
Yes natural and assumed this would keep natural test up most effectively. I got bloods once and it seems like it has done the job, as well as other benefits (mood, libido, nighttime erection etc.)

Why is it not recommended?
Clomiphene can lower IGF-1, one of the most anabolic hormones in the human body. This can limit gains in muscle mass, but it can easily be avoided by using MK-677, so me for example I'm using currently MK677 during my Cruise Phase (TRT). Anyway Clomiphene is also Toxic (Liver) it's not recommended long term at all! Use Enclomiphene instead.


I had the best results as a natty when I used Tongkat Ali and Fadodgia Agrestis, my Free test elevated by 30% I was over the limit!
Nolva long term destroyed my eyesight. Look up the side effects, it's one of them. I thought i was going blind one day, dropped the nolva and within few days it was normal again. That shit scared me forever. Now i rather risk gyno than use that shit again
What was your dosage/frequency?

Taking SERMS does not "naturally" boost test, it's still an artificial increase.

SARMs and research chemicals will not help, herbal supplements will not help.
This is what I don't get, now yes I have ran Mk677 added in, nova clomid pcts etx and they have benefits, but if you want testosterone then run testosterone, you want HGH levels run HGH. Imo it's like drinking Coca-Cola for cocaine when you can just go buy cocaine.

At 40 I just blast and cruise now and understand it's a life choice. And if I didn't want to blast I'd still be cruising on trt dialed in where I get my levels with out any other AI...less compounds is Best for long term health....now I don't compete if I was a pro that a different animal at my age it's just about looking and feeling good and long term health. No kids in my future so don't worry about HCG etx

Taking SERMS does not "naturally" boost test, it's still an artificial increase.

SARMs and research chemicals will not help, herbal supplements will not help.
I disagree. For those who are looking to maintain fertility and increase testosterone levels, clomid has been shown as an acceptable option. And while you may consider it an artificial increase, it is as high up on the HPTA axis as you can get for results to avoid reciprocal inhibition seen with TRT.

This is becoming the standard of care for testosterone optimization for patients trying to preserve fertility by urologists.
I disagree. For those who are looking to maintain fertility and increase testosterone levels, clomid has been shown as an acceptable option. And while you may consider it an artificial increase, it is as high up on the HPTA axis as you can get for results to avoid reciprocal inhibition seen with TRT.

This is becoming the standard of care for testosterone optimization for patients trying to preserve fertility by urologists.

The transient increase from taking pct/fertility drugs is exactly that, transient, temporary, not permanent.

SERMS are not suitable for long term use.
Period. End of discussion.

Clomid mono therapy is becoming standard of care, but only in a limited application to see if natural production can be regained without permanent intervention with exogenous testosterone.
It is not a suitable long term alternative, and it never was.
The only people pushing enclo/clomid as alternatives to TRT are shitty clinics that are trying to scoop up a portion of the market share that is scared of needles.
The transient increase from taking pct/fertility drugs is exactly that, transient, temporary, not permanent.

SERMS are not suitable for long term use.
Period. End of discussion.

Clomid mono therapy is becoming standard of care, but only in a limited application to see if natural production can be regained without permanent intervention with exogenous testosterone.
It is not a suitable long term alternative, and it never was.
The only people pushing enclo/clomid as alternatives to TRT are shitty clinics that are trying to scoop up a portion of the market share that is scared of needles.
And the transient increase from taking testosterone is only that and leads to even more potential side effects than clomid so your argument makes no sense. Not to mention those with low T from prior exogenous use that take clomid and recover test levels will tend to maintain those levels once they stop clomid, so it actually is a more permanent solution than you think. Will it give them the supra-physiologic levels and gains that TRT gives? No, but for some its enough to improve mood, libido, energy and maintain fertility which is what OP wants.

Personally, I trust urologists with years of training and knowledge of the science and interpretation of medical literature on this topic than a gym bro. Good for you that you think otherwise.
And the transient increase from taking testosterone is only that and leads to even more potential side effects than clomid so your argument makes no sense.
Long term SERM use has a far greater risk for adverse health effects than proper HRT. This is not a subject for debate, this is already clearly understood.

Not to mention those with low T from prior exogenous use that take clomid and recover test levels will tend to maintain those levels once they stop clomid, so it actually is a more permanent solution than you think.
Yes, see my post above regarding clomid monotherapy as a first treatment option for primary hypogonadism.
TLDR, clinics will basically "PCT" the patient first in hopes of reestablishing normal hormonal function and then cease the SERM use. if this method is unsuccessful at establishing a healthy natural baseline production, then the next option is TRT.

Will it give them the supra-physiologic levels and gains that TRT gives? No, but for some its enough to improve mood, libido, energy and maintain fertility which is what OP wants.
if your trt gives you supraphyiological levels then its not TRT.
The standard practice of correcting hypogonadism, while maintaining fertility is trt/hcg.
Which is time tested and proven effective.

Personally, I trust urologists with years of training and knowledge of the science and interpretation of medical literature on this topic than a gym bro. Good for you that you think otherwise.
it would behoove you to be informed yourself.

If you believe indefinite administration of a SERM for the purposes of treating hypogonadism is safer, or even remotely acceptable as an alternative to TRT, then your are woefully misinformed.