28 years old. Unfortunately I didn't get my labs done before my first ever cycle which I now know was stupid.
Post cycle/pct my levels have always been around the same as above but my E has dropped a tad since the last time I've done it.
Sleep isn't the best but is getting better!
Your test looks almost exactly like mine did as a lifelong natty.
However my testosterone varied from 380-500ish NG/dl. But my E2 stayed in the
4.5-9pg/ml range (8-35 ref range).
So a mid range low ish total T but below range E2. Low Free as well.
When I got on TRT, HCG 250iu EOD, Dhea and Pregnenolone at 100mg each per day my total T got up to 861, but my E2 stayed at just 20pg/ml (8-35) even with all that HCG, Dhea and Pregnenolone
I ended up going to 600 Testosterone, 700 Deca, along with the HCG Dhea and Pregnenolone and still only got to a 45pg/ml E2 (8-35) so just over the range despite having a very supraphyiological level of total T + nandrolone which increases the aromatization of T to e2, + HCG+ 100mg Dhea+ 100mg Pregnenolone daily.
I’m just a very low aromatizing person. I’m not sure if that will change.
You could try getting your natural test up and increasing free with Frequent meals with carbs and boron.
Magnesium, Vitamin D at Adequate blood levels, sleep, zinc ( copper possibly to prevent imbalance), boron, b complex etc.
It depends if you think you cokld get levels up naturally, for me, I’m in Suboxone and I know that it lowers my Total T when I was natural, so I expected to see the readings I had. I delayed my dose and right away I got my highest reading. I’m still tapering off of it.