Low free T4, normal free T3, TSH in lower range.


New Member
Hi, can someone with some knowledge please help?

What does my blood work mean?

TSH 0.735 mIU/L (0.35-4.94)
FT4 11.26 pmol/L (9.01-19.05)
FT3 4.68 pmol/L (2.43-6.01)

I seem to lose weight harder than a year or so ago. I'm currently 29yrs on trt 150mg Test c (mon/wed/thu 50mg per inj.) I feel completely fine. Been on this protocol since 27 all other blood work seems fine. Diet is 2300cals (225g protein, 200g carbs, 66g fats) I weight 211lbs now at about 13% body fat.

It seems I can't lose so much on pretty much the same calories and routine that I used last summer to cut down when I was closer to 10% and visually quite leaner.

Overall I'm still getting leaner but not as fast as I used to. So I decided to see how my thyroid is doing.

Thanks for your help.
Your thyroid is normal. You actually have a fast thyroid. My Dr only pays attention to tsh after ruling out disease. So we shoot for tsh 1.0- 2.0 on meds. Lower tsh means faster metabolism. Hyper is low tsh. Your closer to hyper. Hypo slow thyroid is over 4. You can be in range leaning towards hyper or hypo....that's why 1.0-2.0 is a great place to be. Your close enough and in range on all three.
Tsh is only part of the picture. Low free t4 might indicate problems with pituitary gland.
Your free t3 are above mid range and arguably more important as t4 is only needed for conversion to t3. Perhaps secondary hypothyroidism is a possibility for you(if you experience symptoms), if not then don't obsess over the numbers. Levothyroxine (L-thyroxine brand here) or synthetic t4 would therefore be beneficial in case of hypothyroidism.