Low T3 from GH? & TRT Blood Work (e2 doubled)


New Member
Hey everyone,

Can GH cause low T3 (people seem to say the opposite)? +
Got recent blood work as I thought maybe i was a little more watery, and Questioning a slight reduction in sex drive so looked at e2... but Healthy?

TRT user since Late June 2023, low dose GH user since Nov 2022, HCG since July 2023.
Currently on 130-140mg test c/wk (32.5-35mg eod), HCG 250mcg 3x/wk, & GH 2-4 iu / day.

I have had a chronically low T3 over the last year (on 5 different draws since late 2022), yet technically normal t4 & TSH, and wondering if GH could have something to do with it? Starting the GH is why I got the labs, so I don't know if it was a new change after starting gh, or likely something I didn't know about.

This precedes the TRT and no other drugs have ever been used (and yes am seeing an internal medicine specialist next month for it)
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I get a surplus of iodine in my diet, and have ordered selenium supplement.

Then, my new/current blood work below is 2 months into trt (Aug) taken 24hr after last injection (as per vigorous steves recommendation) so not in a trough, June's labs I had to get it to repeat T3 so I got a few other tests for fun (maybe a week after starting TRT which i started at 100mg/wk),. But likely the test had barley taken any effect / started metabolizing

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So, E2 looks fine, right?
With the Test and HCG I obviously have a higher estrogen than natty/no trt (may) or just literally just starting trt (june),
Would it make since that I "feel" this doubling of my e2?
Questioning if a possible slight reduction in sex drive and maybe more water is due to less optimal sleep and stress, and increasing cals (thinking more likely), over last couple weeks or solely caused by increase in trt (started at 100, to 120 to now 130/40/wk)?

One thing I didn't get (which i thought I did but it was prolactin) was progesterone... Thoughts?

And I welcome feedback!

Overall, Up about 10-13lbs since starting TRT (not all lean lol). Visually, crazy changes in fullness (and musculature?) people are like wow.

GH has an effect on the thyroid in general.
Usually t4 goes down a little and t3 goes up.
I suggest you get your rT3 checked!

Are you using AI or Caber?
Yes, as mentioned appointment with specialist for T3.

And No AI, etc. e2 is in pmol/L btw
Yes, as mentioned appointment with specialist for T3.

And No AI, etc. e2 is in pmol/L btw
Also, you're showing signs of anemia, looks like iron deficiency.
Check your Fe and ferritin. It can affect your overall health.
Good luck!
Also, you're showing signs of anemia, looks like iron deficiency.
Check your Fe and ferritin. It can affect your overall health.
Good luck!
Yeah I had low hemoglobin chronically for the last year or so - however it was just under reference range and no dr seemed to do any more than brush it off. Interestingly I had it done awhile ago and it was good, but I agree with you, maybe a good thing to get checked again and inquire more about. Thanks man
You're welcome!
I'll be interested to see your rT3 (not T3) level and the improvement in health from iron intake if you decide to ;)
Yes, started taking iron because yolo - and referred to ENDO as it's all a mystery .. but yes rt3 is something I am surprised hasnt been mentioned