Lypholized HGH stored in freezer?

You're such a source of misinformation.

Peptides aren't even uniformly stable from batch to batch.

Lol! Actual testing shows your BS theories you present as facts are wrong, and your fragile ego just won't let you accept it. I'm sorry you're not as smart as you think you are. Don't shoot the messenger, it's not my fault.
It was done in a private group so I can't share the jano results, but I can say 9 months in a residential freezer resulted in no degradation.

What a bullshitter you are lol.

You can't make that statement universally for all peptides. It's absurd. It may apply to the peptide under test, not others, and not even every batch of the same compound. Stability is based on a whole host of factors.
I don’t plan on long-term storage - maybe a year at the most. Just want to have enough on hand to get me through a few cycles and not have issues with storage degradation.

My thought process for the freezer storage is that if keeping it frozen was bad for it, then the lyophilization process itself would be bad for it. Since I know that’s not the case, I’m good with keeping it frozen at -7° or more until I’m ready to reconstitute and use it.
For a year or more I would just do. Refrigerator or freezer. Won't really matter. It'll be fine.
Lol! Actual testing shows your BS theories you present as facts are wrong, and your fragile ego just won't let you accept it. I'm sorry you're not as smart as you think you are. Don't shoot the messenger, it's not my fault.


Can you confirm "peptides universally don't degrade after 9 months in a residential freezer".

This is what's being represented here under your name.

After re-reading the rules of the testing group I'm in, this is what I can share:


No dimer

After 9 months in the freezer:

0.061% dimer

The water content in the vial tested at 0.8 +- 0.1%
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Can you confirm "peptides universally don't degrade after 9 months in a residential freezer".

This is what's being represented here under your name.

Strawman! I never said that nor said Jano said that. I said a test was done (in this case on HGH) using Jano. Accept that you're full of BS and move on fragile bro.
Lol! Actual testing shows your BS theories you present as facts are wrong, and your fragile ego just won't let you accept it. I'm sorry you're not as smart as you think you are. Don't shoot the messenger, it's not my fault.

Do you know who the USP is? The premier pharmaceutical standards setting organization in the world.

They supply the highest grade reference standards for thousands of active pharma ingredients, including peptides.

Here are two, stored in LAB GRADE temperature controlled conditions.

What do you see? After just 90 days, at -20c in a $30,000 lab freezer, measurable loss of potency.


Read and educate yourself..

Strawman! I never said that nor said Jano said that. I said a test was done (in this case on HGH) using Jano. Accept that you're full of BS and move on fragile bro.

Lol, you tested HGH, and misrepresented those results as applying broadly to peptides.

HGH is one of the most durable proteins (it's not a peptide, moron) with little degradation even at room temperature for months.
What kind of idiotic logic takes a test of a single compound, and uniformly applies that to the entire class?

There's an enormous variation in stability between the two peptides in the chart above after just 90 days, and you see no logical flaw in applying the results of a narrow test to all peptides.
You're the only one doing that. Now F off and quit completely misrepresenting what I said so you don't have to admit you're wrong... again.

You're completely losing it here, bro.