
New Member
Hey boys... ok so just finished week 3 of test-e have concerns of PIP AND effect for that matter!!

Have injected the following in order:

  1. Right Glute (myself) - Very bad PIP huge lump occurred at injection site only.
  2. Left Glute (ex-gf) - Not very much PIP just discomfort, no lump.
  3. Right Thigh (myself) - Not very much PIP, just "charlie horse" discomfort, no lump.
  4. Left Thigh (myself) - Not very much PIP, just "charlie horse" discomfort, no lump.
  5. Right Thigh (myself) - Disastrous, EXTREME pain/discomfort, think I hit a nerve. Was not able to bend knee for 5 days, stairs were impossible.
  6. Right Glute (ex-gf) - Disastrous, Extremely bad swelling/HUGE lump (more than just injection site), a little red, very painful.

What the heck is going on here!? Did not realize the injections alone would affect the quality of life. I don't mind a little bit discomfort if it comes with the game but 3 of the 6 injections thus far have been horrible.

Tomorrow I am going to try and heat my gear prior to injecting to hopefully help. Thinking I will try the left thigh, if I get the same feeling as my 5th injection will pull out and try another spot. I do inject super slow... Any other tips would help or any other ideas based on my history thus far??

ALSO, 3 weeks on Test-E and its like my strength is not budging AT ALL, felt so weak at the gym a few days ago. My diet is on point, getting plenty of rest. Should I not be worrying and continue to wait? Impatient noob??
I draw the gear and fold a heating pad around the syringe and heat on high for about 15 mins. Inject slow and steady, then place heating pad on area for 15 mins. Very minor PIP if any. What gauge needle are you pinning with? I wouldn't worry too much at 3 weeks with test e. Give it a couple more weeks. Are you taking an AI and what dose? Have you got your E2 checked?
Using 1" 25G needle. Full 1ml (250mg Test-E)

I am taking 0.5mg of Adex EOD. Was planning on getting my E2 checked at week 5. Don't believe there is any signs of dose being too high just yet.
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It is most likely your injection method. I never get pip. I used to when I was using some aussie T400 many years ago, But very seldom any more. The way I have been doing it is push the pin in quick and inject quick. I haven't aspirated in probably 15 years and have never had a problem. If you are leaving the pin in and injecting slowly, you may be moving the needle and damaging tissue which will cause pip. Since you are new to this you are probably tense as well.
I keep it simple and make it quick. No pip. That's about as much advice I can give you. I don't understand all the pip I hear about.
Using 1" 25G needle. Full 1ml (250mg Test-E)

I am taking 0.5mg of Adex EOD. Was planning on getting my E2 checked at week 5. Don't believe there is any signs of dose being too high just yet.

Some may disagree, but for glutes i like a 1.5 inch needle. Tough to reach back there for me and i like to be sure it's in the mucsle. No, I don't have a fat ass.:)
Some may disagree, but for glutes i like a 1.5 inch needle. Tough to reach back there for me and i like to be sure it's in the mucsle. No, I don't have a fat ass.:)

Nobody said you have a fat ass bro :)
Oh, and listen to BP, he's good people. Definitely about the tensing up part. They guy who first showed me told make sure the muscle is not contracted, you tear less tissue that way. Had me stand on the oppisite foot of the glute i was injecting, letting in just hang. seems to work, never had much of an issue
Is "Boss" supposed to be good gear?

I have heard of PIP with Test E, and I have experienced only minor PIP with some test E. But nothing like you have described. I've also used plenty of test E with ZERO PIP.

Could it be the gear? I'd switch if it were me.
Is "Boss" supposed to be good gear?

I have heard of PIP with Test E, and I have experienced only minor PIP with some test E. But nothing like you have described. I've also used plenty of test E with ZERO PIP.

Could it be the gear? I'd switch if it were me.

Never know. Lots of people complaining about gear. I don't know whats up with that.
Oh, and listen to BP, he's good people. Definitely about the tensing up part. They guy who first showed me told make sure the muscle is not contracted, you tear less tissue that way. Had me stand on the oppisite foot of the glute i was injecting, letting in just hang. seems to work, never had much of an issue

I was laying on the bed with zero tension in my glute on the last one, 2nd last with one in the glute I was conscious of ensuring not to be tense.
O.K. just taking a stab here (get it?) Sorry wasn't that funny. But since we don't know the lab, do you know BA or EO levels in gear? The more BA tends to have more pip and i don't think so, but you could be having a reaction to the EO. Just brainstorming.
O.K. just taking a stab here (get it?) Sorry wasn't that funny. But since we don't know the lab, do you know BA or EO levels in gear? The more BA tends to have more pip and i don't think so, but you could be having a reaction to the EO. Just brainstorming.

Wow, first I have ever heard of this terminologies. Noob here of course!

Yeah might see a little humour in that after the swelling goes down in my ass hahahaha