As for the severe swelling/pain I had in my glute (which there still is a hard lump 2 weeks later!). I don't feel it is getting deep enough in the muscle. I have a tiny ass, next to no fat; somehow the 1" I don't feel is getting deep enough. I would be willing to try glute again if I had 1.5" pins.
I hope your willing to be off work too from getting the abscess cut out of your ass.
Are you fucking retarded? This is a serious question. What the fuck is it going to take for you to listen to what people are telling you?
The benefit of this board is the uncensored discussion. You need to take advantage of it. Realize that nobody here profits from telling you the truth.
This is a serious question, I want you to answer it. I want you to ask the vets here if consistent severe pain is normal for test e.
Get 1 vet here to agree that a half cc of test e @ 250mg should cripple you, I dare you.
I'm trying to help you noob.