Yeah, whats funny is you don't even know the story behind me and Karl. I originally couldn't stand the guy and thought he was a scammer because he was scamming me. I tried to get him banned at PM. We talked almost everyday via e-mail and he would let me know the details of what he was working on and how it would all play out over time. I didn't believe a word he said originally(and pestered him daily to get my money back), but in the end I got to know him and we became friends and he came through and made things right. So when he came to Meso and people didn't believe his story, there were still parts that I was having trouble believing; but I had a lot of insight into what was going on behind the scenes. I also had a lot of insight into the person he was to be able to predict future action. In other words, I knew that Karl was serious about selling a high quality non-chinese GH to fill that void in the market. To this day, I still believe Karl is selling a high quality product. However, I personally do not use his product as my serum GH and IGF-1 scores were on the low side compare to other GH's I have used. I would compare it to Serostim in terms of comparison in terms of my bloodwork and physical results. But others have reported excellent results and love his GH. So, I have nothing negative to say about it.
So, I am not sure how someone who understands what has transpired can say that I am selling or making money off of Karl's GH.
One more thing. In all the years I have been doing this NEVER have I received free product or money from ANYONE in exchange for me working for them or helping to promote their product. The majority of the testing I have done on my own with my own money. However, a small amount has been done where the sponsor will send 1 kit for me to do a serum, which I pay for. That has become the norm lately over at PM where the sponsors will pick several vets and send them a kit in exchange for them doing a serum. However, I am picky about what sponsors I will do that for and have refused several of them(i.e. Americatropin, MG), because I don't trust them and don't want to falsely lead people into thinking they are legit when they send me good GH(knowing that they will probabably send bad GH to their customers).
So before people start to judge me and accuse me of having an agenda, I suggest you get to know me and what I am all about. I could very easily have been like some of the guys on PM who jump from sponsor to sponsor, getting free product for pimping their wares. But thats now what I am all about and never will.