You keep talking about money and suggesting that I am selling GH or are make money off of them somehow. I will ask you once again to post ANY proof whatsoever. Are you going to make another diversion or are you going to back up what you say and post it??? Think about it, why would you post something like that for the world to see without proof, even if you didn't like that person? Why would I be so open about my profession and my personal life if I was selling drugs? So lets see some evidence; otherwise I suggest you shut your mouth.
He can't prove shit!!! That's the thing he just keeps posting and posting with no evidence.

If he had any cares for the community that he so badly wants to be a part. He would try and help instead he feels the need to "help" JIM when JIM doesn't need help.

What he has caused is confusing and division between Meso and other boards.

He believes in his paranoid mind all other boards are useless and are all about bro-science. Sadly I agree some are but there are other boards that have experienced, educated and knowledgeable members.

Damn I keep getting sucked into the google ninja troll. Dammit!!!:)

If he had any cares for the community that he so badly wants to be a part. He would try and help instead he feels the need to "help" JIM when JIM doesn't need help.

Who said I care about the "community" and want to be a part of it? If I cared about being accepted by the "community," I wouldn't have called out Administrator Extraordinaire Lizard Lips on his own forum. I don't give a shit about the online "community." Never have. The vast majority of the so-called veterans of this "community" that you hold in such high esteem participate for no other reason to make money off the community. They're not here to help or contribute, they're here to properly bring up the next generation of noobs (future customers); they're here to ensure noobs learn the etiquette needed for online drug buying so they'll make good future customers; and they're here to screen these "educated" noobs until they find the ones who have proven themselves trustworthy enough to become their customer. Fuck your community, Mands.

I don't participate on other forums because the censorship makes them garbage boards to me. Censorship perpetuates the already pervasive scamming by hiding it, and, what's worse, it permits noobs, the most vulnerable members on all forums, to be taken advantage of by vets, mods, and sources. I came here because I value the truth above all else and Meso is the only uncensored forum in existence, and that lack of censorship provides members with an opportunity to find the truth for themselves, not whatever "truth" the nannies have decided for them. And I've made a few friends here and I care about seeing them do well.

But Meso has serious problems right now. There are way too WKMs using their status to source through PMs. These members aren't here to better the "community", they are here for their own self-interest and greed. It's disgusting that these WKMs are ABUSING the uncensored forum @Millard Baker has provided, for their own gain. They should be ashamed of themselves.

What he has caused is confusing and division between Meso and other boards.

I love how you never provide examples. Regardless, I didn't have to "create" division with other boards. I just had to expose it. Making people aware of what's already there isn't hard. I wish I could take all the credit for it but I can't. There are a lot of other members here that love free speech, and their goal is to uncover the truth too. They deserve as much, if not more credit that I.

He believes in his paranoid mind all other boards are useless and are all about bro-science. Sadly I agree some are but there are other boards that have experienced, educated and knowledgeable members.

Like ProMuscle? You'll fit right in there, Mands. You sound more like a PM member every day.

Damn I keep getting sucked into the google ninja troll. Dammit!!!:)

You're not getting sucked in, you're reacting out of anger because I've made you feel defensive. And you're sounding more like MANWHORE with each post you make.
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Buck posted his GH serums from the gray tops on ProMuscle. They're not impressive. In fact, some might even say they're right in line with what one would expect from injecting 4 IUs.

Serums from Karl's world famous 99.44% pure "pharm grade" GH were unimpressive as well.

"Need a sec to xplain my testing. I test to test the tester, test the test, and test the HGH. I claim my peak @ 2:30 ( i have done several of these to come up with this) this time out i did 3 tests on the Reds. So to test the tester which is I. I did the tests @ 2:19 ,2:35, and 2:49. Peak came in early this time for some reason just being human I guess...
Now to test the test All 3 draws from the same vial so there should be some consistence in the results which there is and it shows. The conclusion can be made that its showing the HGH is being processed and the number diminishes as time elapses. And to test the HGH well no xplination necessary.
My point is I get alot more info out of 3 tests at once than I do 3 separate tests of the same product..

Sciroxx Soma's
13.8 @ 2:15
14.1 @ 2:30
12.8 @ 2:45

Sciroxx Soma's
20.4 @ 2:29

TP Grey's 10iu's except as noted
13.3 @ 2:17
13.9 @ 2:31
13.5 @ 2:48

15.0 @ 2:33

14.7 @ 2:35

6/22/15 20iu's
32.5 @ 2:40

Just an update to Buck's grey top GH serums, his igf-1 is also low - 132 ng/ml REFERENCE 61 - 200 ng/ml.

Buck seems to be blaming the low igf-1 of his high LFTs..

"Got IGF-1 score back from some HGH i beeen running 6 days and it should score as it did before (same batch same product same me) difference i will include full bloods. On Gear and high AST/ALT so looks like i failed to be able to IGF-1 test till this corrects....
This product should test out at around 300

I am about out the door and am looking for those Serum results as I wont be able to report untill sunday the 2nd if not now.....

Spartan This is what i am talking about if yr bloods look anything like this this COULD result in lower IGF-1 Levels
I am On 3.33 HGH P/D some Mast, NPP, Tren

XXXXXX on 3.33 IU's P/D
04/25/15 HGH Serum tested
2:17 - 13.3ng/mL
2:31 - 13.9ng/mL
2:48 - 13.5ng/mL

05/16/15 HGH Serum tested
2:33 - 15.0ng/mL
1 week on
05/22/15 - IGF-1 - 293ng/mL week 1
05/28/15 - IGF-1 - 289ng/mL week 2"

Just an update to Buck's grey top GH serums, his igf-1 is also low - 132 ng/ml REFERENCE 61 - 200 ng/ml.

Buck seems to be blaming the low igf-1 of his high LFTs..

"Got IGF-1 score back from some HGH i beeen running 6 days and it should score as it did before (same batch same product same me) difference i will include full bloods. On Gear and high AST/ALT so looks like i failed to be able to IGF-1 test till this corrects....
This product should test out at around 300

I am about out the door and am looking for those Serum results as I wont be able to report untill sunday the 2nd if not now.....

Spartan This is what i am talking about if yr bloods look anything like this this COULD result in lower IGF-1 Levels
I am On 3.33 HGH P/D some Mast, NPP, Tren

XXXXXX on 3.33 IU's P/D
04/25/15 HGH Serum tested
2:17 - 13.3ng/mL
2:31 - 13.9ng/mL
2:48 - 13.5ng/mL

05/16/15 HGH Serum tested
2:33 - 15.0ng/mL
1 week on
05/22/15 - IGF-1 - 293ng/mL week 1
05/28/15 - IGF-1 - 289ng/mL week 2"


CBS, thats why I made the joke about his shriveled up liver in another post. He has had this issue before where when he does a cycle and his liver enzymes go up, his IGF-1 starts to plummet. Ironically, this happened before on pharm grade Genotropin. I am impressed that you are reading the threads at PM, however you probably should do a little more research because you keep inserting your foot into your mouth.
CBS, thats why I made the joke about his shriveled up liver in another post. He has had this issue before where when he does a cycle and his liver enzymes go up, his IGF-1 starts to plummet. Ironically, this happened before on pharm grade Genotropin. I am impressed that you are reading the threads at PM, however you probably should do a little more research because you keep inserting your foot into your mouth.

I noted his comments re the LFTs and added no commentary of my own. How exactly does simply reporting the facts result in inserting foot in mouth?
Who said I care about the "community" and want to be a part of it? If I cared about being accepted by the "community," I wouldn't have called out Administrator Extraordinaire Lizard Lips on his own forum. I don't give a shit about the online "community." Never have. The vast majority of the so-called veterans of this "community" that you hold in such high esteem participate for no other reason to make money off the community. They're not here to help or contribute, they're here to properly bring up the next generation of noobs (future customers); they're here to ensure noobs learn the etiquette needed for online drug buying so they'll make good future customers; and they're here to screen these "educated" noobs until they find the ones who have proven themselves trustworthy enough to become their customer. Fuck your community, Mands.

I don't participate on other forums because the censorship makes them garbage boards to me. Censorship perpetuates the already pervasive scamming by hiding it, and, what's worse, it permits noobs, the most vulnerable members on all forums, to be taken advantage of by vets, mods, and sources. I came here because I value the truth above all else and Meso is the only uncensored forum in existence, and that lack of censorship provides members with an opportunity to find the truth for themselves, not whatever "truth" the nannies have decided for them. And I've made a few friends here and I care about seeing them do well.

But Meso has serious problems right now. There are way too WKMs using their status to source through PMs. These members aren't here to better the "community", they are here for their own self-interest and greed. It's disgusting that these WKMs are ABUSING the uncensored forum @Millard Baker has provided, for their own gain. They should be ashamed of themselves.

I love how you never provide examples. Regardless, I didn't have to "create" division with other boards. I just had to expose it. Making people aware of what's already there isn't hard. I wish I could take all the credit for it but I can't. There are a lot of other members here that love free speech, and their goal is to uncover the truth too. They deserve as much, if not more credit that I.

Like ProMuscle? You'll fit right in there, Mands. You sound more like a PM member every day.

You're not getting sucked in, you're reacting out of anger because I've made you feel defensive. And you're sounding more like MANWHORE with each post you make.

CBS, I admire who you say you want to be. Whats ironic about this is that you have in front of you the very person at ProMuscle that probably does the most of anyone to expose the scammers. I obviously have no say in getting them banned, but I persistently post in their threads pointing out obvious red flags and make sure that anyone with half a brain understands the situation. I do everything I can, without crossing the line and getting banned myself. My goal there is the same as it is here, and that is to expose the truth. Unfortunately, you don't have that extra sense that some people have where they can sense people intentions correctly and tell whether they are of good nature or bad. I am blessed as I have had that sense all my life and see through people's bullshit and can tell a lot just from a small conversation. If you truly are here to help people out and find the truth, I suggest you do a little more research on me before you cast judgement. Because right now we are both here with the same goals for this thread but you are so set in your ways that you don't realize that.
I noted his comments re the LFTs and added no commentary of my own. How exactly does simply reporting the facts result in inserting foot in mouth?

I was assuming that you were posting that in order to invalidate his results in some way. What was your intention to posting that if that is not the case?
I was assuming that you were posting that in order to invalidate his results in some way. What was your intention to posting that if that is not the case?

There was new and pertinent information to add to my previous post apropos Buck's serum GH test results.

You're very suspicious of other's motives, MH. One might almost think you had spent to much time at ProMuscle.
5-6 IU's of Pharma and a STUDY that shows IGFS in the 600 range, that I'd like to see!

One should be very cautious about using IGF data posted on "the net" from those we don't know.

Oh I too want to see Colts IGF data bc I believe he can be trusted to post legit info
Jim, not everyone uses "the net" as a reference.
My roommates started using gh in the late 90s and I bought my first kits of Humatrope in 2002. Back then no one did gh serum tests. IGF tests were all we had and most guys were using pharma gh until Jintropin came on the scene. The way you and many others talk about generics now is EXACTLY how some argued that Jins were garbage and the Chinese could not produce legit 191aa. IGF test was the only weapon we had at the time to test any growth we used. If not for those tests I would have never tried Jins.
I've personally never gone above 4ius of pharma gh but my roommate and several coworkers who were competitive BBers at the time cruised in the 6-8 iu range. Several of the bloods I saw had IGFs in the 600 range and higher.

Check out this study. Figure 1, bottom chart shows mens IGF levels on 9.5ius well over 750.

Am I reading it wrong?
Jim, not everyone uses "the net" as a reference.
My roommates started using gh in the late 90s and I bought my first kits of Humatrope in 2002. Back then no one did gh serum tests. IGF tests were all we had and most guys were using pharma gh until Jintropin came on the scene. The way you and many others talk about generics now is EXACTLY how some argued that Jins were garbage and the Chinese could not produce legit 191aa. IGF test was the only weapon we had at the time to test any growth we used. If not for those tests I would have never tried Jins.
I've personally never gone above 4ius of pharma gh but my roommate and several coworkers who were competitive BBers at the time cruised in the 6-8 iu range. Several of the bloods I saw had IGFs in the 600 range and higher.

Check out this study. Figure 1, bottom chart shows mens IGF levels on 9.5ius well over 750.

Am I reading it wrong?
Best post on this thread in quite a while. Thank you.

From the study:

"The aim of the present study was to assess the impact of GH administration in supraphysiological doses on the circulating levels of IGF-I and related variables in healthy adults of both sexes. Collection of such data is relevant in view of the ongoing interest in the use of exogenous GH for unlicensed indications in general and GH abuse by athletes in particular (12).

The main findings include 1) IGF-I is the most sensitive marker of GH exposure; 2) the GH-induced increase in IGFBP-3 and ALS is markedly lower compared with that in IGF-I; 3) IGFBP-2 responds very little to GH; and 4) a marked gender difference exists, with men being more responsive to exogenous GH administration.

The large sample size and the randomized design, including two different doses, strengthens the validity of the observations, but the study population, on the other hand, covered a narrow age range of young, healthy, and physically fit individuals. Extrapolations to older people or patients should therefore be made with caution.

At baseline no gender differences were recorded, apart from higher ALS levels among women. Comparable levels of IGF-I, IGFBP-3, and IGFBP-2 between healthy adult males and females has previously been reported (6, 13), but gender differences in IGF-I levels have been observed in particular age groups (14). Females may exhibit slightly higher IGF-I levels than males at puberty and in early adulthood, whereas the opposite has been reported in middle-aged adults (9, 15). In adult hypopituitary patients with documented GH deficiency IGF-I levels are consistently higher in men than in women (9, 16). Our observation of higher ALS levels in women has been reported recently (17), but is in contrast with a previous report in which no gender differences were observed in any age group (7).

The pattern among males was characterized by high and almost identical increments in IGF-I after the two GH doses. In women, the IGF-I response was lower, but a distinct dose responsiveness was observed. Thus, the lower GH dose group apparently reached the top of the dose-response curve in males, but not in females. It is evident that the present study involved the high end of the dose-response curve, but there is evidence from the literature that a gender difference in GH sensitivity also exists with lower GH doses. The relative GH resistance in women has been described by Ghigo et al. (18), who reported that the minimum exogenous GH dose needed to elicit an IGF-I response in normal subjects is higher in women than in men. Both spontaneous and stimulated GH levels are elevated in women compared with men (16, 19, 20), which has been causally linked to differences in estradiol levels. It is, however, unresolved whether the stimulatory effect of estradiol on GH release involves a central stimulation or a negative feedback linkage to peripheral reduction of IGF-I production. In favor of the latter hypothesis, several studies have shown that administration of exogenous estradiol lowers serum IGF-I levels concomitantly with amplification of endogenous GH release (21). It has, on the other hand, recently been reported that both GH release and serum IGF-I levels increase during the periovulatory phase in normal young women, which coincides with elevated endogenous estradiol levels (22). Alternatively, it could be hypothesized that androgens play a permissive role for GH-stimulated IGF-I production. This could explain the suppression of IGF-I production in postmenopausal women during exogenous estradiol administration, which is likely to inhibit endogenous androgen secretion, and it may also account for the low IGF-I levels in hypopituitary females. This theory is supported by Erfurth et al. (23), who found a significant correlation between free testosterone and IGF-I levels. Recently, Span et al. (24) reported that estrogen replacement in GH-deficient women significantly increased GH requirements, and androgen substitution in GH-deficient men increased GH sensitivity. Regardless of the physiological mechanisms the present study demonstrates that women, relative to men, are resistant to GH in terms of IGF-I generation. A similar gender difference has recently been shown regarding the acute lipolytic response to a physiological GH bolus (25). These observations in healthy adults are in accordance with the idea that the GH dose requirements in hypopituitary adults are higher in female patients, as judged by serum IGF-I levels as well as changes in body composition (19). In both sexes GH discontinuation was followed by an abrupt decline in total IGF-I levels.

The elevations in IGFBP-3 and ALS were far less pronounced than those in IGF-I, and again, the response was lower in women than in men. Ghigo et al. (18) reported that IGFBP-3 levels were less increased than IGF-I levels after GH exposure.

It has previously been shown that the circulating total IGF-I/IGFBP-3 ratio is elevated in active acromegaly (13) and after GH administration in both GH-deficient adults (26) and healthy controls (18). Accordingly, we also recorded a significantly increased IGF-I/IGFBP-3 ratio in the present study, which prevailed even 2 weeks after cessation of GH administration.

Serum IGFBP-2 concentrations did not consistently change during GH administration, which contrasts with at least one previous study in which GH administration suppressed circulating IGFBP-2 levels (27). Juul et al. reported decreased IGFBP-2 levels in acromegalic patients (13), and Jørgensen et al. (5) observed suppressed IGFBP-2 levels in active acromegaly, which became normalized after successful surgery, whereas Clemmons et al. (28) reported normal IGFBP-2 levels in active acromegaly and moderately elevated levels in hypopituitary adults.

Our study clearly demonstrated that IGF-I is superior to IGFBP-2, IGFBP-3, and ALS regarding the ability to identify exposure to supraphysiological doses of exogenous GH in healthy subjects. Using the upper 4 sd level of IGF-I in the GH-untreated state as an arbitrary cut-off limit, 86% of men were identified while receiving the high GH dose, and the IGF-I level was not completely returned to baseline 14 days after termination of GH administration. As previously mentioned, this percentage was significantly lower in women. As a mean to detect GH abuse in athletes, a single measurement of IGF-I in serum is probably not sufficiently robust, at least not in females. Whether measurements of other GH-dependent growth markers, alone or in combination with IGF-I, will prove more efficacious must await further analysis."
@heady muscle When calculating the rise in if of the participants using 9.5 ius, that dose converted to roughly 550 point igf increase added to a baseline of 250 resulting in +/-800 igf. 550/9.5 = 58 igf points per iu of growth.
58 x 4ius (my dose) = 232 + 140 (my baseline in the past) = 372
Screen Shot 2015-07-25 at 11.23.16 AM.png Screen Shot 2015-07-25 at 11.27.00 AM.pngThe first test is on 4ius of Rips and the second test was on 4ius of greytops.
Who said I care about the "community" and want to be a part of it? If I cared about being accepted by the "community," I wouldn't have called out Administrator Extraordinaire Lizard Lips on his own forum. I don't give a shit about the online "community." Never have. Fuck your community, Mands.

I don't participate on other forums because the censorship makes them garbage boards to me.

You're not getting sucked in, you're reacting out of anger
This is exactly what I've been waiting for you to say. Good to hear...

You tried to participate on other boards but you were run off. Delusional!!!!! Lol

I'm not angry! Just exposing you for what you are!!! Stick to the General discussions and political discussions. Those you actually know something about.

Peace google ninja!!!

Good post but I don't see where anyone developed an IGF level change of 600 from anything close to 4 IU's.

Incidentally this is not 2002 but 2015 and the way I talk about generics is based on the EVIDENCE I've collated bc UGLS refuse to post any legitimate analytical data about the under dosed "GH" they are selling!
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Problem with using jintropin generics as a marker is that they were so good our govt had to step in and stop them. Basically it was the equivalent to Pharma and our govt said so.
Good post but I don't see where anyone developed an IGF level change of 600 from anything close to 4 IU's.

Incidentally this is not 2002 but 2015 and the way I talk about generics is based on the EVIDENCE I've collated bc UGLS refuse to post any legitimate analytical data about the under dosed "GH" they are selling!

Jim, none of the guys selling the GH actually manufacture it, they are just resellers. I am sure they can get tests from the manufacture or test it themselves; but you and I both know how much credibility those tests have when posted on the internet. No matter what, nobody trusts those and everybody wants independent tests. Thats why these tests you are performing are so important and a great asset to the community IF done correctly. Thats why is critical that they be transparent and we make sure we get it right.
The problem with "Jins" was not our government but PROFITEERS who were selling anything from Nutrasweet to flour in a vial and calling them "Jim's" .

And the circumstances HAVE NOT CHANGED, IMO
This is exactly what I've been waiting for you to say. Good to hear...

If you've been waiting for me to say those words you haven't been paying attention because I've been saying them since I got here. I guess you've been too busy looking after your "personal interests."

You tried to participate on other boards but you were run off. Delusional!!!!! Lol

Name one forum from which I've been "run off." Just one.

I'm not angry! Just exposing you for what you are!!! Stick to the General discussions and political discussions. Those you actually know something about.

If that's the case you're not having much success. Your ignorant "bro science" posts in the T4+HGH off test cycle, advisable thread showed you lack any real PED knowledge. You're a meat head, nothing more. And now that your "motives" are being questioned, you're lashing out with weak flames, just like MANWHORE.

I'm still waiting for your rebuttal to my post, by the way - you know, the rebuttal you said was coming. Please hurry, Mands. Show me how I don't know what I'm talking about. LMFAO
Who said I care about the "community" and want to be a part of it? If I cared about being accepted by the "community," I wouldn't have called out Administrator Extraordinaire Lizard Lips on his own forum. I don't give a shit about the online "community." Never have. The vast majority of the so-called veterans of this "community" that you hold in such high esteem participate for no other reason to make money off the community. They're not here to help or contribute, they're here to properly bring up the next generation of noobs (future customers); they're here to ensure noobs learn the etiquette needed for online drug buying so they'll make good future customers; and they're here to screen these "educated" noobs until they find the ones who have proven themselves trustworthy enough to become their customer. Fuck your community, Mands.

I don't participate on other forums because the censorship makes them garbage boards to me. Censorship perpetuates the already pervasive scamming by hiding it, and, what's worse, it permits noobs, the most vulnerable members on all forums, to be taken advantage of by vets, mods, and sources. I came here because I value the truth above all else and Meso is the only uncensored forum in existence, and that lack of censorship provides members with an opportunity to find the truth for themselves, not whatever "truth" the nannies have decided for them. And I've made a few friends here and I care about seeing them do well.

But Meso has serious problems right now. There are way too WKMs using their status to source through PMs. These members aren't here to better the "community", they are here for their own self-interest and greed. It's disgusting that these WKMs are ABUSING the uncensored forum @Millard Baker has provided, for their own gain. They should be ashamed of themselves.

I love how you never provide examples. Regardless, I didn't have to "create" division with other boards. I just had to expose it. Making people aware of what's already there isn't hard. I wish I could take all the credit for it but I can't. There are a lot of other members here that love free speech, and their goal is to uncover the truth too. They deserve as much, if not more credit that I.

Like ProMuscle? You'll fit right in there, Mands. You sound more like a PM member every day.

You're not getting sucked in, you're reacting out of anger because I've made you feel defensive. And you're sounding more like MANWHORE with each post you make.

After some 3-4 years on Meso it's discouraging to know there is A LOT of truth to those comments CBS.

Unfortunately most Meso members sense of community ends with themselves and their own personal needs or desires.

A classic example of this is the abysmal failure of involved members to post IGF data on this thread alone.

And there should also be no doubt many "vets" on Meso and elsewhere have taken advantage of the ignorance and plight of noobs searching for PEDs.

And to think MANY BB/lifters refer to their companions, acquaintances, or "friends" as BROS!