Your posts are proving it!! Holy shit...

Jim already explained the sample number and you know that!!

You're just here to piss Jim off because his testing doesn't suit your interests, it's blatantly apparent. This guy is spending a lot of his time, not to mention thousands of dollars, on testing and all you want to see happen is that it ends..

What are you talking about? Forget it, not even going to re-explain to someone who is obviously mentally challenged with a subject that is way over his head!! I can see why you guys stick to posting on Meso. On others boards you would get eaten alive trying to pull off bullshit like this.
What are you talking about? Forget it, not even going to re-explain to someone who is obviously mentally challenged with a subject that is way over his head!! I can see why you guys stick to posting on Meso. On others boards you would get eaten alive trying to pull off bullshit like this.

So now you're calling us all mentally challenged essentially, right? I'm fairly certain I'm not but one can never be too sure I guess. still want the standard posted? I'm just trying to stay abreast of the situation.
What are you talking about? Forget it, not even going to re-explain to someone who is obviously mentally challenged with a subject that is way over his head!! I can see why you guys stick to posting on Meso. On others boards you would get eaten alive trying to pull off bullshit like this.

So now you're calling us all mentally challenged essentially, right? I'm fairly certain I'm not but one can never be too sure I guess. still want the standard posted? I'm just trying to stay abreast of the situation.

Yes, I am not sure why it so hard to follow what I am saying or the logic behind. Let me break it down real simply and briefly. You have a standard that is named AS1625-2 that is supposedly Humatrope at 3.72mg/ml. There has never been a Humatrope lab test posted or mentioned before and AS1625-2 was the name given to Karl's GH for a mass spec(the concentration was calculated as well so I am sure the same name was used for that test). So anyone with just a little bit of common sense would wonder how is it possible that this mysterious Humatrope sample got the same identical code name as Karl's GH and coincidentally has the concentration of which would be identical to Karl's GH when accounting for the fact that it was 20iu and not 10iu(1.86mg/ml x 2 = 3.72mg/ml). I mean, what are the odds that someone accidentally named them the same and that the math works out IDENTICAL?? I would say slim to none. But for some reason not only is everyone on here banking on those small odds, but they aren't even asking for the slightest of proof. Jim said it, so it must be right; couldn't be an oversight or anything else.

So whether you like me or not, you should be asking to see this Humatrope test as well. To blindly accept this is ludicrous, and on any other board on the internet, Jim and his tests would have been thrown out a long time ago for refusing to show the necessary data. Ironically, they probably would have sworn up and down that he has an agenda; you know its true. In fact thats exactly what happened on PM, they were deleted and very few believe Jim and most think he is a pompous ass! One last thing; with the accusations from me that Jim is using Karl's GH as the standard, and the fact that he HATES both Karl and I; do you really think that he would keep this test withheld if he actually had it and it proved me wrong?

Come on guys, please tell me that you are smarter than this!! Use some common sense and logic!! Nothing about this scenario makes any sense and even mands stated the other day that he has some questions about things. Do you guys think he is wrong too? This isn't about sticking up for someone because you like them, its about doing the right thing because it makes sense.
Did I say it's hard to follow your logic? I'd say I'm a pretty smart fella. I'm edumacated. I was just hoping you'd state what it is your still doing here. Thanks for that.

I'm all for questioning testing. So outside of trusting the data what else should us idiots do? Do serum testing? Igf baseline and retest 4 weeks in? Compare to a known good PH grade standard? Hmmmm. Those things seem to show a glimpse of intelligence but what do I know. I'm just a Meso idiot....
Did I say it's hard to follow your logic? I'd say I'm a pretty smart fella. I'm edumacated. I was just hoping you'd state what it is your still doing here. Thanks for that.

I'm all for questioning testing. So outside of trusting the data what else should us idiots do? Do serum testing? Igf baseline and retest 4 weeks in? Compare to a known good PH grade standard? Hmmmm. Those things seem to show a glimpse of intelligence but what do I know. I'm just a Meso idiot....

So if you follow my logic and are all for questioning the data; then why are you not doing anything?
Nice come back!! You know what I mean, you are working against me as opposed to with me to help get Jim to post the data.

Not bad for an illiterate Meso man huh.

I've been here long enough to know Jim isn't going to post anything he doesn't want to.

I'm not working against you at all. Against your methods? Absolutely. I'm doing all I can to verify the testing. I am not in the lab but I do trust Jim would let us know if there was an error in testing. Hell the data on the sample I sent in isn't even posted. Still doing my part though.
Not bad for an illiterate Meso man huh.

I've been here long enough to know Jim isn't going to post anything he doesn't want to.

I'm not working against you at all. Against your methods? Absolutely. I'm doing all I can to verify the testing. I am not in the lab but I do trust Jim would let us know if there was an error in testing. Hell the data on the sample I sent in isn't even posted. Still doing my part though.

Have you done any IGF-1's before other than the baseline you posted?
Me also. That's why intend to run the Serostim after and retest. No question of their legitimacy.

If this issue of concentration isn't resolved by then, would you consider sending a vial of serostim to Jim for testing? This would without a doubt prove whether the humatrope standard is correct or not.
So now you're calling us all mentally challenged essentially, right? I'm fairly certain I'm not but one can never be too sure I guess. still want the standard posted? I'm just trying to stay abreast of the situation.

Oh posting the standard it AINT gonna happen Bozo, esp for your worthless ass Meat Head, lol!

You've already made it clear you won't, don't and can't believe the analyses I've posted to date so why would I waste my time.

Nope what YOU SEE is what YOU GET, nothing more or less. Believe it or not I could care less, bc your opinion isn't worth the time of day, haha.
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Not bad for an illiterate Meso man huh.

I've been here long enough to know Jim isn't going to post anything he doesn't want to.

I'm not working against you at all. Against your methods? Absolutely. I'm doing all I can to verify the testing. I am not in the lab but I do trust Jim would let us know if there was an error in testing. Hell the data on the sample I sent in isn't even posted. Still doing my part though.

There are "NO ERRORS" in this testing and MH KNOWS it! The generic GH on PM (at least based on the samples I've tested) is under dosed and he KNOWS THAT ALSO.
Oh posting the standard it AINT gonna happen Bozo, esp for your worthless ass Meat Head, lol!

You've already made it clear you won't, don't and can't believe the analyses I've posted to date so why would I waste my time.

Nope what YOU SEE is what YOU GET, nothing more or less. Believe it or not I could care less, bc your opinion isn't worth the time of day, haha.

Of course not, because you know you are wrong!!! If you thought you were right, you would post it in an instant to shut me up!!!