Marvel Labs

I didn't like him even more when I found out he was trying to capture IP addresses through the PM system. That is some really shady shit that puts members security at jeopardy.
So far, it looks like you have been using these skills for nefarious purposes. I don't use those skills often but when I do I use it for the right cause.
members security?
you sure about that?

I don't know you, and I don't know the "guy behind you" is earned. How are you to determine what "the right cause" is? You better go ahead and assume there is way more going on around here than IP tracking, if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about...MESO is self regulated by it's members, and no one guy calls the shots. It's up to the community and individuals to collectively decide what is right/best for our community. So you've weighed in, we know where you stand.
The "Steroid Underground" forum is intended for members only to share good and bad experiences ordering anabolic steroids on the internet black market, to provide steroid source reviews, to share links and ask questions about third party websites selling steroids, to talk about underground labs (UGLs) and to report steroid scammers.

Better off just sticking to the bad experiences.
Real tough guy. You don't even train. You just like hanging out on bbing boards jacking members around. Insulting anyone who has a different opinion. You are a real piece of work.

I dont know about blood in the water. Smells more like bacon bits to me.

How are things going at TID, Paul? I hear you had another meltdown over there and they banned your drug addled ass. LMFAO
members security?
you sure about that?

I don't know you, and I don't know the "guy behind you" is earned. How are you to determine what "the right cause" is? You better go ahead and assume there is way more going on around here than IP tracking, if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about...MESO is self regulated by it's members, and no one guy calls the shots. It's up to the community and individuals to collectively decide what is right/best for our community. So you've weighed in, we know where you stand.

I couldn't have said it better myself. You tell him my brother.
How are things going at TID, Paul? I hear you had another meltdown over there and they banned your drug addled ass. LMFAO
How would you know. Did a bird tell you? You know I can't talk about secret stuff. Nice try though:) Someone should be taking notes.

Come on be nice. We should have a spirit of reconciliation. I stuck uo for you. I didn't want anyone to misconstrue your post to my good friend PI22 as a death threat.
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How are things going at TID, Paul? I hear you had another meltdown over there and they banned your drug addled ass. LMFAO
Now Millard and I spoke of this kind of situation and we agreed that we should have proof to back up our claims:) where is your proff I'm a drug addict.

I don't like you and you don't like me, that's okay.

Again how do you know what happens at TID. That bird is sweating about now. You just made my case. Thank you.

How are the workouts going?
I have to go for a couple hrs. I will be back. Thanks cbs you really helped me out:)
Now Millard and I spoke of this kind of situation and we agreed that we should have proof to back up our claims:) where is your proff I'm a drug addict.

Here yo go, Paul:
I'm a drug addict, an alcoholic and a degenerate gambler.

You should know by now that I wouldn't make a claim without being able to back it up.

I don't like you and you don't like me, that's okay.

I don't dislike you, Paul. I don't really give you much thought, to be honest.

Again how do you know what happens at TID. That bird is sweating about now. You just made my case. Thank you.

I don't know anything about birds sweating but I have my sources. I understand your meltdown wasn't a pretty sight - even worse than the last one you had here. That's hard to believe.

How are the workouts going?

Great, thank you for asking.
That is not proof. You are smarter than that.

I have to go. I'm going tubbing, we got some good snow last night.

Where do you get all this inside info about TID? You were a vet, then you got demoted. I don't get it. Thanks again buddy. We can talk latter. It's been fun.
Then on top of all of this, he calls himself "Anonymous". If you don't know about hacking, then this probably doesn't mean anything to you. But to me, I see behind the mask @pumpingiron22. Just remember, there are others here that have the same skills as you, if not better. So far, it looks like you have been using these skills for nefarious purposes. I don't use those skills often but when I do I use it for the right cause.

He answered a question that was directed at him asking if his order was known by Marvel or if it was anonymous and he answered "I am anonymous". This statement was not thrown out there from the sky it was a answer to a specific question. You are insinuating that he is identifying himself as belonging to the hacker collective Anonymous which is clearly a stretch on your part when put into context.

On another note i will address your comment about your "skills". You called pi22 a "wannabe hacker" yet you throw out the claim that you have skills if not better. Anyone with above average knowledge that expands beyond simple ip phishing will know to keep it to themselves. You have made a couple statements on here about your supposed "skills". It's a silly one sided dick measuring contest that you are engaging in and unless you are a teenager you would not be boasting of your skills to any audience. Ones with advanced knowledge are smart enough to work in the shadows. They don't put the spotlight on themselves. I personally can't wait to see your self proclaimed hacking skills in action
My issue isn't with him just posting a "review" about Marvel on this thread. I haven't engaged in any of the same behaviors. I didn't get free gear for posting a review. I didn't post on a source thread my "experience" with the lab. I didn't use my status to try to talk up a lab. Not to mention, I can at least back up my "feelings" with data.

I didn't like him when he tried passing off some Instagram girl as his girlfriend. I didn't like him even more when I found out he was trying to capture IP addresses through the PM system. That is some really shady shit that puts members security at jeopardy. With the ip addresses and the Marvel review, my concern isn't the WKM's. My concern is for the new guy that shows up behind me, because that is what I was taught to do.

If someone doesn't speak up and call out "The Wolf", then we will all just be prey to him soon. Remember, this is how he describes himself. As a wolf. He's a self-admitted predator and only cares for himself.

Then on top of all of this, he calls himself "Anonymous". If you don't know about hacking, then this probably doesn't mean anything to you. But to me, I see behind the mask @pumpingiron22. Just remember, there are others here that have the same skills as you, if not better. So far, it looks like you have been using these skills for nefarious purposes. I don't use those skills often but when I do I use it for the right cause.[/QUOTE...,..........................................................................................

You are obviously a 2nd handle lol you know me so well. I find it humors that you say I'm a pretend hacker. When did I ever say I was a hacker.
But then you admit that I can hack and have a certain skill set. You really think you going to earn kool points by attacking me. This is a grown man conversion between two adults. At the end of the day I respect CBS and he does me. Although we may not agree on methods there a mutual respect at the end of the day. This has all been blow out of portion to create a big story of nothing. To stroke one mans ego. I talked to Millard and I am well with in the rules of leaving a comments about shipping and my experience. I am however disappointed that this behavior is allowed toward members in good standing. Anyways I told Millard that I will be the bigger man and not argue the only thing I'm upset about is I let some one get under my skin and I played in to this behaviour. I'm not that type of person. I am a husband,father and good Christian man. I believe in honesty and respect toward each other. And when I say I am a wolf you have to be in this world which means. You have to be strong and fight against the flow in this world. Or get swept away. I do not just go with flow of sheep in this world. That's what makes a man standing up I'm this world for his self family and moral's.
You are obviously a 2nd handle lol you know me so well. I find it humors that you say I'm a pretend hacker. When did I ever say I was a hacker.
But then you admit that I can hack and have a certain skill set. You really think you going to earn kool points by attacking me. This is a grown man conversion between two adults. At the end of the day I respect CBS and he does me. Although we may not agree on methods there a mutual respect at the end of the day. This has all been blow out of portion to create a big story of nothing. To stroke one mans ego. I talked to Millard and I am well with in the rules of leaving a comments about shipping and my experience. I am however disappointed that this behavior is allowed toward members in good standing. Anyways I told Millard that I will be the bigger man and not argue the only thing I'm upset about is I let some one get under my skin and I played in to this behaviour. I'm not that type of person. I am a husband,father and good Christian man. I believe in honesty and respect toward each other. And when I say I am a wolf you have to be in this world which means. You have to be strong and fight against the flow in this world. Or get swept away. I do not just go with flow of sheep in this world. That's what makes a man standing up I'm this world for his self family and moral'
Also everything I have learned this skill set I have shared with the community. Including CBS.
I have many post helping and teaching people to protect there selves.
I spend countless hours giving tutorial of security emails and bit coin.
What have you done for the community. M I can tell you absolutely nothing
You are obviously a 2nd handle lol you know me so well. I find it humors that you say I'm a pretend hacker. When did I ever say I was a hacker.
But then you admit that I can hack and have a certain skill set. You really think you going to earn kool points by attacking me. This is a grown man conversion between two adults. At the end of the day I respect CBS and he does me. Although we may not agree on methods there a mutual respect at the end of the day. This has all been blow out of portion to create a big story of nothing. To stroke one mans ego. I talked to Millard and I am well with in the rules of leaving a comments about shipping and my experience. I am however disappointed that this behavior is allowed toward members in good standing. Anyways I told Millard that I will be the bigger man and not argue the only thing I'm upset about is I let some one get under my skin and I played in to this behaviour. I'm not that type of person. I am a husband,father and good Christian man. I believe in honesty and respect toward each other. And when I say I am a wolf you have to be in this world which means. You have to be strong and fight against the flow in this world. Or get swept away. I do not just go with flow of sheep in this world. That's what makes a man standing up I'm this world for his self family and moral'
excellent post!!! especially where you say you and cbs respect each other. at the end of the day we're all here to look out for each other
That is not proof. You are smarter than that.

I have to go. I'm going tubbing, we got some good snow last night.

Where do you get all this inside info about TID? You were a vet, then you got demoted. I don't get it. Thanks again buddy. We can talk latter. It's been fun.

Hahahahaha. You're still going on about shit above your comprehension level. You being banned at TID is not only pretty funny, considering how you felt about this place when you left it, but it's also common/public knowledge. Anybody can go on TID, search your username, and see the word, in capital letters, BANNED. Toodles and I hope you enjoyed your ride while it lasted since we all know your true colors were bound to show.
So your saying that theres a chance he might be g2g?

Hey Odie.

I ask you, and all other members to look at our proof of product and track record. Marvel labs is by far the largest steroid vendor on darkweb. Marvel is branching out to the clearnet to allow those who can't access to darkweb the opportunity to run Marvel gear.

We have our reddit page (non-sponsored) which shows bloods, labmax, and a link to all of Marvels darkweb markets, and his GRAMS page (all of marvels history)
