Marvel Labs

Dark web. Bro
it wasn't a loaded question...
the reason I ask is bc the one thing I learned from the Spetz debacle is...I thought I did everything by the book. Good, bad, or indifferent I just told the truth. To post a positive experience, and receive criticism and attacks on my character by the community I had grown so fond of hurt, it was infuriating for me. I never told a lie, just my personal experience for what it was worth, and those experiences were good. I so staunchly defended my character that I was willing to throw the fuck down on some members I really truly respected, the infighting was terrible, diverted us from our primary purpose here. But once the smoke cleared I realized I had made one large misstep in my dealings with Spetz, although my first order was truly anonymous from an email unrelated to this handle, at one point Spetz was having trouble using GPG and I had to message him and walk him through it. Well, looking back that connected the dots...
although I never asked for, was promised, or "schilled" for preferential treatment I certainly got it moving forward. I didn't know at the time it was preferential of course, and I certainly didn't think my opinion had any type of influence over any other members here. But turns out it did....

You haven't seen me in the underground since. Recently things have been so out of hand around here I've been trying to make a habit of hanging around more...but the truth is, these guys need to go. Every fuckin open public source on this board needs to go...

Let guys procure how they will, but don't fuckin do it here, no more free rent on our board. And we need all our members that make MESO so great to get on board with that, all this drama is counterproductive to the education and implementation of training techniques for the enhanced athlete. Let's talk about labels, let's talk about testing, let's talk about training, lets talk about doping....but procurement. Nah. "Try google" ;)
it wasn't a loaded question...
the reason I ask is bc the one thing I learned from the Spetz debacle is...I thought I did everything by the book. Good, bad, or indifferent I just told the truth. To post a positive experience, and receive criticism and attacks on my character by the community I had grown so fond of hurt, it was infuriating for me. I never told a lie, just my personal experience for what it was worth, and those experiences were good. I so staunchly defended my character that I was willing to throw the fuck down on some members I really truly respected, the infighting was terrible, diverted us from our primary purpose here. But once the smoke cleared I realized I had made one large misstep in my dealings with Spetz, although my first order was truly anonymous from an email unrelated to this handle, at one point Spetz was having trouble using GPG and I had to message him and walk him through it. Well, looking back that connected the dots...
although I never asked for, was promised, or "schilled" for preferential treatment I certainly got it moving forward. I didn't know at the time it was preferential of course, and I certainly didn't think my opinion had any type of influence over any other members here. But turns out it did....

You haven't seen me in the underground since. Recently things have been so out of hand around here I've been trying to make a habit of hanging around more...but the truth is, these guys need to go. Every fuckin open public source on this board needs to go...

Let guys procure how they will, but don't fuckin do it here, no more free rent on our board. And we need all our members that make MESO so great to get on board with that, all this drama is counterproductive to the education and implementation of training techniques for the enhanced athlete. Let's talk about labels, let's talk about testing, let's talk about training, lets talk about doping....but procurement. Nah. "Try google" ;)

The whole point of the Steroid Underground section is to discuss the procurement of steroids and member's experiences with different manufacturers.

I agree that the problem is having sources, reps and shills living and making a living in this section of the forum. It is pretty well known here that you shouldn't vouch for labs or claim they are gtg. Those they do so, especially without proof, are the other part of the problem. We are seeing a lot of this in the Naps thread where new members are talking up the source for discounts or saying they are gtg based on T/A and communication. But when a WKM does it, especially that knows better, more people are going to be hurt by it.
it wasn't a loaded question...
the reason I ask is bc the one thing I learned from the Spetz debacle is...I thought I did everything by the book. Good, bad, or indifferent I just told the truth. To post a positive experience, and receive criticism and attacks on my character by the community I had grown so fond of hurt, it was infuriating for me. I never told a lie, just my personal experience for what it was worth, and those experiences were good. I so staunchly defended my character that I was willing to throw the fuck down on some members I really truly respected, the infighting was terrible, diverted us from our primary purpose here. But once the smoke cleared I realized I had made one large misstep in my dealings with Spetz, although my first order was truly anonymous from an email unrelated to this handle, at one point Spetz was having trouble using GPG and I had to message him and walk him through it. Well, looking back that connected the dots...
although I never asked for, was promised, or "schilled" for preferential treatment I certainly got it moving forward. I didn't know at the time it was preferential of course, and I certainly didn't think my opinion had any type of influence over any other members here. But turns out it did....

You haven't seen me in the underground since. Recently things have been so out of hand around here I've been trying to make a habit of hanging around more...but the truth is, these guys need to go. Every fuckin open public source on this board needs to go...

Let guys procure how they will, but don't fuckin do it here, no more free rent on our board. And we need all our members that make MESO so great to get on board with that, all this drama is counterproductive to the education and implementation of training techniques for the enhanced athlete. Let's talk about labels, let's talk about testing, let's talk about training, lets talk about doping....but procurement. Nah. "Try google" ;)

oh i agree. i just think all of this is bs. im not going to go over all the spetz crap all ove again this has all been talked about over and delt with this was all brought up so cbs could tie a story about my commwnt about me saying i recived what i ordetd in to some big story making something little in to somthing big just like a news reporter. there ias no story here. you say im paranoid but look at you obsessing over me over and oveer. you obssed and paranoid your mad cause i hurt your ego. you havew to be thw biggest feed troll i have evwer mwt you are trash and providw nothing but negitivity to this fourm i am donw with you ans will no longer feed you ego you will be ignored
The whole point of the Steroid Underground section is to discuss the procurement of steroids and member's experiences with different manufacturers.

I agree that the problem is having sources, reps and shills living and making a living in this section of the forum. It is pretty well known here that you shouldn't vouch for labs or claim they are gtg. Those they do so, especially without proof, are the other part of the problem. We are seeing a lot of this in the Naps thread where new members are talking up the source for discounts or saying they are gtg based on T/A and communication. But when a WKM does it, especially that knows better, more people are going to be hurt by it.

This is straight from the sticky on the steroid underground:

The "Steroid Underground" forum is intended for members only to share good and bad experiences ordering anabolic steroids on the internet black market, to provide steroid source reviews, to share links and ask questions about third party websites selling steroids, to talk about underground labs (UGLs) and to report steroid scammers.


Nowhere in there does it say anything about procurement. It was made to have unbiased reviews on UGLs which cant happen on other sites because of censorship.

Now because this is a largely unmoderated forum UGLs do come and they dont get banned. Its not the intent. But it is what it is.
I smell blood in the water and it's so exhilarating! Your deflections cannot save you.
Real tough guy. You don't even train. You just like hanging out on bbing boards jacking members around. Insulting anyone who has a different opinion. You are a real piece of work.

I dont know about blood in the water. Smells more like bacon bits to me.
it wasn't a loaded question...
the reason I ask is bc the one thing I learned from the Spetz debacle is...I thought I did everything by the book. Good, bad, or indifferent I just told the truth. To post a positive experience, and receive criticism and attacks on my character by the community I had grown so fond of hurt, it was infuriating for me. I never told a lie, just my personal experience for what it was worth, and those experiences were good. I so staunchly defended my character that I was willing to throw the fuck down on some members I really truly respected, the infighting was terrible, diverted us from our primary purpose here. But once the smoke cleared I realized I had made one large misstep in my dealings with Spetz, although my first order was truly anonymous from an email unrelated to this handle, at one point Spetz was having trouble using GPG and I had to message him and walk him through it. Well, looking back that connected the dots...
although I never asked for, was promised, or "schilled" for preferential treatment I certainly got it moving forward. I didn't know at the time it was preferential of course, and I certainly didn't think my opinion had any type of influence over any other members here. But turns out it did....

You haven't seen me in the underground since. Recently things have been so out of hand around here I've been trying to make a habit of hanging around more...but the truth is, these guys need to go. Every fuckin open public source on this board needs to go...

Let guys procure how they will, but don't fuckin do it here, no more free rent on our board. And we need all our members that make MESO so great to get on board with that, all this drama is counterproductive to the education and implementation of training techniques for the enhanced athlete. Let's talk about labels, let's talk about testing, let's talk about training, lets talk about doping....but procurement. Nah. "Try google" ;)

It does hurt to be attacked. But the insults are not needed. Its okay to disagree. It always ends the same way. We see who can be the rudest, and the rudest one wins?
The "Steroid Underground" forum is intended for members only to share good and bad experiences ordering anabolic steroids on the internet black market, to provide steroid source reviews, to share links and ask questions about third party websites selling steroids, to talk about underground labs (UGLs) and to report steroid scammers

experiences ordering anabolic steroids on the internet black market,

^This is procurement, Jay.

Sending you a dictionary for Kwanza bro ;)
It is pretty well known here that you shouldn't vouch for labs or claim they are gtg. Those they do so, especially without proof, are the other part of the problem. But when a WKM does it, especially that knows better, more people are going to be hurt by it.
I also got my Well-Known Member status today. So grateful for Meso. :)

That's some extra/backup Adex I got for free with my order. I believe it's underdosed from my experience and others though. I think it is about half of pharmacy grade dose in my opinion. Would like to hear others thoughts on this.

Without bloods, it's just anecdotal but I believe it's properly dosed.

Listen here I'm goin to save you a real blasting bc you've been here less than 60 days, but since you are all of a sudden God's gift to Meso lemme break it down for you son. Before you jump on a REAL "well known member" like @pumpingiron22 who has made valuable contributions to the community in his tenure here...make sure you ain't livin in a glass house there fish. You've been on trt for what maybe 2 months and ordered your first cycle from Pharmacom, got some free adex, and now suddenly you can tell that his Prop is properly dosed based on feel??? Fuckin pot callin the kettle black eh??
Listen here I'm goin to save you a real blasting bc you've been here less than 60 days, but since you are all of a sudden God's gift to Meso lemme break it down for you son. Before you jump on a REAL "well known member" like @pumpingiron22 who has made valuable contributions to the community in his tenure here...make sure you ain't livin in a glass house there fish. You've been on trt for what maybe 2 months and ordered your first cycle from Pharmacom, got some free adex, and now suddenly you can tell that his Prop is properly dosed based on feel??? Fuckin pot callin the kettle black eh??


The whole point of the Steroid Underground section is to discuss the procurement of steroids and member's experiences with different manufacturers.

experiences ordering anabolic steroids on the internet black market,

^This is procurement, Jay.

Sending you a dictionary for Kwanza bro ;)

@jaymaximus was very politely trying to help you out there and give you an opportunity to save face. I wasn't goin to jump in and point out you're completely misguided, I thought it may turn confrontational, so jaymax handled it quite nicely. But there you go again, spouting off with your fucking smug attitude....I will tell you what for someone that "reads so much" and "has lurked so long" it amazes me you haven't managed to read the Steroid Underground Rules clearly posted in the subforum. This area is for MEMBERS ONLY to post and share in discussion...srcs, reps, schills, and anyone affiliated with and/or rec'g compensation from a "manufacturer" is NOT A MEMBER.

Take a walk around the block and clear your head, you've been in the underground too happens to all of us from time to time. But don't be surprised when you see all these fly-by-night startups run the fuck out.
experiences ordering anabolic steroids on the internet black market,

^This is procurement, Jay.

Sending you a dictionary for Kwanza bro ;)

EXPERIENCES ordering. There's key words.

Procurement is the act of acquiring, buying goods, services or works from an external source.

Key word is that definition. EXTERNAL source.
@mkulltra58 you may be knowledgeable and been in the game a good while, just be careful considering you been a member here nearly 2 months. Disagreement is fine just don't dish on people unless you can back up your assertions.

Don't lose sight of the fact this is an uncensored forum. Sorry if I did sound harsh posting that but I think you make great contributions here just don't throw it all away.
you sure?
how sure?
would you bet your life on it?

I'm not defending PI for any of his actions in regards to posting the reviews or whatever, he's a grown man he can stand up for himself he don't need me. However, to say that he isn't a valuable asset and made contributions here is just simply ignorant. Especially by a new boot, especially a new boot engaging in the exact same behaviors he's attempting to call a long time vet out on. Get off your high horse. When you get burned by this bathtub operation, or pharmacom, or the next scwhill factory that pops up are gonna wish you had a PI and the other vets to stand in your corner. He's a great asset period.
@jaymaximus was very politely trying to help you out there and give you an opportunity to save face. I wasn't goin to jump in and point out you're completely misguided, I thought it may turn confrontational, so jaymax handled it quite nicely. But there you go again, spouting off with your fucking smug attitude....I will tell you what for someone that "reads so much" and "has lurked so long" it amazes me you haven't managed to read the Steroid Underground Rules clearly posted in the subforum. This area is for MEMBERS ONLY to post and share in discussion...srcs, reps, schills, and anyone affiliated with and/or rec'g compensation from a "manufacturer" is NOT A MEMBER.

Take a walk around the block and clear your head, you've been in the underground too happens to all of us from time to time. But don't be surprised when you see all these fly-by-night startups run the fuck out.

If you thought I was being rude to @jaymaximus, you are mistaken. This was actually very light-hearted and playful. I can't be responsible for you mistaking the tone of a post.

EXPERIENCES ordering. There's key words.

Procurement is the act of acquiring, buying goods, services or works from an external source.

Key word is that definition. EXTERNAL source.

Ordering is still part of the procurement of steroids. When you are ordering online, are you not acquiring and buying goods??
@mkulltra58 you may be knowledgeable and been in the game a good while, just be careful considering you been a member here nearly 2 months. Disagreement is fine just don't dish on people unless you can back up your assertions.

Don't lose sight of the fact this is an uncensored forum. Sorry if I did sound harsh posting that but I think you make great contributions here just don't throw it all away.

I understand where you are coming from but TEK decided to attack me and of course I am going to defend myself. I know I have done nothing other than try to contribute to Meso and AnabolicLab. He can attack me all he wants, I'm not going anywhere.
I understand where you are coming from but TEK decided to attack me and of course I am going to defend myself. I know I have done nothing other than try to contribute to Meso and AnabolicLab. He can attack me all he wants, I'm not going anywhere.
Ok if tek attacked you he had his reasons so why not just address the points he's raised.
you sure?
how sure?
would you bet your life on it?

I'm not defending PI for any of his actions in regards to posting the reviews or whatever, he's a grown man he can stand up for himself he don't need me. However, to say that he isn't a valuable asset and made contributions here is just simply ignorant. Especially by a new boot, especially a new boot engaging in the exact same behaviors he's attempting to call a long time vet out on. Get off your high horse. When you get burned by this bathtub operation, or pharmacom, or the next scwhill factory that pops up are gonna wish you had a PI and the other vets to stand in your corner. He's a great asset period.

My issue isn't with him just posting a "review" about Marvel on this thread. I haven't engaged in any of the same behaviors. I didn't get free gear for posting a review. I didn't post on a source thread my "experience" with the lab. I didn't use my status to try to talk up a lab. Not to mention, I can at least back up my "feelings" with data.

I didn't like him when he tried passing off some Instagram girl as his girlfriend. I didn't like him even more when I found out he was trying to capture IP addresses through the PM system. That is some really shady shit that puts members security at jeopardy. With the ip addresses and the Marvel review, my concern isn't the WKM's. My concern is for the new guy that shows up behind me, because that is what I was taught to do.

If someone doesn't speak up and call out "The Wolf", then we will all just be prey to him soon. Remember, this is how he describes himself. As a wolf. He's a self-admitted predator and only cares for himself.

Then on top of all of this, he calls himself "Anonymous". If you don't know about hacking, then this probably doesn't mean anything to you. But to me, I see behind the mask @pumpingiron22. Just remember, there are others here that have the same skills as you, if not better. So far, it looks like you have been using these skills for nefarious purposes. I don't use those skills often but when I do I use it for the right cause.
I understand where you are coming from but TEK decided to attack me and of course I am going to defend myself. I know I have done nothing other than try to contribute to Meso and AnabolicLab. He can attack me all he wants, I'm not going anywhere.
No one is attacking you, you were the clear aggressor in all of this. I originally only spoke up to try to diffuse the situation between two well respected put your .02 in their argument. You put your .02 in my statement about not letting srcs have free rent on the board. You put in your .02 in when jaymax pointed you to the rules. You don't have to go anywhere, we are all here for the same purpose, but before you go off and start preaching to the community maybe you should get a better grasp of what that purpose truly is ;)