Marvel Labs

And any way fuck my status take my name I don't believe in titles I didn't ask for it either.
I'm so sorry about your son CBS but it was not steroids. I know that's why you hate all steroids and sources. It obvious. One think I learned is you are a ego manic old man behind ur PC. Who does not even work out what a loser. Keep eating those big macs. It looks good on ya. I find it humours that people even bwlive anything you say. Lol
Your missing my point. What if he was taking test e and EQ. The test was bunk and EQ was actually test. The gear is still jacked and your bloods are giving you idea all is gtg.

That's true that's a possibility, so you have to take that into consideration when you get the tests done.

But in most cases, especially test only cycles, blood work is a good indication of the gear you're working with when it's paired with pre cycle bloods.

But I think packaging and shipping should only be brought up if it's bad so people can be warned. If it's good, so what? It's should be good.

For well known sources, nobody cares about a review based on good shipping and communication alone because it gets old. Now if you bring up a problem with either one of those then we have something to look into.

For new sources who haven't done any testing whatsoever, you're just giving false impressions of a good lab by bringing up shipping and communication. So they responded promptly and sent you a nice stealth package in short time. The package might contain vials of crap that's completely bunk and here you just bragged them up in public for everyone to see.

Test the gear, test your blood while you're on the gear, or list any problems you're having with the lab. You'll learn more from legit evidence and critics than you will from anything else.

I believe any review that doesn't contain one of those things is useless as far as members being able to learn something from it. Anything else is just opinion.
And any way fuck my status take my name I don't believe in titles I didn't ask for it either.
I'm so sorry about your son CBS but it was not steroids. I know that's why you hate all steroids and sources. It obvious. One think I learned is you are a ego manic old man behind ur PC. Who does not even work out what a loser. Keep eating those big macs. It looks good on ya. I find it humours that people even bwlive anything you say. Lol

You better stick to prepping for the zombie apocalypse, PI - you're not much of an investigator. Wearing your tinfoil beanie as you peek out the blinds while worrying about the little green men who are coming to cart you off to one of the concentration camps the US government is setting up at Walmart is a much better use of your paranoid delusions than trying to play make-believe computer hacker. Either that or try Thorazine.

So you don't work out?
You dont like body building?
You hate steroid's
And your old guy behind of PC?
What's your point of being here it won't bring back you son. You think by bashing every sources and member here will stop them from not using.
This a steroid fourm.
I reamber you coming to me pi how can I get IPS I need help and I taught you a few thing and you sent mW IP to find locations asking are these IP all from the same place? I told you no. And you went ahead a put on the thread that 3 members were the same person with the same location.
YOU LIED that when I knew you were full of it and will! Do or say anything to destroy any source or any member that does not agree with you.
You only be here a couple of years to rise so quick members will soon see your lies and grow tiered of you pointing fingers. At everyone. Then you will go troll another fourm. And so on. I see all things and yes my hacking skills might be so so. But I live on the dark web ands have plenty of friends that can get things done
I reamber you coming to me pi how can I get IPS I need help and I taught you a few thing and you sent mW IP to find locations asking are these IP all from the same place? I told you no. And you went ahead a put on the thread that 3 members were the same person with the same location.
YOU LIED that when I knew you were full of it and will! Do or say anything to destroy any source or any member that does not agree with you.

Your memory is faulty. You didn't say "no" about anything. Not once.

The only thing I asked you about was whether the IP I had for Spetz matched the one you claimed to have. Your response was "Bingo I believe you got it brother nice work."

I didn't ask you about any other IPs, nor did I ask you how to get an IP, nor did you teach me anything. You're making things up now.

So the only one lying here is you. This thread has been very enlightening, PI. You're being further exposed as dishonest with each post you make. Nice job!

Let me know if you want to be humiliated even more and I'll be happy to post the PMs.
Lol. I don't care about the source but more interested why a old man on a fourm who does not work out does not care for bb. Does not do gear.
But just enjoys bashing people and sources. Sound like you have some vengeance. Maybe you LE? Sound like funny business to me.
Members going back and forth with each other on a shitty labs thread. Yupp, same shit lol

Oh, no! Not the same shit at all. This isn't just a back-and-forth piss fest, it's a text book example of how to take apart a lying member's credibility with surgical precision. Mr. PI's duplicity is being exposed, and at the rate he's going, I expect we'll soon have confirmation of his involvement with Spetz.
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Lol. I don't care about the source but more interested why a old man on a fourm who does not work out does not care for bb. Does not do gear.
But just enjoys bashing people and sources. Sound like you have some vengeance. Maybe you LE? Sound like funny business to me.

The one not the others that's how I know you lie. Starting to smell like bacon in here.

I smell blood in the water and it's so exhilarating! Your deflections cannot save you.
Im clean brother I own my own biz and have no reason to sell out for a couple of bottles. Every one is tired of you CBS and you don't even know it. You have let your ego get out of control. And creating a bad atmosphere and it will all play out. With you being the king with all the newbies looking up to you a old mans dream. Who hates gear. How old was your son by the way.
The only thing I asked you about was whether the IP I had for Spetz matched the one you claimed to have. Your response was "Bingo I believe you got it brother nice work."
Did it trace back to a university computer lab in Pittsburg?

Let me know if you want to be humiliated even more and I'll be happy to post the PMs.
I've tried to stay out of this all day, but please guys....please fucking knock it off. You are both well respected members in my eyes and many others. You both have made valuable contributions to the community, and you're not going anywhere. This infighting sheds poor light on us all...
@pumpingiron22 @CensoredBoardsSuck Please consider what I said. Let's keep a level head here. Please.

I do think it's interesting that no one seemed to raise the most important question in my mind...PI did you order anonymously???
Im clean brother I own my own biz and have no reason to sell out for a couple of bottles. Every one is tired of you CBS and you don't even know it. You have let your ego get out of control. And creating a bad atmosphere and it will all play out. With you being the king with all the newbies looking up to you a old mans dream. Who hates gear. How old was your son by the way.

Come on, PI. Admit that you were involved with Spetz. Most people already suspect it anyway. You'll feel much better once you get that weight off your chest.

Here, let me get it started for you. These two posts strongly suggest that you were involved with Spetz:

I asked anyone to contact me if there were any pending orders out. I had two people contact me you were not one of them. As far as I know everyone has been talking care of even me. Spetz is gone and out of the game And is now regular 9 to 5r. The shipped has sailed.

^^^^ I appreciate your response. And I already explained. A few pages back. Ive been put in a odd position. For some reason Spetz only corresponds with me. Because he wanted out of the game and does not really want to be on this board anymore or any others. I just wanted to make sure meso members got what they paid for including me. And now im done.

The truth shall set you free, PI!
Wow u can copy and paste your so kool CBS. Everyone thinks you are a ass.

More cut and paste examples of you blocking for Spetz's scamming, including even going so far as to announce his going out of business sale:

i was in contact with him the other day so if you do not recive just pm and i will talk to him to see whats going on.

I talked to him gave your email he said he is taking care of it. He is not doing priority tracking most likely why it is taking so Long. I will try to reach him again been a few days since the last I heard. He said he might be back to do a going out of biz sale of what he has left.

Spetz is gone. So it really does not matter. What I think is funny is all the accusations. Everyone got there orders. Never one that was missed. Every source gets load grade powders time to time but Spetz always made good on his word and sent replacements with little proof. Over and over. See there will never be a perfect source. But he was one that was willing to work with us and right his wrong. To me in my book thats worth something. As I delt with many that are on a high horse and are arrogant. Spetz had alot thrown his ways false accusations that I can a know were wrong. Anyways it does not matter he is gone. Mission accomplished!

^^^^ its only because I know too much.. its not so much about Spetz but the morale of what I know truly happened. Its a burden that I will have to carry jb. Its always hard being the one that just knows to much. I really does not matter anymore. Im just a good guy that watches both sides of the story. And see too much lol.
I like both these guys. Be nice to keep the rage from them killing each other.