Marvel Labs

So far I have purchased 3 times from marvel and all has been up to par. Ordering easy on time. And packaged well
I have no bloods. But I've been running most of there gear for the past two months. And every things has run smoothly with results. There orals taste like shit but it obviously cut with alcohol and I do not drink so yuk. I'm not saying there good to go every member should do there own research and not just go by what I say . And I know this is not a source board. But this point of this thread is to leave a review goods or bad as the rules say in the thread. I know some will come and bash away I really don't care.

Three orders since Nov 10 with an unknown source, huh? You placed three orders in six weeks - before you even had a chance to test the first order - with an UNKNOWN source! Something doesn't add up here, PI.

And your "review" is essentially the same thing you said on Nov 10: You have no blood work or any other objective evidence, just an transparent attempt to open Meso's door to this shady rep and startup source who has NO idea what he's selling because his rep has already admitted they've never tested their product.

I hereby rename this thread USAspetz II.

Very disappointing, PI. Very disappointing indeed.

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hahahahahaha aww man wtf seriously marvel??? marvel is a comic book company i thought wtf
Lol I know. But I rather share info good or bad than just keep it to my self. We need more info sharing. Than just tons of random accusation and finger pointing does no good for this fourm. If I left a bad review here no one would bash me.
CBS I'm sharing for the community. This is what this whole forms is about sharing info cycle's and question. I've done the same for astro,mike,spezts hercules and others. Good and bad.
If we did not share we mind as we'll just make this another bb fourm.
I'm not going to waste my time arguing. I contribute a lot to this fourm.
I made sure I read the underground fourm rules and followed it. So I am doing what the rules outlined and nothing more. You can have Millard contact me if you like if I'm wrong. End of convo
Also the reason I had 3 different pack is because anything over 5 bottles is attempt for distribution. I have always dsonw it this way I rather's get in trouble for a personal stash . if I ever got caught.
CBS I'm sharing for the community. This is what this whole forms is about sharing info cycle's and question. I've done the same for astro,mike,spezts hercules and others. Good and bad.
If we did not share we mind as we'll just make this another bb fourm.
I'm not going to waste my time arguing. I contribute a lot to this fourm.
I made sure I read the underground fourm rules and followed it. So I am doing what the rules outlined and nothing more. You can have Millard contact me if you like if I'm wrong. End of convo

End of convo? I'll decide when I'm done conversing in this or any other thread if that's alright with you.

I don't believe you're just "sharing for the community." If that's all it was, you wouldn't have posted the same worthless review twice. You would have provided evidence such as blood work, which, as a longtime member, you should already know is the minimum standard for any reviews given here.

I think there's more going on here than meets the eye. You did the same thing with Spetz that you're doing here, i.e., trying to assuage potential customer's apprehension about a startup source. I gave you the benefit of the doubt after the Spetz scam but now I'm not so sure. There are still many unanswered questions surrounding your involvement/lack of involvement with Spetz, PI. Especially about how you and only you seemed to have an inside connection that gave you access to information that nobody else had.

Most members, when their credibility takes a hit like yours did after the Spetz scam, learn from their mistakes and don't do it again. It's obvious you haven't learned a thing, PI.

Like I said, something is off here. I don't know what it is yet but I'll be watching this thread even closer than I have been.
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Feel free to go through all my post and quote them! Like you like to do so much. You know I was not going to say this and I have wanted to for a long time buy I'm a gentleman. But know more. 90% percent of your post are all in the underground. Bashing. You have never posted a cycle. Never posted a pic or log or even working out. Never talk about anything! Post a pic CBS I dare you. You are either a second handle. Of a source or le. Or and old man that his time has passed and you hate gear and bb. It wouldn't takes me long to rainbow crack that ass. I would suggest you keep my name out of your mouth and move on. I am not somebody you want on your bad side trust me! So for now on ignore me and I will ignore you and if we cross paths you can remember the friends we use to be! You have accused me to many times and I have never ever said anything bad about you. Your a bad friend and you will stab any one in the back or point fingers at any one. You have no trust value or respect. End of story.
Feel free to go through all my post and quote them! Like you like to do so much. You know I was not going to say this and I have wanted to for a long time buy I'm a gentleman. But know more. 90% percent of your post are all in the underground. Bashing.

90% in the UG? Let's see your evidence.

You have never posted a cycle. Never posted a pic or log or even working out. Never talk about anything!

Oh, sorry. Perhaps if started posting illegible posts all over the forum I'd earn your approval. Or pics and memes that make absolutely no sense to anyone, much less bear any relevance to the topic of a thread. Would that do it? Maybe if I posted fake pics?

Post a pic CBS I dare you. You are either a second handle. Of a source or le.

You're accusing me of being LE and using alters? That's funny coming from someone who has multiple accounts and is an admitted info collector.

Or and old man that his time has passed and you hate gear and bb.

I passed my prime a long time ago. Never made a secret of it. Not much of a BB fan but I do enjoy gear discussions, though. But my real interest for the last year or so has been catching sources and members who are engaged in nefarious behavior.

It wouldn't takes me long to rainbow crack that ass. I would suggest you keep my name out of your mouth and move on. I am not somebody you want on your bad side trust me!

Your s|<1llz as a h4x0r don't impress me. Your attempts a capturing IPs are as cumbersome as they are obvious.

That said, if you think you can find me, go for it. Put up or shut up, PI.

So for now on ignore me and I will ignore you and if we cross paths you can remember the friends we use to be!

I don't ignore people. It's not my style.

You have accused me to many times and I have never ever said anything bad about you.

Actually, unlike what you just did with me when you accused me of being LE, I've never accused you of anything, PI. The first time I've even suggested that I was suspicious of your motives was in this very thread.

Odd that you feel so defensive, though. I've always found paranoia to be very telling.

Your a bad friend and you will stab any one in the back or point fingers at any one. You have no trust value or respect. End of story.

I'm not a hypocrite. I adhere to certain principals and won't turn a blind eye, even if it's a "friend" that is behaving questionably.
This the third time you have throw accusation at me so yes I'm pissed. Very pissed and I have every right to be. I will not play in to your games so. And yes I could do aot of things but I'm not going to waste my time on you. Did I break any fourm rules no.
Good night
PI. I sure as hell don't have anything against you, I have enjoyed your posts, but can you not see that posting that you have received three orders from marvel is the same as an endorsement ? and with no bloods
to support it. I personally like boxcar we have had private discussions in the past and got along well , but dammit man I am not going to endorse him or marvel without bloods to support it . and for you to do it is not being responsible .
While I have no dog in this fight, l do feel you should get the bloods done PI to show you mean what you say. These guys have spoken and to save face, go get it done.
While I have no dog in this fight, l do feel you should get the bloods done PI to show you mean what you say. These guys have spoken and to save face, go get it done.

Too fucking late. Already sold his soul to sources. Hope you enjoy your free gear bro. Enjoy that untested, unproven oil that you are vouching for.
All I was doing was sharing the bit of info I had. Some info is better than none at all. I have bit coin transaction for every thing I got. I work my ass off. See this is the problem you have one member who set the tone for this whole fourm and it will be the down fall of this fourm if it continues this way IMO. I've been doing gear long enough to know when its decent.
Just like you know if coke has been step on. I'm also running three others sources gear so I hardly see how I'm repping or the point of bloods. Now I want to ask a question if I had said something bad about this source I gurntee we would no be having this situation! Or convo think about it really. I am a wolf and not a sheep and will not follow the crowd or Masses. And I'm certainty not going to defend my self to a old man on the PC. I know who he is and he hate gear and bb and believes steroids are the reason of the death of his son! If you follow him this placed will be just A bb fourm. I have nothing to prove and nothing to say. Some members know I'm a real person And have real pics. I am real. You know me. So you guys believe what ever you want. I've been here for almost 6yrs and I'm not going any where. Ever peace out!
Ps. If you guys want me to get bloods but I. Also running three other sources gear.
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We are going to start offering simect testing once Marvel has everything ready to go. The community has spoken and doing simec testing is the best way to proceed.

We will start doing simec testing for the community.

I will stay to this thread strictly to respect the community, and respect that I am no longer a member.

Marvel is currently working on improvements of such. Thank you for your input.

This was well over a month ago. So where are the tests?

@pumpingiron22 not accepting reviews solely based on t\a and how a gear "feels" is exactly the reason this isn't just another bb forum.

Even coming from a respected member like yourself it's meaningless because everybody feels different on gear so it doesn't mean jack. Plus not to mention you said you were running 3 other sources gear on top of it so there's nothing to say marvels gear isn't just straight oil. How could you really tell the difference?

The point is we all want real evidence and not feelings.

So far, boxcars answer to the questions he was asked here was just telling people to go search for themselves. Then he was asked about testing and he said it was all "confidential"... what a load of horse shit.

There's only been two reviews posted here, yours and the shill @ecp3000 who hasn't logged in since those were posted back in october.

Can you see why this looks so
sketchy to everyone?
Yea but at the same you all are demanding bloods well I'm here to tell you pick 5 people and run the same gear and you'll get 5 different levels. I have nothing in this fight but damn with the bloods. Bloods are only useful if you have a baseline of how you react with Pharma quality gear. Otherwise your just shooting blind
Yea but at the same you all are demanding bloods well I'm here to tell you pick 5 people and run the same gear and you'll get 5 different levels. I have nothing in this fight but damn with the bloods. Bloods are only useful if you have a baseline of how you react with Pharma quality gear. Otherwise your just shooting blind

That's true too that they'll show different levels. But atleast with bloodwork they'll still all be elevated enough to show whether it's legit or not
That's true too that they'll show different levels. But atleast with bloodwork they'll still all be elevated enough to show whether it's legit or not

I know where you guys are coming from but at the same time it's kinda ridiculous. Just because his t levels are elevated wouldn't make a bit of difference. What if something other than test was actually test and the claimed test was bunk. Now where is your logic. Blood are as helpful as how he feels

There is so much misconception on all this. If you don't believe him great don't buy.
You can't bash PI for giving a honest review with no benefit one way or other. Everyone makes their own decisions. They have to live with that decision. I'm all about helping people and keeping them safe but they have to be able to help themselves and not blame someone for another person actions.
I know where you guys are coming from but at the same time it's kinda ridiculous. Just because his t levels are elevated wouldn't make a bit of difference. What if something other than test was actually test and the claimed test was bunk. Now where is your logic. Blood are as helpful as how he feels

There is so much misconception on all this. If you don't believe him great don't buy.

Well the placebo effect can have a big impact on feelings. You expect to be taking steroids so your mind tricks you into thinking you feel different.

But there's no tricking blood tests. If your T level is elevated, obviously you're taking test.