USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Ok every one after a very long and drawn out conservation with Spetz. About how this operation work I would say you our in very good hands with his pharmaceuticals these are not stolen. They are real deal. I would hope after this convo i would hope thats Spetz will be exclusive to meso. Now as far as his AAS we will still need to do testing. But so far it looks as we our in good hands atb the moment.
Sincerely PI
Ok every one after a very long and drawn out conservation with Spetz. About how this operation work I would say you our in very good hands with his pharmaceuticals these are not stolen. They are real deal. I would hope after this convo i would hope thats Spetz will be exclusive to meso. Now as far as his AAS we will still need to do testing. But so far it looks as we our in good hands atb the moment.
Sincerely PI
Thanks for working the situation. Nice job. You have the patience and persistence of Anne Sullivan (Helen Keller's teacher).
Ok every one after a very long and drawn out conservation with Spetz. About how this operation work I would say you our in very good hands with his pharmaceuticals these are not stolen. They are real deal. I would hope after this convo i would hope thats Spetz will be exclusive to meso. Now as far as his AAS we will still need to do testing. But so far it looks as we our in good hands atb the moment.
Sincerely PI
Thank you PI!
Spetz I do commend you for showing at least some resolve by sticking around to field my extensive line of questions (and maybe some psychological torture at the hands of other members o_O), but the true test is yet to come when we see how you navigate the problems that arrise in an undertaking of this magnitude. I do hope that you can find a way to provide quality products consistently to the community, it's in all of our best interests. Seems like there are still plenty members wary of you, so don't take it too personally if you continue to be subjected to criticism and skepticism. Every voice here is important as the next, if you treat their questions with the same consideration as you did my own you may have a shot here...
He answered a few questions.... Let's all place orders and get burnt again! C'mon guys...slow down. Why are we talking sales and contests? Are the AAS good? Let's wait this out guys and make someone prove that they're good. Don't jump the gun.
Im not talking about is AAS that has not been proven. But is pharma. I know enough info that I feel comfortable with that. So im putting my word on it. Which is a big deal for me.
Like I said with pharmaceutical I know enough info. To feel comfortable making that judgment. How long? Idk know. is his brew good time will tell who knows.. His pharma I feel I have enough intel to say it gtg enough to pull the trigger at this moment.
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I am impressed that what ever you said to pi22 was good enough to make him do a 180 from exposing your name and addy a week ago.

Great job standing your ground.

Hope to see you do well from here.
How is it we are endorsing products when no one has even seen anything drop? Seems odd to me. Since when has that been the way things go here?
How is it we are endorsing products when no one has even seen anything drop? Seems odd to me. Since when has that been the way things go here?

I think most guys are endorsing the process at the moment...

We are waiting on the labmax or user reviews on gear.

We know the var is trash.

Hopefully more tests are done over the next few weeks.
Spetz I do commend you for showing at least some resolve by sticking around to field my extensive line of questions (and maybe some psychological torture at the hands of other members o_O), but the true test is yet to come when we see how you navigate the problems that arrise in an undertaking of this magnitude. I do hope that you can find a way to provide quality products consistently to the community, it's in all of our best interests. Seems like there are still plenty members wary of you, so don't take it too personally if you continue to be subjected to criticism and skepticism. Every voice here is important as the next, if you treat their questions with the same consideration as you did my own you may have a shot here...
Tango, thank you for your feedback, i really appreciate it. i've been in the other side of the screen.. placing my hard earned $ and not knowing if it will arrive, i will try to be as honest as possible and if i am at fault i will apologize and make it right, same practice as in marriage lol. As long as I dont lose my job (been there many years), and the meds don't get labeled as scheduled (knock on wood) then i think i have a lot to contribute to this community), I also have inside knowledge as far as what drugs are about to change in the market, for example, Tramadol will soon be a scheduled 4 med, this is bad since its such a good med without the need for an addictive med such as vic. or worse. sorry i got off course :)
Can anyone please refer me to an active member doing mass spec? i have 5 samples from different vendors from china for anavar which will arrive in a week's time and i want to "invest" and share with you guys, not only is this good for business but i'd like to also share the name of the vendors so that other meso users are aware as well!
Can anyone please refer me to an active member doing mass spec? i have 5 samples from different vendors from china for anavar which will arrive in a week's time and i want to "invest" and share with you guys, not only is this good for business but i'd like to also share the name of the vendors so that other meso users are aware as well!

Generally samples sent out are going to be good... Every order needs to be analysed if your are looking to provide quality gear. Otherwise it's just crossing your fingers and hoping for the best imo testing a sample and not each order received is a waste of time.
I won't be looking out for people anymore. At this point you're all on your own. Anyone PMing me for good sources...stop. I've given a very respectable source to some of you guys and I see you getting caught up with bullshit still. It's like some of you guys like getting fucked over. Well, have at it. This guy is good to go. Send him your money now!! Fucking clowns!
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I view Spetz as a reseller of US manufactured pharma achillaries, much like "The Pharmacist" and his business model. This is his slight advantage over the competition, and the facet that could potentially be advantageous to myself. I will likely never use him for AAS for the numerous reasons I've stated through the thread. I am currently happy with my lab and their product quality, I am not impressed with their Pakistani adex.