USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

I view spetz as a guy who doesn't have proof that he's good to go. I see people vouching for him very early on. Is this how this COC works? I didn't think so. You might as well burn the fucking COC as far as I'm concerned. It's shit and always will be. It doesn't stop crackheads from jumping the gun. C'mon guys... I'm pretty sure I gave one of you a source with Pharma test and Pharma ancillaries. What happened? Not sketchy enough? As of right now I am against the COC and I refuse to let a few guys dictate who is good and who isn't. You guys are wrong a majority of the time. I'm right a majority of the time. I'll start trusting my instincts instead of dealing with you clowns. The COC is dead to me and so are some of you... Keep going about it like crackheads guys...that's how we'll stop scamming from happening here. :rolleyes: have some self control.
What do you propose Kubrick? I'm all ears for sure, I made several attempts to recruit upstanding Vets via pm to stop by this thread if they had time to keep an on this as it moved forward, I didn't PM you personally but I wish I would have so I could have heard your grievances sooner. We need more open dialogue and more opinions. Myself and PI have been working this guy since he showed up, but at this point I may be too close to it to see with clear eyes and mind. I started here early upon his arrival and plan on seeing it though, I will likely place an anonymous order sometime in the near future and report back to the community on my experiences and hope to verify some of pharma products. If the community thinks this guy has not fully complied with the SCoC or has issues with test orders being placed then speak now, I stand with you guys.
Why have you been working with him since early on? Just curious when you felt like it was a good idea. Seems a little fast, doesn't it?
Why have you been working with him since early on? Just curious when you felt like it was a good idea. Seems a little fast, doesn't it?
I think you misunderstood. I have been "working" him, as in a pretty vigorous 14 hr interrogation since he should up. I have not placed a test order.
Whatever else is true, it's obvious his aas products are not tested any more than, say, Titan's. I don't understand why anyone would take that kind of risk when there are safer products available.
My opinion has not changed. He's a security risk. Plain and simple. It's only a matter of time before his scheme, however he's getting U.S. pharma products in bulk, is exposed. The whole operation just seems bush league. Most of you won't listen so have at it. Good luck.
no contest or sale bullshit yet. one step at a time. im 100x more interested in consistency than hype.

Well hot damn Slim this is your best post yet.

I view Spetz as a reseller of US manufactured pharma achillaries, much like "The Pharmacist" and his business model. This is his slight advantage over the competition, and the facet that could potentially be advantageous to myself. I will likely never use him for AAS for the numerous reasons I've stated through the thread. I am currently happy with my lab and their product quality, I am not impressed with their Pakistani adex.

Ok will Spetz agree to drop his AAS line from his price list for now until it has been tested?

I am sorry I hear what Kubrick is saying. The integrity of the CoC is being put to risk here.

PI pretty strong endorsement unfortunately I do not feel the same way here.
Like I said nothing about his aas! just his AI as I said I have enough evidence not just a feeling but evidence that has been shared with me to feel comfortable to pull the trigger on that. I really jusr dont get you guys any more some one follows the Scoc. You burn them still a member pulls the trigger in order to help he crucified still and labeled a Schilling.? You even did this to mands a very long time member. So anyways like is said his AI is pharma. As far as the other IDk? All I know is he followed the Scoc So far as that. I love you guys nohomo. But this is becoming Salem witch trials there is no satisfaction. You will no longer get my help as far as busting down sources.
Sincerely P.I.
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Like I said nothing about his aas! just his AI as I said I have enough evidence not just a feeling but evidence that has been shared with me to feel comfortable to pull the trigger on that. I really jusr dont get you guys any more some one follows the Scoc. You burn them still a member pulls the trigger in order to help he crucified still and labeled a Schilling.? You even did this to mands a very long time member. So anyways like is said his AI is pharma. As far as the other IDk? All I know is he followed the Scoc So far as that. I love you guys nohomo. But this is becoming Salem witch trials there is no satisfaction. You will no longer get my help as far as busting down sources.
Sincerely P.I.

So what makes his AI legit? You've never shared that info. Is it ok for just one person to know? Is that complying with the COC that YOU always push? Where's the tests? No offense man, but none of us know the story with the AIs. This sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me. Everything with this guy is so secretive. Bottom line is if he can't prove that he's good to go, he needs to bounce. I didn't even agree with the COV to begin with but you guys wanted it. Now when it works against your personal supply of AIs, we are witch hunting? You've been the biggest COC advocate on here. This is fucking pathetic. PI, I have nothing but respect for you but you're jumping the gun. What if his AAS are bunk? "I only said the AIs were good". It's all or nothing homey. Put up or shut up. This guy has not complied 100% yet and should not be getting co signs, especially from "well known" members.
For transparency's sake, I should let it be known to all that I know spetz' IP and physical location as well. I didn't ask to be put in this position, but I'm here nonetheless, so there's that
For transparency's sake, I should let it be known to all that I know spetz' IP and physical location as well. I didn't ask to be put in this position, but I'm here nonetheless, so there's that

That's the nail in the coffin!!!! NO ONE should know this. Too many red flags for me not to make a stink. How is that secure?
Kubrick. I dont know where you coming from but your word hold no weight with me. If you put you ego in check you would actually read what im saying. Im not saying anything about his AAS yet. Just the pharmaceutical at this point. Its good to finally see you off your neighborhood source's thread every once in a while ; )
Kubrick. I dont know where you coming from but your word hold no weight with me. If you put you ego in check you would actually read what im saying. Im not saying anything about his AAS yet. Just the pharmaceutical at this point. Its good to finally see you off your neighborhood source's thread every once in a while ; )
You mean the one that's met the criteria? Yeah.

You're wrong bro. My PMs are full of people who think so. I don't want anyone's safety compromised.
I agree with @Kubrick on the all or nothing deal. His aas products are very questionable. It would be different if he were already an established trusted source of AIs, but he's not.
So let them come here and voice their concerns. If you guys wanna bounce him, by all means, but lets be clear here this guy is taking orders for new members so I for one think we should press him or run him off. This limbo shit ain't good for anybody
I've been here long time. I work very hard to get the intel, info, ip I have to pull alot of strings of various board to get this. I have enough info but I would love for you to prove me wrong as pharma AI. And I talk to alot of vets older than my self. That feel like some of you are to much ego and talk. That all the facts and evidence is there and you would still say witch.
The Scoc has been met other than the end user part. I never said he was gtg! IF Read WHAT im Saying. I just said the ai is. Do you get it now
The Scoc has been met other than the end user part. I never said he was gtg! IF Read WHAT im Saying. I just said the ai is. Do you get it now
I agree with you on the AIs. I had actually arrived at a similar conclusion through different means. I would be cool with him selling the AIs here and NOT the aas. His var tested at 39% purity with unknown contaminants, and his response was not to my liking. As a result, I have a big DO NOT BUY in my head when I read this thread.
I agree with @Kubrick on the all or nothing deal. His aas products are very questionable. It would be different if he were already an established trusted source of AIs, but he's not.
This right here. I can se if he only came in with AI's this didn't happen. His powder source that he said does not need to be tested just got some piss poor results on a var mass spec. It would be one thing if all he was doing and intended to do was US pharm grade AI's but that is not how he came in here. So if one part of his business looks shady what about the rest. PI you are a good guy and I don't want you to feel you are being disrespected because that is not the case here. Now we are back to one or two members privy to info all if us don't have the same thing I don't like over in another sources thread. I am looking at this guys as a whole that is how chose to list his price list.