USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

How do the masses know the AI are good? We need full disclosure. A few people knowing things behind the scenes doesn't appeal to the masses. This has nothing to do with ego. It should be common sense. You feel comfortable buying based on what you know. Everyone else should get that same peace of mind. That's all in saying. I'm sorry that you see it as an ego but I assure you it's not.
We don't all have to agree but it needs to be discussed. How is that an ego thing? Because it's not beneficial to you. :rolleyes:
I gotcha kub I understand. Were you coming from my apologies if I got snapped a little. The intel I have is the kind that is incriminating. There are other few that know what I know. But I am not going to out them and put there reputation on the line. Only they can do that. The reason I feel so confident is I have enough incriminating info. As leverage. To feel comfortable to not get fucked over at this point.
I gotcha kub I understand. Were you coming from my apologies if I got snapped a little. The intel I have is the kind that is incriminating. Thxdxdzzere are other few that know what I know. But I am not going to out them and put there reputation on the sodfline. Only they can do that. The reasoned I feel so confident is I have enough zZ incriminating info. As sextets leverage. To feel comfortable to not get fucked over at this
So can we just get rid of the CoC and do this much more effective IMO.
I gotcha kub I understand. Were you coming from my apologies if I got snapped a little. The intel I have is the kind that is incriminating. There are other few that know what I know. But I am not going to out them and put there reputation on the line. Only they can do that. The reason I feel so confident is I have enough incriminating info. As leverage. To feel comfortable to not get fucked over at this point.
I understand completely. I just don't have that info and can't say the AI are good...most of us can't. I think your word is solid but we HAVE to stay skeptical without enough info. This thread will be divided, I have a feeling. Again, no hard feelings. I'm just going off the facts that are publIcally made. I hope you understand.
Agree and understand. Im all about Scoc! It like the 10 commandments. But would that apply to AI only? Im with you guys on the AAS. It needs to be tested. Can you get ms. Spetz or are we going to get some one else. Labmax?
I thought spetz stated he would donate samples for MS as well as provide credit for testing/bloods of his homebrew tren/test. I kind of bypassed the idea under the assumption anonymous test orders and random end-user testing was the preferred method of validation.
The problem with his AAS PI is his quality control he has already told us he doesn't test his raws because he trust his source Kevin who has mass spec issues right now. He would have to change how he operates and start testing raws.
I thought spetz stated he would donate samples for MS as well as provide credit for testing/bloods of his homebrew tren/test. I kind of bypassed the idea under the assumption anonymous test orders and random end-user testing was the preferred method of validation.
will gladly send, just let me know where.
Ok team, I will comply with the seniors of Meso and stick to pharma grade meds,untill i gain your trust. is there A way at all to edit the first post in order to remove the other Items? I will also send any med to any member willing to verify or test my products.
Current Stock list.
Ai/pct (USA FDA pharmaceutical grade, not chinese or Indian)

Arimidex:1mg x 30 $90
Nolva: 20mg x 30 $90
Clomid 50MGx 30 $150 (price has gone up) Watson brand.
Prami: 1mg x 30 $90
Caber: .5mg x 8 $150 Watson brand.
T3/Cytomel: 50mcg x 30 $90
Bac Water Hospira 30ML $10
HGH Saizen 8.8MG $350
HGH Omnitrope 10MG $400
Made some of Kevin's Tren Ace, from Ususpetz.


Tren on right (Kevin) and deca on left (Muscle Depot)

5g of tren ace
1ml of BA
9mls of BB
36mls of grapeseed oil

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