USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

I'll post up some pics of mine once I get a few things in. I hope my tren turns out like yours. I got some winny raws to, anybody have a good oil based recipe for it?
Glad to see this worked out - kinna anyways -and I only got called a complete fuckhead. Fair call - very difficult to argue with (and I'll argue pretty much anything). That pic was not gear from spectz - just (rapidly dwindling) stuff I have on hand. Just got my hands on two 250mg pre filled of Ovidrel. Long time admirer first time user. Hope it's as good as folks say.

Be interesting to see how things turn out. I can understand the skepticism but the guy seems to be doing his best. My concern would lie with his sterile protocol. There's a fair bit more to it than an autoclave.
Is that an attempt to start fresh here or do you plan on running both your handles concurrently? o_O

Fresh start - I wish. No just messed it up big time when I signed up - hey, it's what I do best - now I got two accounts. Any advice on how to delete one would be appreciated - I'm not really the tech type.
Sorry man not sure you can delete accounts, unless you check with Millard? Just think though, things can only get better for you from here ;)
Cheers - got a thick skin....don't bother me much - everyone's got an opinion and I mess stuff up all the time. If a mod could help that would be great - otherwise I'll follow up with Millard.
Cheers - got a thick skin....don't bother me much - everyone's got an opinion and I mess stuff up all the time. If a mod could help that would be great - otherwise I'll follow up with Millard.
You just have to live with this account and move to your new one. It is not a big deal people mess up around here all the time.
I have crazy OCD, you're absolutely right about the sterilizy, anyone can invest in an autoclave.

Quick question about the rubber stoppers used for vials. Obviously, with a low melting point, you can't sterilize those using a dry heat or through steam heat with the autoclave. So do you disinfect them solely with an alcohol bath or do you something else?
I like the spider handle better just thought I would throw that out there. Reminds me of a friend I have not seen in quite a while.
Quick question about the rubber stoppers used for vials. Obviously, with a low melting point, you can't sterilize those using a dry heat or through steam heat with the autoclave. So do you disinfect them solely with an alcohol bath or do you something else?
let me start by saying i dont use regular soppers, i use lyophilized stoppers. they take a 1hr bath in hydrogen peroxide, then get rinsed and go into autoclave bags and into the autoclave.
Current Stock list.
Ai/pct (USA FDA pharmaceutical grade, not chinese or Indian)

Arimidex:1mg x 30 $90
Nolva: 20mg x 30 $90
Clomid 50MGx 30 $150 Watson brand.
Prami: 1mg x 30 $90
Caber: .5mg x 8 $150 Watson brand.
T3/cytomel: 50mcg x 30 $90
Bac Water Hospira 30ML: $10
B12 Injections: 1ML x 5 $60
Voltaren Gel: $55
HGH Saizen 8.8MG $350
HGH Omnitrope 10MG $400
I like the spider handle better just thought I would throw that out there. Reminds me of a friend I have not seen in quite a while.
Oh you mean the one you made dance around while you shot at him? YOU know that time we were playing cards in the basement?