USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

the problem is that even with scripts, many insurances are not covering it, not even medicaid/medicare which usually has 0 deductibles on everything! yes sir, for now :).
Antibiotics i can get any, if you want i could setup a few diferent normal combinations of antibiotics and add them to the list. I also have access to common high blood pressure meds which could help the guys, but a high dose could put someone in a coma so i'm a little scared, even though anything that you abuse could put you in a coma or in a casket as well.

Hypothetically speaking; out of all the BP meds that people use without a docs supervision, which would you say poses the least risk to the user? Telmisartan? Ramipril?
Got to say I am impressed that a source actually listened to the vets. Really glad to see a good source for ancillaries on here.
Current Stock list.
Ai/pct (USA FDA pharmaceutical grade, not chinese or Indian)

Arimidex:1mg x 30 $90
Nolva: 20mg x 30 $90
Clomid 50MGx 30 $150 Watson brand.
Prami: 1mg x 30 $90
Caber: .5mg x 8 $150 Watson brand.
T3/cytomel: 50mcg x 30 $90
Bac Water Hospira 30ML: $10
B12 Injections: 1ML x 5 $60
Voltaren Gel: $55
HGH Saizen 8.8MG $350
HGH Omnitrope 10MG $400

Why did your clomid go from $90 to $150 from your first post to this one?
Hypothetically speaking; out of all the BP meds that people use without a docs supervision, which would you say poses the least risk to the user? Telmisartan? Ramipril?
I'm not a doctor, but the most widely used med i fill has to be Benicar or Olmesartan, i personally use it while on DBOL or an oral that will cause me High BP, its highly effective.Also not cheap by any means. In reality, any Angiotensin 2 Receptor Blocker has the same risk, i can tell which one the manufacturers are "pushing" by the amount of scripts that get filled, have you ever seen that movie "love & other drugs", not far from the truth.

I'm not a doctor, but the most widely used med i fill has to be Benicar or Olmesartan, i personally use it while on DBOL or an oral that will cause me High BP, its highly effective.Also not cheap by any means. In reality, any Angiotensin 2 Receptor Blocker has the same risk, i can tell which one the manufacturers are "pushing" by the amount of scripts that get filled, have you ever seen that movie "love & other drugs", not far from the truth.

Thanks for taking the time. I didn't realize how popular ARB's were. They seem like the ideal BP med for athletes / bb'ers. Just out of curiosity, since you mentioned its expensive, how much does Benicar go for?
Benicar is what I take for my high blood pressure. I only have one kidney and the doc said it's supposed to protect it.

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The eagle has landed. Nice tight vaccum sealed and bubbled rap. Everything there in its place. So far so good. Now I need to order my labmax kit.
The eagle has landed. Nice tight vaccum sealed and bubbled rap. Everything there in its place. So far so good. Now I need to order my labmax kit.
P.I. could you disclose some of the products you will be sampling? or will that compromise the anonymity of your order assuming that you used a different email not associated with this Meso handle..
are these his "homebrew oils" or the Centrino line? and is the Var encapsulated already? I'd like to see how accurately dosed they are, I typically only mess with pressed orals.
Agree and understand. Im all about Scoc! It like the 10 commandments. But would that apply to AI only? Im with you guys on the AAS. It needs to be tested. Can you get ms. Spetz or are we going to get some one else. Labmax?
Test E, Test, Tren A, var, Armidex, nolva. And yes always a different email my friend there is no other way.; )
So is this a g2g on the oils? Do you see how your vouching for him can be confusing to some? You call me out and tell me to keep my ego in check and your all about the COC. Haha. You're a joke. Where's that ignore button? Is suggest some of you use it too.
No the oils our not gtg until tested. But I pulled the trigger under different email. In order to get test done. There only one way to get test done and that was putting a order in. And also describing the process. I am putting my self at risk and my life when putting in a order not know how that pack will come in. Also I care about my body im not inject nothing until I can get lab max and im talking to some to see where I can get ms done. Do you have suggestion on where to get ms? So quickly?
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Left for vacation and came back to find usapetz seems to be in the right track still. That's good. Has anyone done any testing yet?
lol, i like how tango is keeping tabs :)
Hey man I lost a lot of sleep too grillin you when you showed up, I have a lot of time/energy invested in this thread as well. I plan on following it through. I want to see the community have good SRCs, I want to believe this can develop into a mutual beneficial relationship for us members and you as well. But it's up to us to protect ourselves, if we don't look out for our interests, who will? So don't take it personally...strictly business Spetz