USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

i wish i could say somethign cool like ohh he wont get near because of my pittbull but all i have is a cat and he's a sellout.
P.I. can direct you to a very interesting article on how to "weaponize" your cat to steal the neighbors' wifi passwords. Then maybe when he hacks your IP you can laugh and shoot spitballs at me in the neighbor's tree...
Ok so im a little ticked at the moment. So what is the deal with the anavar? Have you looked into this? Are you planning to change vendors on this item? Are you lab maxing it? If this item is not to par will you be replacing it? Just curious to what the whole deal on this is maybe im behind. Please do explain!
The mods and the guy who actually had it tested have pretty much said that the mass spec was no good. It's supposed to be going out to a different mass spec place. There is a couple threads over on reddit discussing it

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The mods and the guy who actually had it tested have pretty much said that the mass spec was no good. It's supposed to be going out to a different mass spec place. There is a couple threads over on reddit discussing it

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Do you have that link?
Ok so im a little ticked at the moment. So what is the deal with the anavar? Have you looked into this? Are you planning to change vendors on this item? Are you lab maxing it? If this item is not to par will you be replacing it? Just curious to what the whole deal on this is maybe im behind. Please do explain!
As far as we know at the moment the anavar is g2g and we have no actual proof to say otherwise, im not defending my vendor, but i have MANY repeated saled from customers, they wouldnt come back unless they were happy with the results, especially with all the competition, However, steps are being taken to verify/confirm the actual purity of this raw and other, one main concern we have is testing from a reputable lab, we're going the extra distance and are paying etra for a good lab to do this, i simply dont trust an $80 test. Should we find that the var is heavily underdosed or diluted, we will simply change vendors, however at this time we have no reason to do so.

Rest assured, i wont keep the truth from you, i've been transparent with you so far and i plan to keep being so :)

I hope this answers your question.
Do you have pics of you hgh. And is this pharmaceutical grade. If could you explain?
Hi PI, i ONLY deal with FDA approved HGH, such as Omnitrope, or Saizen. I will get some images for you guys. I also have a big kit of omni which brings 8 x 5.8mg vials, im thinking about breaking it up and selling them individually since not many have $2000+ budget.
Hi PI, i ONLY deal with FDA approved HGH, such as Omnitrope, or Saizen. I will get some images for you guys. I also have a big kit of omni which brings 8 x 5.8mg vials, im thinking about breaking it up and selling them individually since not many have $2000+ budget.

That's crazy cash!

Hopefully I get my pro card after one kit!


Where the big spenders at?