USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Seems like people pay a lot for the overseas generics and a lot of time they get faked correct? I really don't know anything about that side of compounds but I would think that if they are what Spetz says they are...that would be worth the money for quality and piece of mind. Idk though I've never really followed the pricing that closely.
Ordered Test E from Spetz and getting bloods done 3-4 weeks after first pin. Will keep everyone updated
Guess I'll come out of the closet so to speak. Ordered test e/c and adex. First 1ml shot of test e 250 last Friday. Have blood work scheduled for this week - probably Thursday. Debating another shot today or not.
Guess I'll come out of the closet so to speak. Ordered test e/c and adex. First 1ml shot of test e 250 last Friday. Have blood work scheduled for this week - probably Thursday. Debating another shot today or not.
Why are you debating another pin if you already started on a cycle Tmac?
takeing first shot of cyp today will get bloods done in ten days.
You need to wait longer then 10 days.
Guess I'll come out of the closet so to speak. Ordered test e/c and adex. First 1ml shot of test e 250 last Friday. Have blood work scheduled for this week - probably Thursday. Debating another shot today or not.
why are you doing bloodwork already? Worthless

I see a noob pattern forming here such impatience. PI you testing this guys shit. This is why I don't like this guy around. The desperate will reach out to this guy because there is not anywhere else to go for them. All of you are on your own when it comes to his oils. He doesn't test his raws and just excepts whatever comes out of Kevin's camp. This guy has not been giving the good to go for his gear btw. High risk purchase.
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Insightful question, TEK. Just to provide context, I am a novice when it comes to all this, so please keep that in mind. I've only been on TRT for 7 weeks and administer my own shots in the glute. Never had any PIP with the Watson cyp, but the 1 ml test e 250 from last Friday was very painful up until this morning. It is better today, but I can still feel the soreness if I push on it. Thinking I should be the guinea pig by administering another and follow through with bloodwork later this week.
I agree Voltrader - my impatience is on full display. So if my TT was 880 on 100mg ew and I get bloodwork done this Thursday, it would not register the shot from Friday and today? I am ok with waiting and doing what the more experienced members advise. TRT was treating me so well and kept hearing about the benefits and blasting that I got overzealous.
Yes would be better. You are running this on top of your TrT you need to give it a solid 4 weeks preferably 5 for the additional test to build up to at least get an idea of its potency.
You need to wait longer then 10 days.

why are you doing bloodwork already? Worthless

I see a noob pattern forming here such impatience. PI you testing this guys shit. This is why I don't like this guy around. The desperate will reach out to this guy because there is not anywhere else to go for them. All of you are on your own when it comes to his oils. He doesn't test his raws and just excepts whatever comes out of Kevin's camp. This guy has not been giving the good to go for his gear btw. High risk purchase.
who gives good to go? you? after bloods are done then talk about it dude.... or are u offering a better source? if not wait and then talk.
who gives good to go? you? after bloods are done then talk about it dude.... or are u offering a better source? if not wait and then talk.
Believe it or not there are members here that are genuine enough to care about others' well being and safety. You have the right to do whatever you want with your body, but what Volt is saying is that these products have not yet been tested, even Spetz admitted he has not MS any of his raws but now is looking into doing so. You wanna take a shot and pin it for 4-5 weeks and wait for bloods that is your right, but other members are working on getting labmax testing to ensure the hormone is present, and MS to evaluate the concentrations of the products. There is worse things than getting underdosed gear, and even with your snide remarks towards Volt I don't believe you deserve a limp dick, PIP that bedrests you for weeks, or ejaculating brown shit. What if there is a female contraceptive in the gear? You wanna run that for weeks before your bloods come back? These are not crazy scenarios, these are all things we have seen happen to members here in the underground this summer alone. Hopefully you got precycle bloods done as well and then post them along with your mid cycle bloods and your contributions will be very welcomed to the community. However I for one would hate for some new guys to see your post as a green light and start flooding his inbox with order, not test there gear either, and end up with potentially damaging side effects or infection. Just drop the attitude man, you don't wanna get into a dick measurin' contest here bc that won't end well for a smurf.
who gives good to go? you? after bloods are done then talk about it dude.... or are u offering a better source? if not wait and then talk.
Wtf you talking about bloods at ten days ain't telling us shit there smurf, that's what I am saying do go ahead and get your bloods and I will still say you should of wAited. Don't fucken cop an attitude here I am just Trying I help you. 10 days is not going to tell you what you need to know. We need to have protocol you understand that word. The more people do things the right way the more conclusive we can be. Go ahead go all fucking cowboy and everybody will discredit your test and truth is you will be doing a discredit for the source. Oh but you don't know what I am saying you rather fucking cry. Do whatever. I will talk all I wNt. Don't fucking tell me what to do hope you ....don't end a bind sometime and need my help. You got Anger management problems but hey we can start over if you like or I just throw into my mental Rolodex In the complete shithead section. Your play smurf. This is a olive branch.
who gives good to go? you? after bloods are done then talk about it dude.... or are u offering a better source? if not wait and then talk.
Volt is right man. 10 days after first pin of test cyp(I assume test) will prove nothing. Give it at least 28. 35 would be better. No need for attitude. Blood work protocol needs to be established.