USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

I concede. You win.
C'mon guys. They can't all be 'that' bad. Do Amish chicks have the same grooming habits as European girls, or lack thereof? That might be a deal breaker. Where's OGH? He's probably still into that sorta thing [emoji6]
OK - so I'm that newbe ripe to be ripped off.

Except - I have good gear (like really good gear):


Here we have:

Test-comp 250 (Unigen Life Sciences)10mls( bought for US$30);
Androl 50 (these are Androlic - The British Dispensary) (Bought for US $25);
Novadex-D (AstraZeneca);
Novadex (MediTech);
Arimidex (MediTech);
Ova-mit (Clomifene Citrate 50 mg) Remedica Ltd (generic Clomid - dirt cheap US $10)
Proscar 5mg (Finasteride from MSD)

Anyways - as you can see from the above I have my ear to the ground - but I cannot get deals like this all the time so still find myself a cycle and a half away from nada a lot. So I sent USAspetz a email asking about his operation (yeah I know!!!). He told me he was domestic and couldn't help. The point being he could have taken my cash and said it was customs (or whatever) but he was up front. Whatever other reservations you may have - I think he is doing his best to be legit (as far as these things go).

This is my first post so jump in and call me a shill if you like. I'm not - but I'm happy to exchange posts all day advising those who flame me to ride fat cock if that's what you want.

Or you could take it for what it is - just saying what happened.

Hope to see you round the boards

The Spider
You said you would explain the pharmaceutical field to us im intrigued. Please explain. Or you can pm me. You may have followed the Scoc but I do not trust you yet. Please enlighten me.
i dont trust you either.. and i dont owe you anything sir, maybe when you treat me as a human being and not so shady we'll get somewhere.
i dont trust you either.. and i dont owe you anything sir, maybe when you treat me as a human being and not so shady we'll get somewhere.

You are highly mistaken as to how this place works. This is not reddit. Here, trust is given to those who earn it. 99.99% of the time that trust is not given to a source. So you can quit with the treat me like a gentleman and we can do business act. You will never be treated how you think you deserve to be. You aren't some savior to this forum with your over priced meds or stolen pharma products. Or your untested and half bunk orals.

So you sir need to check your attitude and comply with requests made of you and you might be able to stay long enough to actually convince someone to purchase from you.
I forgot you are the Mr.Rogers of the underground. So I should just automatically trust you? I've been here along time buddy. I seen so many guys come here. With there smiling faces and attitude with all there freebies is all nice and peachy until the greed monster hits cutting corners not testing product and blatantly lie instead of telling the truth and ripping members hearts out especially when things go south. Trust here is earned here. It not automatically given. Im not saying you are a dud. Time will tell. My first and most important duties here is protecting Meso at all cost. You might of found my tactics as wrong or weird or fill like I invaded your privacy. But thats they way I work and im not going anywhere! I have asked you a question on your thread that you have avoided here and by pm. I will ease off when you earn your trust and start answering question. Then we can get some where.
Sincerely P.I.
You are highly mistaken as to how this place works. This is not reddit. Here, trust is given to those who earn it. 99.99% of the time that trust is not given to a source. So you can quit with the treat me like a gentleman and we can do business act. You will never be treated how you think you deserve to be. You aren't some savior to this forum with your over priced meds or stolen pharma products. Or your untested and half bunk orals.

So you sir need to check your attitude and comply with requests made of you and you might be able to stay long enough to actually convince someone to purchase from you.
first of all, people are already purchasing from me, secondly, i treat everyone here with respect and as a human being i would expect the same, not to be called a thief would also be nice, but if it makes you feel better about yourself then by all means sir. I've been more than compliant with our members. have a nice nght.
OK - so I'm that newbe ripe to be ripped off.

Except - I have good gear (like really good gear):


Here we have:

Test-comp 250 (Unigen Life Sciences)10mls( bought for US$30);
Androl 50 (these are Androlic - The British Dispensary) (Bought for US $25);
Novadex-D (AstraZeneca);
Novadex (MediTech);
Arimidex (MediTech);
Ova-mit (Clomifene Citrate 50 mg) Remedica Ltd (generic Clomid - dirt cheap US $10)
Proscar 5mg (Finasteride from MSD)

Anyways - as you can see from the above I have my ear to the ground - but I cannot get deals like this all the time so still find myself a cycle and a half away from nada a lot. So I sent USAspetz a email asking about his operation (yeah I know!!!). He told me he was domestic and couldn't help. The point being he could have taken my cash and said it was customs (or whatever) but he was up front. Whatever other reservations you may have - I think he is doing his best to be legit (as far as these things go).

This is my first post so jump in and call me a shill if you like. I'm not - but I'm happy to exchange posts all day advising those who flame me to ride fat cock if that's what you want.

Or you could take it for what it is - just saying what happened.

Hope to see you round the boards

The Spider

Spetz can you shed some light on this? I'm very confused by this post, is this "one post wonder" claiming this pack is from you or not? And if so I'm uncertain where the A-bombs came from since I was under the impression that all of your orals were capsules from Kevin's powder.
I forgot you are the Mr.Rogers of the underground. So I should just automatically trust you? I've been here along time buddy. I seen so many guys come here. With there smiling faces and attitude with all there freebies is all nice and peachy until the greed monster hits cutting corners not testing product and blatantly lie instead of telling the truth and ripping members hearts out especially when things go south. Trust here is earned here. It not automatically given. Im not saying you are a dud. Time will tell. My first and most important duties here is protecting Meso at all cost. You might of found my tactics as wrong or weird or fill like I invaded your privacy. But thats they way I work and im not going anywhere! I have asked you a question on your thread that you have avoided here and by pm. I will ease off when you earn your trust and start answering question. Then we can get some where.
Sincerely P.I.
OK - so I'm that newbe ripe to be ripped off.

Except - I have good gear (like really good gear):


Here we have:

Test-comp 250 (Unigen Life Sciences)10mls( bought for US$30);
Androl 50 (these are Androlic - The British Dispensary) (Bought for US $25);
Novadex-D (AstraZeneca);
Novadex (MediTech);
Arimidex (MediTech);
Ova-mit (Clomifene Citrate 50 mg) Remedica Ltd (generic Clomid - dirt cheap US $10)
Proscar 5mg (Finasteride from MSD)

Anyways - as you can see from the above I have my ear to the ground - but I cannot get deals like this all the time so still find myself a cycle and a half away from nada a lot. So I sent USAspetz a email asking about his operation (yeah I know!!!). He told me he was domestic and couldn't help. The point being he could have taken my cash and said it was customs (or whatever) but he was up front. Whatever other reservations you may have - I think he is doing his best to be legit (as far as these things go).

This is my first post so jump in and call me a shill if you like. I'm not - but I'm happy to exchange posts all day advising those who flame me to ride fat cock if that's what you want.

Or you could take it for what it is - just saying what happened.

Hope to see you round the boards

The Spider
I don't think you're a shill. I just think you're a complete fuckhead. Welcomed to meso, enjoy your stay ;)
Why is it that you currently sell some of the more hard to source raws like Anavar and Mast E, yet you don't offer the basics like Test? Are your orals capsules or pressed? You specify that you have a "homebrew promotion" running then lower down you say "Centrino Labs and homebrew orals", so you are you also a reseller? I'm trying to get a better picture of your business model.

I'll be honest, I can sell raws for basics, however i refuse to do it and not make a decent profit, since im taking all the risk, I posted the prices in reddit and about 40% of the feedbacks were negative.. that its "too high", in this case i rater NOT sell it and use it to brew.

Yes, as i told the guys in reddit, the results don't lie, I've been honest about who my supplier is, transparency is important to me, i use a supplier who is reliable and safe for me, the 39% spec result is not good, however im more concerned about the fillers, I havent spoken to polar yet to know if he sent in another vendor for raws other than kevin's anavar, or any other compound, we have had MULTIPLE blood results for the test and they've all been good, you guys can also check that out, one thing.... im not "bailing" or dissapearing, i have other products and a list of FDA approved meds, those are USA pharmaceutical grade so i can sell those and have been, funnily enough I've have re-curring buys for the anavar homebrew, which means they tried it and got results and went for more.

however, if you guys think the anavar SHOULD be USP grade i have some news for you, a bottle of sandoz oxandrolone qty60x10mg, retails for $899. and good luck with a script,

HOWEVER we're talking UGL on the anavar, and there are many official manufacturers.

On my homebrew gear such as test or tren, i will give credit to anyone placing an order and doing a mass spec test on, as you guys asked if i could or would.

please let me know if you have any questions.

Let's revisit this from the beginning for a minute. The Anavar and Mast raws was literally the first thing I asked you about. You were honest in saying you carry those but not the basics like test because people will buy the anavar, and for a large mark up. Now that the quality is in question you're still defending this product because people reorder it, and for a large mark up. I'm not ready to completely write you off just yet, because it has been apparent to me since day one that this scenario would come up eventually without the testing of raws. I don't give a shit if people are having great results and reordering, at 39% purity you likely have another cheaper active hormone in there and my guess would be Dbol. We are just lucky that this came to light early before guys had their wives on this shit. Now I for one am still interested in the ancillaries, however, I have nothing but respect for members like P.I. and Colt that have helped paved the way for guys like myself. That's great your getting orders, but I would reassess the way you treat influential members of our community or you will surely never get one red cent out of me. For a point of reference you can click on any member's name and get a snapshot of their profile. Join date, posts, likes...likes are good indication that a member is not only active but contributes quality posts. When someone like Colt speaks his suggestion would be listen.
first of all, people are already purchasing from me, secondly, i treat everyone here with respect and as a human being i would expect the same, not to be called a thief would also be nice, but if it makes you feel better about yourself then by all means sir. I've been more than compliant with our members. have a nice nght.
There's that arrogance we see after the first few sales... What happened to the humble pharmacist that wanted to be accepted by the community???? You're sealing your own fate and its actually fun to watch... Enjoy the paltry few sales you were able to muster... I mean, you've been here a a whole 20 minutes.. How dare we not put our full faith in trust in you!?!?!? Some people never learn..
Let's revisit this from the beginning for a minute. The Anavar and Mast raws was literally the first thing I asked you about. You were honest in saying you carry those but not the basics like test because people will buy the anavar, and for a large mark up. Now that the quality is in question you're still defending this product because people reorder it, and for a large mark up. I'm not ready to completely write you off just yet, because it has been apparent to me since day one that this scenario would come up eventually without the testing of raws. I don't give a shit if people are having great results and reordering, at 39% purity you likely have another cheaper active hormone in there and my guess would be Dbol. We are just lucky that this came to light early before guys had their wives on this shit. Now I for one am still interested in the ancillaries, however, I have nothing but respect for members like P.I. and Colt that have helped paved the way for guys like myself. That's great your getting orders, but I would reassess the way you treat influential members of our community or you will surely never get one red cent out of me. For a point of reference you can click on any member's name and get a snapshot of their profile. Join date, posts, likes...likes are good indication that a member is not only active but contributes quality posts. When someone like Colt speaks his suggestion would be listen.

OK, lets go step by step, everytime I logn to meso it seems to be the same thing, you guys are accusing me of something and my products dont seem to be good enough for the senior members, Please dont confuse my sticking up to myself for arrogance, there is a big difference, i mean no disrespect to any senior member of Meso, Its funny how i get to be honest with you guys of whom my vendor is and i get critizised for it, but then again, nothing seems go be good enough. As i've stated, im not going anywhere.If the Mass spec result is in fact 39%, then it will be rectified and we will move one.
Spetz can you shed some light on this? I'm very confused by this post, is this "one post wonder" claiming this pack is from you or not? And if so I'm uncertain where the A-bombs came from since I was under the impression that all of your orals were capsules from Kevin's powder.
I think you misunderstood, that picture does not contain any product which i sold this gentleman, he is simply stating that he is international and when he triend to place an order i told him i was Domestic and only sold domestically.
Also i cary a few home-brew capsoules such as anavar and winny, all the Tabs i sell are USA FDA approved meds.
I forgot you are the Mr.Rogers of the underground. So I should just automatically trust you? I've been here along time buddy. I seen so many guys come here. With there smiling faces and attitude with all there freebies is all nice and peachy until the greed monster hits cutting corners not testing product and blatantly lie instead of telling the truth and ripping members hearts out especially when things go south. Trust here is earned here. It not automatically given. Im not saying you are a dud. Time will tell. My first and most important duties here is protecting Meso at all cost. You might of found my tactics as wrong or weird or fill like I invaded your privacy. But thats they way I work and im not going anywhere! I have asked you a question on your thread that you have avoided here and by pm. I will ease off when you earn your trust and start answering question. Then we can get some where.
Sincerely P.I.
Im brand new here and been reading some threads. This one got my attention and the way this community has worked this guy is great. I personally would not order from him based on the overall conversation.