USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

So do you have a response to the mass spec of the anavar?
Yes, as i told the guys in reddit, the results don't lie, I've been honest about who my supplier is, transparency is important to me, i use a supplier who is reliable and safe for me, the 39% spec result is not good, however im more concerned about the fillers, I havent spoken to polar yet to know if he sent in another vendor for raws other than kevin's anavar, or any other compound, we have had MULTIPLE blood results for the test and they've all been good, you guys can also check that out, one thing.... im not "bailing" or dissapearing, i have other products and a list of FDA approved meds, those are USA pharmaceutical grade so i can sell those and have been, funnily enough I've have re-curring buys for the anavar homebrew, which means they tried it and got results and went for more.

however, if you guys think the anavar SHOULD be USP grade i have some news for you, a bottle of sandoz oxandrolone qty60x10mg, retails for $899. and good luck with a script,

HOWEVER we're talking UGL on the anavar, and there are many official manufacturers.

On my homebrew gear such as test or tren, i will give credit to anyone placing an order and doing a mass spec test on, as you guys asked if i could or would.

please let me know if you have any questions.
At least he is being honest. Var seems to be impossible to get pure from anybody lately. I wonder if any of the more common raws from Kevin were mass spec'd? Be nice to get test, tren, and winny etc locally. Hopeful for good news there
At least he is being honest. Var seems to be impossible to get pure from anybody lately. I wonder if any of the more common raws from Kevin were mass spec'd? Be nice to get test, tren, and winny etc locally. Hopeful for good news there
well you have a sample comming your way dont you ;) tren and winny.
Thanks. Those are 2 you can tell are good by the sides if you have done them enough. Hopefully some other mass specs will show Kevin's other raws as good quality and he can clear up the var situation for those who use it so everybody is happy. I guess that's what it all boils down to....everyone is just looking for legit product to spend their money on.
Thanks. Those are 2 you can tell are good by the sides if you have done them enough. Hopefully some other mass specs will show Kevin's other raws as good quality and he can clear up the var situation for those who use it so everybody is happy. I guess that's what it all boils down to....everyone is just looking for legit product to spend their money on.
well to be honest, i get really good results at that anavar at 50mg as well, so :) about the tren i get nasty ass sweats and no sleep, and acne :(. winny i cant say because i dont use.. my joints are bad enough as it is, I did do a labmax test however!
You said you would explain the pharmaceutical field to us im intrigued. Please explain. Or you can pm me. You may have followed the Scoc but I do not trust you yet. Please enlighten me.
I've never used var, I've always wanted to but you always hear about it being bogus. I'm the same on tren. Sweats, strength and aggression. I love winny but it does make the joints pop and crack like Rice Krispies lol
well to be honest, i get really good results at that anavar at 50mg as well, so :) about the tren i get nasty ass sweats and no sleep, and acne :(. winny i cant say because i dont use.. my joints are bad enough as it is, I did do a labmax test however!

You have a video of the labmax test on your products? Maybe pictures?

And you don't even know if the winny is any good? Is anyone else reading this shit?
I've never used var, I've always wanted to but you always hear about it being bogus. I'm the same on tren. Sweats, strength and aggression. I love winny but it does make the joints pop and crack like Rice Krispies lol

Legit var is amazing. Finding legit var would be equally amazing
I guess my problem is the huge markup and lack of QA on these raw products.. You have a 500% markup on some of these raws for the convenience of being domestic but you arent even testing them. Personally I will not enter a situation where I pay 500 for 50 grams of test and then find out its at 50% or fails a labmax because your supplier ripped you off. Human grade, sure I will happily pay out the ass if I can be sure of what I am getting but there is no reason to pay that much for raws that may be bunk
Maybe one day we will get 98% pure raws here. A mans got to have hope. Is it really good for strength or just for hardening up?
You have a video of the labmax test on your products? Maybe pictures?

And you don't even know if the winny is any good? Is anyone else reading this shit?
Where have you been? Crucifixions aren't the same without you.

This guy is trying though.