Capt Forrest is another member who does testing I believe or get in contact with Millard as he is setting up a third party testing program.

Thank you, i was just about to ask if capt forest would be ok with my sending in a sample. I don't think millard is accepting submissions from UGL's though.
May use or abuse?

IMO, sources abuse the uncensored format and Millards commitment to free speech. And you are no different. You have a member handle that seems fully aware of Millards intent for Meso, yet you intentionally ignore this to line your pockets.

And your basis for it being acceptable to source here is the ads? Give me a break. You're smarter than that but unfortunately for you it may the only argument (weak) you have to support your actions here.

When will you reveal your member handle?

If millard was so against sourcing, he would not put up sources ads, it is not a weak argument by any means and no that is not my only basis, but if it were it would still be all that i need.

He is recieving money from sources directly and indirectly through MESO, im not saying this is wrong in any way or goes against what "he" has said, but the fact of the matter is he is clearly not opposed to sources on MESO and therfore the foundation of your argument is faulty.
I dont think baiting members into unknowingly giving out there information is acceptable PI. You should have millard take that link down, it was way too obvious to get any information from me anyway.

If i were one of the members that clicked that link i would be furious.
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Well ive always said i am a computer retard so i guess it serves me right.
Having said that I've followed PI22 for a long time and i dont feel he would try to harm me.
Well ive always said i am a computer retard so i guess it serves me right.
Having said that I've followed PI22 for a long time and i dont feel he would try to harm me.

I have to disagree, it does not serve you right, that was wrong of him to do and he shoulders the blame for that not your admitted incompetence regarding computers.
If millard was so against sourcing, he would not put up sources ads, it is not a weak argument by any means and no that is not my only basis, but if it were it would still be all that i need.

He is recieving money from sources directly and indirectly through MESO, im not saying this is wrong in any way or goes against what "he" has said, but the fact of the matter is he is clearly not opposed to sources on MESO and therfore the foundation of your argument is faulty.

No, you are wrong. My position is sound.

Millard IS opposed to sources setting up shop on Meso, especially newbs like you. This is a fact. Meso is not a source board. Ask him.

The argument regarding ad space has been exhausted and your position is weak at best. I think you already know this being that you have a member handle too.

But you'll argue regardless of the facts to justify your intent because like I said, you don't care about Meso, you only care about lining your pockets - fact.

Are you going to reveal your member handle or not?
I would never do harm. I have a list of ips from the past... and have never put out anyone's info and never would. I just catalog info for my own personal pleasure. I like to think of meso at times like guess who?