I wont argue it because i dont feel like it right now and im already multitasking at the moment lol, but as someone else has said there is a reason why EVERYONE else does not use fedex or ups.

You really can't argue with that logic...

Sure there is a reason why EVERYONE else uses them, i think you've found your answer in your own opposition towards it, I will also now be part of that everyone for that same reason.

Just because everyone is doing it A. does not mean it is the "right" thing to do and B. is not always for the reason you assume.

Every salesman will cater to the masses belief regardless of how weak its foundation, they do not care about the end-user, they care about money in their pocket.

The problem you are seeing in regard to the difference between myself and other UGL's is the fact that i actually care about the end-user regardless of if it makes me less money. Pre-sealed vials and UPS are very very very clearly not a marketing point and are more time consuming and expensive. I intended to use them for end-user safety and thought i would be able to persuade the board into seeing the reasoning behind using those alternantive methods.

Ive tried and it seems that standard operating procedure makes people feel more comfortable no matter what so i will cater to that.

The problem you are seeing in regard to the difference between myself and other UGL's is the fact that i actually care about the end-user regardless of if it makes me less money
You stated that just because everyone does something doesn't mean it's right yet you make the exact same bullshit claims as every other source. You are wasting your time here.
Sure there is a reason why EVERYONE else uses them, i think you've found your answer in your own opposition towards it, I will also now be part of that everyone for that same reason.

Just because everyone is doing it A. does not mean it is the "right" thing to do and B. is not always for the reason you assume.

Every salesman will cater to the masses belief regardless of how weak its foundation, they do not care about the end-user, they care about money in their pocket.

The problem you are seeing in regard to the difference between myself and other UGL's is the fact that i actually care about the end-user regardless of if it makes me less money. Pre-sealed vials and UPS are very very very clearly not a marketing point and are more time consuming and expensive. I intended to use them for end-user safety and thought i would be able to persuade the board into seeing the reasoning behind using those alternantive methods.

Ive tried and it seems that standard operating procedure makes people feel more comfortable no matter what so i will cater to that.


Whatever you say. I dont care. Im not ordering from you and i doubt you get hardly any, if any orders from meso. Especially when you are trying to re-invent the wheel. What you say may sound good in your head but the numbers just dont add up
. My original handle has pictures height weight age profession where i live etc.

Why on earth did you post so much revealing information about yourself in the first place?

And as for UPS, I'll tell you why I feel uncomfortable and refuse to personally use ups to ship anything( can't control some items being received thru ups tho). It is because after they were accused of shipping drugs for online pharmacies they gave in to the DEA and federal governments bullying, started a program in compliance with the wishes of the government and ended up paying a 40 million dollar fine which is obviously just to serve as a slap on the wrist. http://www.dea.gov/divisions/sf/2013/032913UPS.AttachmentB.pdf
Section 2 Article G shows how the UPS must alert the Local dea of any shipper they believe to be shipping pharmaceuticals illegal, this would apply to pharmacies and individual customers alike. Section 3 addresses non-compliance of the terms and shows that if the company were to not alert the DEA, the non prosecution agreement may be revoked. Simply put, UPS now must ensure all employees are aware of this and that they all are reporting any suspicion of the illegal shipment of prescription drugs in fear of this agreement being revoked due to the terms being breached.
FEDEX, had the same issues with the gov, but refused to admit any wrong doing nor comply with what they demanded of them by the government. Fedex faces fines of up to 1.6 billion dollars. Why so large? Because they aren't being push overs like the boys in brown. This isn't to say I believe FEDEX to be a viable option for shipping, but I do believe it would at the very least be a better option than UPS.
Yes UPS complies with DEA demands but USPS is going to be (at the very least) equally if not more compliant. They are a government entity.

Thus, by the same logic that you would not use UPS you would not be able to use USPS either. You also state that you dont believe FEDEX to be a viable option.

Who then do you ship through? This is contradictory in and of itself?

Shipping through UPS is not ignorant, however like i said i will only use USPS now.

You stated that just because everyone does something doesn't mean it's right yet you make the exact same bullshit claims as every other source. You are wasting your time here.

What does that truth and my claims have to do with each other? You're applying that statement as if it also said "when everyone is doing something they are wrong?"
Yes UPS complies with DEA demands but USPS is going to be (at the very least) equally if not more compliant. They are a government entity.

Thus, by the same logic that you would not use UPS you would not be able to use USPS either. You also state that you dont believe FEDEX to be a viable option.

Who then do you ship through? This is contradictory in and of itself?

Shipping through UPS is not ignorant, however like i said i will only use USPS now.


No, you are an idiot who apparently cannot deduce my reasoning. Of course USPS will comply with the DEA, my problem is with a private business being able to be pushed into delivering information about clients and agreeing to work with the government. We all expect the USPS to do so, but a private business should be concerned more with the safety and privacy of their clients especially when they knew very well that the service they are providing is illegal but chose to continue to ship their products because of profits. ( This is all in respect to the online pharmacies of which were making use of their services, these weren't small time clients but large sources of revenue for both UPS and FedEx.) It's not a matter of one being more compliant than the other, it's a matter of principle. Also, I didn't say I didn't believe FedEx to be a viable option I said I wasn't saying I believed it to be. There is a difference between these statements, hopefully you can see that. Before making an argument against someone, you should be sure to understand their position and also be sure to not misrepresent/reword what has been said.
No, you are an idiot who apparently cannot deduce my reasoning. Of course USPS will comply with the DEA, my problem is with a private business being able to be pushed into delivering information about clients and agreeing to work with the government. We all expect the USPS to do so, but a private business should be concerned more with the safety and privacy of their clients especially when they knew very well that the service they are providing is illegal but chose to continue to ship their products because of profits. ( This is all in respect to the online pharmacies of which were making use of their services, these weren't small time clients but large sources of revenue for both UPS and FedEx.) It's not a matter of one being more compliant than the other, it's a matter of principle. Also, I didn't say I didn't believe FedEx to be a viable option I said I wasn't saying I believed it to be. There is a difference between these statements, hopefully you can see that. Before making an argument against someone, you should be sure to understand their position and also be sure to not misrepresent/reword what has been said.

So you just dont like UPS because they are a private entity who complies and therefore would rather use a non-private entity solely because they are expected to comply? You are then admitting that your post was irrelevant to the debate that UPS is an unsafe method of transporting AAS. You were simply stating one of your reasons for not using them was "a matter of principle."

If im posed with two deductions and A. is part of the current debate B. is not part of the current debate, i will choose A., i guess that makes me "an idiot who apparently cannot deduce your reasoning"

Im sorry, but im not gullible, your post was clearly intended to support the argument that UPS is not a secure method to ship AAS. You decided to change your "reason for posting" after you realized your argument would mean USPS is equally unfit.

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So you just dont like UPS because they are a private entity who complies and therefore would rather use a non-private entity solely because they are expected to comply? You are then admitting that your post was irrelevant to the debate that UPS is an unsafe method of transporting AAS as your reaon for not using them is solely "a matter of principle."

If im posed with two deductions and A. is part of the current debate B. is not part of the current debate, i will choose A., i guess that makes me "an idiot who apparently cannot deduce your reasoning"

Im sorry, but im not gullible, your post was clearly intended to support the argument that UPS is not a secure method to ship AAS. You decided to change your "reason for posting" after you realized your argument would mean USPS is equally as unfit.


Jesus Christ, am I gonna have to hold your fucking hand to get this thru to you? Ok, here goes.

First off, you make far too many assumptions. I have no problem saying USPS is just as likely if not more likely to comply with the DEA. I've never said my reason was solely a matter of safety, yes that was an element or else I wouldn't have brought it up but I gave you why I personally do not use them to ship anything at all which since you are so good at assuming, should lead you to assume that I have more than a safety concern with receiving steroids for my reasoning for not using UPS. My post was why you shouldn't use UPS not why it is more or less safe. Did I ever say "this is why UPS isn't safe" or anything alone those lines ? No. I said:

And as for UPS, I'll tell you why I feel uncomfortable and refuse to personally use ups to ship anything( can't control some items being received thru ups tho).

The "I feel uncomfortable" part could be assumed to mean I feel unsafe with UPS, and I do due to the aforementioned actions of UPS. But, they cannot lead one to assume I believe UPS to be more or less safe than the USPS. Which is the position you are stating I was trying to convey with my post.
Jesus Christ, am I gonna have to hold your fucking hand to get this thru to you? Ok, here goes.

First off, you make far too many assumptions. I have no problem saying USPS is just as likely if not more likely to comply with the DEA. I've never said my reason was solely a matter of safety, yes that was an element or else I wouldn't have brought it up but I gave you why I personally do not use them to ship anything at all which since you are so good at assuming, should lead you to assume that I have more than a safety concern with receiving steroids for my reasoning for not using UPS. My post was why you shouldn't use UPS not why it is more or less safe. Did I ever say "this is why UPS isn't safe" or anything alone those lines ? No. I said:

The "I feel uncomfortable" part could be assumed to mean I feel unsafe with UPS, and I do due to the aforementioned actions of UPS. But, they cannot lead one to assume I believe UPS to be more or less safe than the USPS. Which is the position you are stating I was trying to convey with my post.

Don't put yourself through all that brother...this source seems to be dumber than bricks.
So you just dont like UPS because they are a private entity who complies and therefore would rather use a non-private entity solely because they are expected to comply?

Also, here you go again misrepresenting what has been said. I never said I would rather use a non private entity because they are expected to comply, never even hinted at it. All I said is A) we know USPS will comply and B) I won't use UPS because they are a private business who will do shady business but rat on those they were in cahoots with as soon as they are pressured.
Yup theres so many trolls and bag of dicks labs right now i would swear that we are being attacked by a herd of the intentionally.
Bro even if you were completly legit the UPS only comment was horrible on so many levels might as well be cop delivering gear there self and what about bulk pricing ? You never mentioned anything about that also just couple things had to ask and add
Jesus Christ, am I gonna have to hold your fucking hand to get this thru to you? Ok, here goes.

First off, you make far too many assumptions. I have no problem saying USPS is just as likely if not more likely to comply with the DEA. I've never said my reason was solely a matter of safety, yes that was an element or else I wouldn't have brought it up but I gave you why I personally do not use them to ship anything at all which since you are so good at assuming, should lead you to assume that I have more than a safety concern with receiving steroids for my reasoning for not using UPS. My post was why you shouldn't use UPS not why it is more or less safe. Did I ever say "this is why UPS isn't safe" or anything alone those lines ? No. I said:

The "I feel uncomfortable" part could be assumed to mean I feel unsafe with UPS, and I do due to the aforementioned actions of UPS. But, they cannot lead one to assume I believe UPS to be more or less safe than the USPS. Which is the position you are stating I was trying to convey with my post.

I understood your reasoning when writing my last post, im capable of not making assumptions, i just did not believe it as i have stated.

You are right, i assumed that your post was aimed at backing the safety concern with UPS, considering that has been the debate for 7 full pages, I don't think it was ignorant of me to assume such and I still find it difficult to interpret it in the manner which you explain considering the context of the situation. That being said i believe you are telling the truth.

I apologize, ive gotten far to used to being on the defensive.

Thank you for expressing your opinion.
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Bro even if you were completly legit the UPS only comment was horrible on so many levels might as well be cop delivering gear there self and what about bulk pricing ? You never mentioned anything about that also just couple things had to ask and add

Well i dont think it was horrible and has not been proven as such, but you are entitled to your opinion.

In the future i will offer an indefinite sale on larger orders but id like as many people as possible to try the products at this time.

Thank you,
PI doesn't have your IP address. He was just pointing out the fact that it's not that difficult for a determined person to find it.
CBS is correct. I do not have your ip.
Is it impossible no. I would take some time to catch a pattern. But there are so many other things than just tor.
The point I am getting to is you being a member. Who we all might know. You should understand how we feel on this board. When you cross that line you are not a member. The end game is cash. And people always eventually get greedy. I would just drop this idea. Before it to late. I think you would be better off selling to your friends at the gym..
CBS is correct. I do not have your ip.
Is it impossible no. I would take some time to catch a pattern. But there are so many other things than just tor.
The point I am getting to is you being a member. Who we all might know. You should understand how we feel on this board. When you cross that line you are not a member. The end game is cash. And people always eventually get greedy. I would just drop this idea. Before it to late. I think you would be better off selling to your friends at the gym..

I do understand how you feel, im not trying to sell to anyone who doesn't want sources here im not being pushy or going on other threads trying to make sales, but just because one side does not approve of sourcing doesn't mean they should decide for the other side.

Both should co-exist and express their opinions respectfully. It has gotten to the point where disrespect, taunting, and bashing of the opposition is encouraged, i do not agree with this regardless of which side its coming from.
I do understand how you feel, im not trying to sell to anyone who doesn't want sources here im not being pushy or going on other threads trying to make sales, but just because one side does not approve of sourcing doesn't mean they should decide for the other side.

Both should co-exist and express their opinions respectfully. It has gotten to the point where disrespect, taunting, and bashing of the opposition is encouraged, i do not agree with this regardless of which side its coming from.
So, you never answered me about Mass Spec Testing.