I do understand how you feel, im not trying to sell to anyone who doesn't want sources here im not being pushy or going on other threads trying to make sales, but just because one side does not approve of sourcing doesn't mean they should decide for the other side.

Both should co-exist and express their opinions respectfully. It has gotten to the point where disrespect, taunting, and bashing of the opposition is encouraged, i do not agree with this regardless of which side its coming from.

You have either missed or ignored my earlier reference to this topic so here is a simple question:

Is Meso a source board?
You have either missed or ignored my earlier reference to this topic so here is a simple question:

Is Meso a source board?

Look at the ads on the right hand side of your screen.

Meso has and always will be a place where sources come to sell their products. No it is not a "source board" specifically (like eroids,muscle guru etc.) but it is a board that sources may use.
Look at the ads on the right hand side of your screen.

Meso has and always will be a place where sources come to sell their products. No it is not a "source board" specifically (like eroids,muscle guru etc.) but it is a board that sources may use.

May use or abuse?

IMO, sources abuse the uncensored format and Millards commitment to free speech. And you are no different. You have a member handle that seems fully aware of Millards intent for Meso, yet you intentionally ignore this to line your pockets.

And your basis for it being acceptable to source here is the ads? Give me a break. You're smarter than that but unfortunately for you it may the only argument (weak) you have to support your actions here.

When will you reveal your member handle?
Look at the ads on the right hand side of your screen.

Meso has and always will be a place where sources come to sell their products. No it is not a "source board" specifically (like eroids,muscle guru etc.) but it is a board that sources may use.

Wrong sources may not use you dickheads (sources) ignore the no source sign and try to do as you please then we come and say fuck off y'all get mad
It's like rape no means no
Sure, I am Xeno if u want... lol funny thing is his post up there looked similar to mine I made a week ago maybe that's why..

Well Xeno uses "i" and you use "I" so maybe I'm wrong. But, yes almost word for word.