I would never do harm. I have a list of ips from the past... and have never put out anyone's info and never would. I just catalog info for my own personal pleasure. I like to think of meso at times like guess who?

Cataloging info??? That makes you an info collector which isn't far off from scammer
No, you are wrong. My position is sound.

Millard IS opposed to sources setting up shop on Meso, especially newbs like you. This is a fact. Meso is not a source board. Ask him.

The argument regarding ad space has been exhausted and your position is weak at best. I think you already know this being that you have a member handle too.

But you'll argue regardless of the facts to justify your intent because like I said, you don't care about Meso, you only care about lining your pockets - fact.

Are you going to reveal your member handle or not?

You are assuming that because he says MESO was not intended as a source board that he is opposed to sources being here. That is a big assumption.

I will not argue this point any further, we both have our opinions, im content with allowing you to have yours.

I've already went through in detail why i cannot post my handle.
You are assuming that because he says MESO was not intended as a source board that he is opposed to sources being here. That is a big assumption.

I will not argue this point any further, we both have our opinions, im content with allowing you to have yours.

I've already went through in detail why i cannot post my handle.

Are you certain it is not you who is making an assumption? As I said in my first post in this thread; sources are welcome to address concerns and participate in discussions, not to use Meso as a sales platform. See the difference?

I don't care to argue back and forth either. There's no point. I'm just irritated by your audacity. As member, you should know better than to use Meso to peddle your homebrew, smh.
No im just a like to know everything

Which is absolutely irrelevant. This is info collecting at it's finest. Ppl get banned for this type of crap on other boards bc it's collecting personal info on someone that you have absolutely no right or reason to besides "I just like to know everything". That's complete bullshit and your reasoning makes you no better than a scammer "I just like to make more money". I pray to God nobody ever clicks on another one of your links again. You have the ability to go after real scammers yet you choose to use your abilities to spy on your fellow board members. What kind of example are you providing? What are you using the info and IP addresses for? Why the fuck do you think you have a right to do so? And to top it off you're the one always posting about internet security and how big brother is always watching us etc etc etc. You're infinitely lucky if Millard doesn't ban you for this crap, yes I'll be reporting this to him, bc had you done it on the board I mod on your have been banned instantly and been made aware to other boards.
You all know you can Change you IP address it's almost as easy as collecting it

Yes I know. I use a program to do so but that's besides the point. This 'member' is cataloging everyone's IP address that he can get and for what purpose? To sell to LE should he ever get caught? I've seen ppl sing for less to escape doing a bid. This is info collecting regardless of if you use proxies or not. This is an offense bordering on the severity of scamming.
Yes I know. I use a program to do so but that's besides the point. This 'member' is cataloging everyone's IP address that he can get and for what purpose? To sell to LE should he ever get caught? I've seen ppl sing for less to escape doing a bid. This is info collecting regardless of if you use proxies or not. This is an offense bordering on the severity of scamming.

I hear you I don't think PI is that person
But I do see your point
You all know you can Change you IP address it's almost as easy as collecting it
You can change your IP only if it's dynamic. Even then it's still comes from the same ISP from the same geographic location. So if someone was trying to track you down via IP simply changing your dynamic IP does nothing. You would need to use a VPN and connect to a different geographic server. Really that is only an effective tactic from the start, it's way too late now to do it as a means to protect someone from locating you since there are 1000's of log entries with your original IP
I would never do harm. I have a list of ips from the past... and have never put out anyone's info and never would. I just catalog info for my own personal pleasure. I like to think of meso at times like guess who?
So my question is, what special access do you have to the site to collect IP's in the first place? Meso doesn't publicly publish IP addresses on posts or user profile pages. Can you explain how you are collecting this information?
You can change your IP only if it's dynamic. Even then it's still comes from the same ISP from the same geographic location. So if someone was trying to track you down via IP simply changing your dynamic IP does nothing. You would need to use a VPN and connect to a different geographic server. Really that is only an effective tactic from the start, it's way too late now to do it as a means to protect someone from locating you since there are 1000's of log entries with your original IP

I believe Xeno was told by Millard that IP login info is deleted after 24hrs. Not sure about the validity of that but Millard can answer for himself.

you also presented some good info on security.
So my question is, what special access do you have to the site to collect IP's in the first place? Meso doesn't publicly publish IP addresses on posts or user profile pages. Can you explain how you are collecting this information?

My guess is he's using IP stealers like he tried with Xeno
So the flip side to this is that the admins of the site (and there are a few) have access to log files and even PM's. I've run forums for other groups and also set them up. It's likely that Millard and another admin has all this information anyway. It is the internet, you are only safe and not trackable if you are naive. Even if you use Tor and all this other crap, there's still a trail.. It's just a matter of how badly someone wants to find you.
So the flip side to this is that the admins of the site (and there are a few) have access to log files and even PM's. I've run forums for other groups and also set them up. It's likely that Millard and another admin has all this information anyway. It is the internet, you are only safe and not trackable if you are naive. Even if you use Tor and all this other crap, there's still a trail.. It's just a matter of how badly someone wants to find you.
You seem to know your shit good sir..
So the flip side to this is that the admins of the site (and there are a few) have access to log files and even PM's. I've run forums for other groups and also set them up. It's likely that Millard and another admin has all this information anyway. It is the internet, you are only safe and not trackable if you are naive. Even if you use Tor and all this other crap, there's still a trail.. It's just a matter of how badly someone wants to find you.

I moderate a small board myself and make use of IP info to track and remove spammers and other nefarious people. Done right, collecting IP info is a useful tool in managing a forum.
I'm fairly savvy with security I can think of a few ways to do it, just curious how @pumpingiron22 is doing it. If you're going to collect my info fine, at least tell me so I can make a choice. And if there is nothing to hide tell what method you are using so I can defend against it.