Think he's doing that to try to find out who Xeno really is.

Xeno didn't fall for it and it's not that Important an issue to figure out who Xeno is anyway. Plus he admitted the following

I would never do harm. I have a list of ips from the past... and have never put out anyone's info and never would. I just catalog info for my own personal pleasure. I like to think of meso at times like guess who?

No im just a like to know everything

^^^^ do you want him having your IP address "just bc he likes to know everything"? That's shady as shit behavior and should not be tolerated whatsoever.

I moderate a small board myself and make use of IP info to track and remove spammers and other nefarious people. Done right, collecting IP info is a useful tool in managing a forum.

Those are legitimate reasons for accessing IP addresses yes. But what's legitimate about wanting to now everything? He is neither a moderator not administrator of this forum.
Those are legitimate reasons for accessing IP addresses yes. But what's legitimate about wanting to now everything? He is neither a moderator not administrator of this forum.
From what I can glean is that he's trying to track down who Xeno was as I mentioned, and I also agree that its inherently wrong collecting that info if you aren't a mod or an admin of the forum.

I am hoping PI is using this for no ill purposes and I'm inclined to believe that at the moment at least.
From what I can glean is that he's trying to track down who Xeno was as I mentioned, and I also agree that its inherently wrong collecting that info if you aren't a mod or an admin of the forum.

I am hoping PI is using this for no ill purposes and I'm inclined to believe that at the moment at least.

Please re-read these posts.

I would never do harm. I have a list of ips from the past... and have never put out anyone's info and never would. I just catalog info for my own personal pleasure. I like to think of meso at times like guess who?

No im just a like to know everything

He's collected an entire list of IP addresses. How does that help him identify Xeno? Why is it imperative he identify Xeno anyway? Has anyone come forward saying he scammed them? Not saying he's going to be a good source but what has he really done wrong as of this moment in time?
Are you certain it is not you who is making an assumption? As I said in my first post in this thread; sources are welcome to address concerns and participate in discussions, not to use Meso as a sales platform. See the difference?

I don't care to argue back and forth either. There's no point. I'm just irritated by your audacity. As member, you should know better than to use Meso to peddle your homebrew, smh.

Yes i knew there was opposition but we are just on different sides and im sticking to my opinion that is all.

I do care about the board. Ive been thinking of a way to setup a a reserve fund to test raws and have a backup supply of raw money on hand that members can see. This way members feel more secure in the fact that i will not bail out if i were to somehow receive bunk raws unknowingly. It could possibly be done with an escrow account between myself and a board member that is set to release funds back to me upon a unanimous decision between both parties. Im not sure if this is possible yet but im looking into ways that it can be accomplished.

Thank you for your concern
So the flip side to this is that the admins of the site (and there are a few) have access to log files and even PM's. I've run forums for other groups and also set them up. It's likely that Millard and another admin has all this information anyway. It is the internet, you are only safe and not trackable if you are naive. Even if you use Tor and all this other crap, there's still a trail.. It's just a matter of how badly someone wants to find you.
Millard deletes ip's after 24 hours and his isp keeps them for 30 days if I remember correctly.
My guess is he's using IP stealers like he tried with Xeno

I believe Xeno was told by Millard that IP login info is deleted after 24hrs. Not sure about the validity of that but Millard can answer for himself.

you also presented some good info on security.
Millard deletes ip's after 24 hours and his isp keeps them for 30 days if I remember correctly.
Yah and that's fine, I'm under no delusions that I'm not trackable if someone wants to. I'm more trying to point out to others the realities. Not putting Millard or Meso on blast in anyway. It's a forum there are certain things you need to accept when using it. Your IP being exposed is one of them.
Yah and that's fine, I'm under no delusions that I'm not trackable if someone wants to. I'm more trying to point out to others the realities. Not putting Millard or Meso on blast in anyway. It's a forum there are certain things you need to accept when using it. Your IP being exposed is one of them.

Although this does not mean members should actively seek out and collect IP addresses.
Lol doc dont get you panties in a wad. I was mostly being a smart ass. As far as ip I have only done that to sources. And by accident a few members.
Yes I have a list of tools like the one I used. And no I will not disclose my methods. As far as sources I do not give one flying fuck about them they have no rights here at meso. I dont care if they were prior members or not example beastin,stretch, Pericals. Once you cross the line to source you are shit to me.
Lol doc dont get you panties in a wad. I was mostly being a smart ass. As far as ip I have only done that to sources. And by accident a few members.
Yes I have a list of tools like the one I used. And no I will not disclose my methods. As far as sources I do not give one flying fuck about them they have no rights here at meso. I dont care if they were prior members or not example beastin,stretch, Pericals. Once you cross the line to source you are shit to me.
Just because I feel the need to say, I don't condone that kind of activity at all. It would get you banned on other forums. BUT I think it's an educational point for a significant number of members that it's fairly easy to do. All these people hiding behind keyboards aren't really hiding very well, it's like hiding in plain sight.
Just because I feel the need to say, I don't condone that kind of activity at all. It would get you banned on other forums. BUT I think it's an educational point for a significant number of members that it's fairly easy to do. All these people hiding behind keyboards aren't really hiding very well, it's like hiding in plain sight.
Agreed and thats why I have posted many tech related threads and post informing safety if you look in the tech and security thread most of the post are shared by me.
Lol doc dont get you panties in a wad. I was mostly being a smart ass. As far as ip I have only done that to sources. And by accident a few members.
Yes I have a list of tools like the one I used. And no I will not disclose my methods. As far as sources I do not give one flying fuck about them they have no rights here at meso. I dont care if they were prior members or not example beastin,stretch, Pericals. Once you cross the line to source you are shit to me.

Panties in a wad? I could care less about your reasoning bc point blank you admitted to collecting IPs and now you're recanting once you got called out on it.

I don't care if sources are shit to you. You are no better than the scammers themselves at this point. You collect information on anyone you want to scammer or not, source or not.

Why doesn't a source have rights? Bc you say so? Who deemed you judge, jury, and executioner? Who else is shit to you besides sources so we can warm them about your blatant info collecting?
Agreed and thats why I have posted many tech related threads and post informing safety if you look in the tech and security thread most of the post are shared by me.
You have bud, in fact you have lead that charge and it's all excellent information. I'm less worried about this the more I think about it, but I still don't like it
So PI since you didn't answer my pm how bout you tell me if you collected info on me and if you did why i shouldn't be upset!!!
I didn't receive it, sorry i thought you just ignored me.
Thats the second pm that i didn't receive today!!!
So, like a dumbass I clicked the shit too, but can you guys Stop talking about this tech shit and let the man get some of his shitty ass opened vial test prop out.