Agreed but regardless if LE really wants you, at some point they always get their man.

But why make it easier for them? I know they'll get me if they want me but I wanna make damn sure I give them as much of a headache as possible if they come after me.
Agreed but regardless if LE really wants you, at some point they always get their man.
It's not just about LE. There's a lot of crazy people out there. I'd say due to the nature of what we are discusiing that most people don't want to be tracked by one of their "bros". It's shady and shouldn't be tolerated.
docd187123, post: 1310903, member: 62972"]But why make it easier for them? I know they'll get me if they want me but I wanna make damn sure I give them as much of a headache as possible if they come after me.
I was expecting that response....and agree. But either way in the end I rather Pi have my ip because I was the dummy that fell for his little trap, then it being LE!!!!! Just saying....
It's not just about LE. There's a lot of crazy people out there. I'd say due to the nature of what we are discusiing that most people don't want to be tracked by one of their "bros". It's shady and shouldn't be tolerated.
Again I agree! Its shady but hey I was dumb and clicked the link...so I can change my ip and I won't cry about it....
I was expecting that response....and agree. But either way in the end I rather Pi have my ip because I was the dummy that fell for his little trap, then it being LE!!!!! Just saying....

And it doesn't bother you he catalogs the IPs? Or actively sets out to get them? I do not want my information in the hands of anyone I don't wish to share it with. I understand logging into the forums leaves a trail but that's a trail I already know about and accept by signing in. What I don't want is every joe blow member leaving secret links among other techniques to steal my IP address then catalog it for future use.
It sounds like you have too much trust in strangers. You don't know anything about the man behind the PI22 handle, only what he chooses to post. I'm not saying he's a bad guy but we need to be careful about who we trust.

Your absolutely right, we don't know anything about anyone here hell I could be LE, You could be, we all don't know one way or the other, but that is a risk we all are taking being on here. But if the cops feel like they need to crawl up my ass over some test then that's fine, but they definitely are nowhere near being close to charging me with anything other than possession of a few vials here and there so...it is what it is. As far as the whole IP address thing the government is watching and has been watching this and every other site dealing with AAS, so if they want your info they will get it! But I do understand why it's a concern that a member would want to catalog ip's!
Thanks. If a source doesn't use VPN/TOR and publicly posts from his home Comcast or Time Warner account, then I think it speaks volumes about their security precautions across the board.

IMO, that information is absolutely vital to potential customers because it puts them in danger should they decide to order from a source who hasn't taken security seriously enough to mask their IP. If a member can grab a source's IP address, three letter agencies can certainly do it too. It's for that reason that I don't have any problem with members probing source's security measures by any means possible, including attempting to get their IP address.

Members shouldn't have to worry about other members trying to get their IP address but that's not reality, it's a fantasy. That's why it's so important for members to take steps to prevent it from happening in the first place. I don't think most people are aware of just how vulnerable their IP addresses are if they haven't take precautions to safeguard it. I'm almost certain that I could get 90% of Meso member's IPs if I wanted them. I can say that with certainty because that's been my success rate when I've attempted to capture IPs in the past.

The bottom line for me is that PI isn't the bad guy here - there are LOTS of PIs out there working away quietly in the background that no one knows about - and some of them have sinister intentions. The lazy attitude members have about personal security is what deserves attention.


IMO, that information is absolutely vital to potential customers because it puts them in danger should they decide to order from a source who hasn't taken security seriously enough to mask their IP. If a member can grab a source's IP address, three letter agencies can certainly do it too. It's for that reason that I don't have any problem with members probing source's security measures by any means possible, including attempting to get their IP address.

Members shouldn't have to worry about other members trying to get their IP address but that's not reality, it's a fantasy. That's why it's so important for members to take steps to prevent it from happening in the first place. I don't think most people are aware of just how vulnerable their IP addresses are if they haven't take precautions to safeguard it. I'm almost certain that I could get 90% of Meso member's IPs if I wanted them. I can say that with certainty because that's been my success rate when I've attempted to capture IPs in the past.

The bottom line for me is that PI isn't the bad guy here - there are LOTS of PIs out there working away quietly in the background that no one knows about - and some of them have sinister intentions. The lazy attitude members have about personal security is what deserves attention.



I agree with a lot of your post.

What do you think of the following points:

1) a source should be questioned about their security. They should be able to demonstrate good security measures. The issue as I see it is this is a member turned source. PI wasn't trying to probe his security measures to test them. He was trying to figure out Xeno's handle as a member.

2) I agree we should be concerned with our own internet security. I'm no expert on it but I made a post on another board regarding this very issue so I'm right there with you in that security is a two way street. It might be fantasy to think other members aren't trying to capture our info but that doesn't make the action itself right. It's still wrong IMO. What about not only getting personal info but cataloging it? That's taking it a step beyond just accessing IP addresses and the public admittance would make that person a target of interest for 3 letter alphabet agencies since they know he has a "list".

Not only that but if his intentions are not shady, why catalogue the info to begin with?

3) I have no issues with going after someone who threatens others, scams, etc. Regular has done it and so have you. I saw how you got the Muslim guy in England who was threatening others and female soldiers with rape etc. That had a specific purpose and that guy was clearly in the wrong with most of his comments. We don't know Xeno has done anything among those lines yet. I'm sure you don't do it for the fuck of it, at least I hope not. So isn't there a way to warn and help protect members that doesn't involve putting their info in a database so to speak?

4) there are ppl who do this with sinister intentions but I certainly want to question the intentions of a member who does this and catalogs the info he gets. I've never met PI and don't wish him to have my information as a member. Part of the responsibility lies in my lap to protect myself but part of the responsibility also belongs to the forum to not encourage such behavior from well-intentioned members. What use is this info to someone? Why do they need it? Why do they keep it when Millard himself erases IPs after 24hrs. I can plainly see good intentions in Millard's actions but I cannot in tis instance.

4) what about rules 3 and 5: no posting any personal info and no deceptive tactics. PI hasn't posted personal info but that line can be blurred in a heartbeat since the info is preserved. And how is the link he posted to capture someone's IP address not a deceptive tactic? Most ppl I think would not have given Him their info, a bunch have voiced concerns over unknowingly/deceptively being led I to giving the info, etc. It was a blatantly deceptive tactic was it not?
Thanks @pumpingiron22 for sharing, I think it is good to collect information and also you are making people aware how vulnerable they are.

Blackhat/scrapebox is golden. If people even knew what you can do with that!!
UPS opens less packages than USPS actually. USPS opens packages at will also, under the pretext of "suspicion" same as UPS.

You are commenting on the sterility of my product when you are unaware that an autoclave is never even used to sterilize oils.

In-fact the chance of my product coming out sterile is MUCH higher than that of a UGL who sterilizes there own vials. It really is a ground-less accusation.
I find it surprising how many UGL's dont use Tor or take basic security measures, chances are most of the members here have probably purchased from one of these sources at some point.

I find it even more surprising that a larger percentage make online sales as well as gym sales. If just one of those customers get caught LE could be at their door in a heartbeat.
If a lab can't have atleast basic security measures in place then IMO I wouldn't use them to begin with. It makes no sense for them to put theirselves at risk as well as the customer, because they are too lazy!