If i were to start a thread that did not post product prices or email would this be considered more acceptable by the group who opposes sourcing?

Would posting a product list, giving updates on sales, answering questions etc not be considered sourcing? It seems there is a fine line and if removing my email and prices puts me on the other side of it im more than willing to accomadate.

If i were to start a thread that did not post product prices or email would this be considered more acceptable by the group who opposes sourcing?

Would posting a product list, giving updates on sales, answering questions etc not be considered sourcing? It seems there is a fine line and if removing my email and prices puts me on the other side of it im more than willing to accomadate.


You are fucking pathetic.
If i were to start a thread that did not post product prices or email would this be considered more acceptable by the group who opposes sourcing?

Would posting a product list, giving updates on sales, answering questions etc not be considered sourcing? It seems there is a fine line and if removing my email and prices puts me on the other side of it im more than willing to accomadate.


I don't understand why you wish to source here so badly, you know the reputation sources have here. You'd be under constant scrutiny and as soon as the slightest thing went wrong your ass would be annihilated. Something will go wrong, whether you do it on purpose or not is of no matter. You say you wish to be a member and a source, but how can you consider yourself an asset to this board now? You can't say you began to source cause you wanted others to have access to good gear because you have no idea what's in your gear. You have no testing of any kind. You can't be an asset/member of this board and bring gear that you know nothing about except what ever the china (wo)man told you about the raws. You're under particular scrutiny because you are a member of this board, or I really believe we should say were a member. Once a source, your meso membership is nullified and a source you shall remain.

Still, my biggest problem is you are just trying so hard to source here. Someone coming from the outside to source sticking it out I get, but an ex-member refusing and trying to negotiate terms in order to remain at meso? It just doesn't make sense. Why not take it any where else, where sources are often welcomed with open arms?
I don't understand why you wish to source here so badly, you know the reputation sources have here. You'd be under constant scrutiny and as soon as the slightest thing went wrong your ass would be annihilated. Something will go wrong, whether you do it on purpose or not is of no matter. You say you wish to be a member and a source, but how can you consider yourself an asset to this board now? You can't say you began to source cause you wanted others to have access to good gear because you have no idea what's in your gear. You have no testing of any kind. You can't be an asset/member of this board and bring gear that you know nothing about except what ever the china (wo)man told you about the raws. You're under particular scrutiny because you are a member of this board, or I really believe we should say were a member. Once a source, your meso membership is nullified and a source you shall remain.

Still, my biggest problem is you are just trying so hard to source here. Someone coming from the outside to source sticking it out I get, but an ex-member refusing and trying to negotiate terms in order to remain at meso? It just doesn't make sense. Why not take it any where else, where sources are often welcomed with open arms?
I like how you think. Great post and this is what sources need to realize, as this is not a source board and sources are looked down with disdain.
I don't understand why you wish to source here so badly, you know the reputation sources have here. You'd be under constant scrutiny and as soon as the slightest thing went wrong your ass would be annihilated. Something will go wrong, whether you do it on purpose or not is of no matter. You say you wish to be a member and a source, but how can you consider yourself an asset to this board now? You can't say you began to source cause you wanted others to have access to good gear because you have no idea what's in your gear. You have no testing of any kind. You can't be an asset/member of this board and bring gear that you know nothing about except what ever the china (wo)man told you about the raws. You're under particular scrutiny because you are a member of this board, or I really believe we should say were a member. Once a source, your meso membership is nullified and a source you shall remain.

Still, my biggest problem is you are just trying so hard to source here. Someone coming from the outside to source sticking it out I get, but an ex-member refusing and trying to negotiate terms in order to remain at meso? It just doesn't make sense. Why not take it any where else, where sources are often welcomed with open arms?

Becuase there are members here who appreciate having access to contact information updates etc. from sources, im willing to bet that there is a large number of members who use MESO exclusively for sources. Why? Because it is one of the only uncensored boards around. MESO has long been a place where people come to find sources, one sides opinion cannot completely overule another, expanding my service into MESO will increase sales and there are people here accepting of sources so that is why i choose to stay. If i can accomadate for the opposition as well i will try to do that, hence my last post.

Becuase there are members here who appreciate having access to contact information updates etc. from sources, im willing to bet that there is a large number of members who use MESO exclusively for sources. Why? Because it is one of the only uncensored boards around. MESO has long been a place where people come to find sources, one sides opinion cannot completely overule another, expanding my service into MESO will increase sales and there are people here accepting of sources so that is why i choose to stay. If i can accomadate for the opposition as well i will try to do that, hence my last post.

Wow you got an answer for everything don't you?
Becuase there are members here who appreciate having access to contact information updates etc. from sources, im willing to bet that there is a large number of members who use MESO exclusively for sources. Why? Because it is one of the only uncensored boards around. MESO has long been a place where people come to find sources, one sides opinion cannot completely overule another, expanding my service into MESO will increase sales and there are people here accepting of sources so that is why i choose to stay. If i can accomadate for the opposition as well i will try to do that, hence my last post.


Ok, so you don't deny that you can't be an asset to this board any more than providing contact info, updates, etc. to sub-par gear at best? And you don't deny that you aren't looking out for the members any more as meso is increasing your sales and if they'll have you, you'll stay, untested gear and all? Meso may be used as a source bourd but the perversion of meso from the intended purpose Millard seems to have for meso doesn't mean it is right for you to set up shop. Do as you please, I can't stop you. But, I just ask you don't go thru other threads like in millards lab testing thread acting like you care about the community when you don't. Your first and last goal is to make money, nothing more. Again, do as you like and continue to pretend if you so choose. Hopefully others will see through your guise as a concerned member of the AAS community and meso, and see you as the source here only to line his pockets.
Wow Xeno you seem so dense. What don't you understand ? This isn't the board for you.
Ok, so you don't deny that you can't be an asset to this board any more than providing contact info, updates, etc. to sub-par gear at best? And you don't deny that you aren't looking out for the members any more as meso is increasing your sales and if they'll have you, you'll stay, untested gear and all? Meso may be used as a source bourd but the perversion of meso from the intended purpose Millard seems to have for meso doesn't mean it is right for you to set up shop. Do as you please, I can't stop you. But, I just ask you don't go thru other threads likes in millards lab testing thread acting like you care about the community when you don't. Your first and last goal is to make money, nothing more. Again, do as you like and continue to pretend if you so choose. Hopefully others will see through your guise as a concerned member of the AAS community and meso, and see you as the source here only to line his pockets.

I can be an asset to this board because i have done testing on my products and have above average gear at worst. I can be an asset to this board because of my dedication to the end-user.

There will be bloodwork posted from EVO in the following weeks from members who made purchases, not free samples. Im offering in-store credit and discounts to encourage testing. I have said that i will comply with any testing for this board specifically. I am also making the announcement that i will donate the first 500$ i recieve from MESO sales to the testing initiative.

I have done all of these things in-order to confirm the validity of my statements and my products.

I do care about the members and i will not say that i don't. Why must there be a single distinction? Why can a business not genuinely want to help the customer and make a living?

Ive also suggested a method of setting up a reserve fund that would require a member to release the funds. Few if any sources that are operating here have gone to such lengths.
I can be an asset to this board because i have done testing on my products and have above average gear at worst. I can be an asset to this board because of my dedication to the end-user.

There will be bloodwork posted from EVO in the following weeks from members who made purchases, not free samples. Im offering in-store credit and discounts to encourage testing. I have said that i will comply with any testing for this board specifically. I am also making the announcement that i will donate the first 500$ i recieve from MESO sales to the testing initiative.

I have done all of these things in-order to confirm the validity of my statements and my products.

I do care about the members and i will not say that i don't. Why must there be a single distinction? Why can a business not genuinely want to help the customer and make a living?


What testing? Unless you've had quantitative analysis on your raws then you don't know what's in your gear. Sure, maybe the right compounds are present and you may have even gotten lucky enough to get close to accurate dosing ( though you cannot say what it is even with a 25 mg margin of error) but what else is present? That you have no clue. It is undeniable that contaminants are widespread in the majority of raws available. You can't care about the members and peddle gear that could likely contain dangerous contaminants, risking the health of others. Yes, 99% of sources even the biggest sources don't have testing, but we all know they don't give two shits about the consumer. They are turning a profit by supplying a demand, nothing more. If you truly cared for the members before you ever ordered your raws you would have found a way to test your raws appropriately. You knew some members will buy from sources here no matter what is said, no matter how inexperienced the lab and thought you had an opportunity to cash in on this fact. Those members rarely, if ever, contribute to the board with bloods or tests that could help anyone else. They just use meso strictly as a source board,just as you said.

Also, why shall we have to put faith in your untested gear for you to contribute to the testing fund? Why not just put 500 dollars up right now to show how much you truly care?
Becuase there are members here who appreciate having access to contact information updates etc. from sources, im willing to bet that there is a large number of members who use MESO exclusively for sources. Why? Because it is one of the only uncensored boards around. MESO has long been a place where people come to find sources, one sides opinion cannot completely overule another, expanding my service into MESO will increase sales and there are people here accepting of sources so that is why i choose to stay. If i can accomadate for the opposition as well i will try to do that, hence my last post.

Translation: it's fucking free to source here, unlike eroids or real source boards. So I can make some quick cash and bail.
Just admit you're here because it's fucking free and you're too broke with your startup bathtub operation to go pay the $1200-$3000 a month some SOURCE boards charge to be a sponsor. I'm so sick of all you fucks coming and making up excuses about why you're here. You're here because you are a broke ass looking to make a quick buck. It's the exact same shit and story with every single one of you clowns that shows up here and you all fuck everyone over eventually. GTFO.

Edit : what furious said lol