Xeno Pharmaceuticals
What testing? Unless you've had quantitative analysis on your raws then you don't know what's in your gear. Sure, maybe the right compounds are present and you may have even gotten lucky enough to get close to accurate dosing ( though you cannot say what it is even with a 25 mg margin of error) but what else is present? That you have no clue. It is undeniable that contaminants are widespread in the majority of raws available. You can't care about the members and peddle gear that could likely contain dangerous contaminants, risking the health of others. Yes, 99% of sources even the biggest sources don't have testing, but we all know they don't give two shits about the consumer. They are turning a profit by supplying a demand, nothing more. If you truly cared for the members before you ever ordered your raws you would have found a way to test your raws appropriately. You knew some members will buy from sources here no matter what is said, no matter how inexperienced the lab and thought you had an opportunity to cash in on this fact. Those members rarely, if ever, contribute to the board with bloods or tests that could help anyone else. They just use meso strictly as a source board,just as you said.
Also, why shall we have to put faith in your untested gear for you to contribute to the testing fund? Why not just put 500 dollars up right now to show how much you truly care?
You're right i did not go to the lengths of being able to find and do quantitative tests and yes if i were solely here to support the community out of my own pocket than i would have, that is clearly not the case. However my point is that i can care and provide a service at the same time to a far greater extent than many other sources are willing.
Im plannning on making a personal donation next week same as everyone else, however i would also like to make a donation from my business.
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