I would never do harm. I have a list of ips from the past... and have never put out anyone's info and never would. I just catalog info for my own personal pleasure. I like to think of meso at times like guess who?

PI22, motherfucking stop that shit....You jeopardize EVERYBODY including yourself when you collect ip's...I did not know this was a hobby of yours....I ask that you delete everything you have and refrain from anymore of that bullshit


I moderate a small board myself and make use of IP info to track and remove spammers and other nefarious people. Done right, collecting IP info is a useful tool in managing a forum.

NO, its not a useful tool, its a way for LE to locate and pop a bunch of motherfuckers if you OR PI22 ever get popped....Dont do that man.....
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he copies a code into notepad and saves it as ip.php
He makes another but this time he saves the same code as ip_log
the ip's are then saved there
then he finds a free web hosting site and uploads both of the files.
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he copies a code into notepad and saves it a ip.php
He makes another but this time he saves the same code as ip_log
the ip's are then saved there
then he finds a free web hosting site and uploads both of the files.
I don't even know what you just said[emoji17]
Always thought people who were into computers were dumb... Well i guess I'm the dummy now!!!
I would never do harm. I have a list of ips from the past... and have never put out anyone's info and never would. I just catalog info for my own personal pleasure. I like to think of meso at times like guess who?
I don't doubt that you have no malicious intent. But I don't understand your motivations behind collecting member information that could potentially link them to real world identities and/or geographic locations.

This has understandably angered quite a few members. On the one hand, I can see it as a public service to alert everyone of the threat that anyone (not just three letter agencies) can obtain this type of information about them. It can encourage readers to take further privacy precautions to thwart such efforts. But few people want a dataset out there that's collecting info on MESO members no matter how innocent the intentions.

It's one thing to use your skills to scrutinize the security precautions of sources but another to aim the tools at fellow members for the purposes of collection.

I know it can be done. And I think members should know this. I just don't think we should collect and store it just because we can.
Which is absolutely irrelevant. This is info collecting at it's finest. Ppl get banned for this type of crap on other boards bc it's collecting personal info on someone that you have absolutely no right or reason to besides "I just like to know everything". That's complete bullshit and your reasoning makes you no better than a scammer "I just like to make more money". I pray to God nobody ever clicks on another one of your links again. You have the ability to go after real scammers yet you choose to use your abilities to spy on your fellow board members. What kind of example are you providing? What are you using the info and IP addresses for? Why the fuck do you think you have a right to do so? And to top it off you're the one always posting about internet security and how big brother is always watching us etc etc etc. You're infinitely lucky if Millard doesn't ban you for this crap, yes I'll be reporting this to him, bc had you done it on the board I mod on your have been banned instantly and been made aware to other boards.
I don't want to trivialize the concerns about or the significance of any form of systematic IP collection. I want to put it in perspective. It should be noted that his type of information is openly and routinely captured (and often stored for long periods of time) by practically ever single website we visit.

EVERY bodybuilding/AAS forum captures far more comprehensive IP data than PI could ever dream of doing. It's not necessarily due to any intentional or malicious effort by forum owners/administrators. But it's still massive data collection about member geographic location nonetheless.

I believe the default setting in the vbulletin forum app is to store IP data indefnitely or at least for a year or longer. (I could be wrong so please correct me if this is not the case.) The IP data is explictly connected to member usernames.

I know that a couple of years ago when I investigated the issue of IP logging in vbulletin, there were several years worth of IP data stored in the database. I immediately moved to purge all of this data and I alerted the members to this fact. I changed the settings to prevent future IP logging.

And this is about the best forum admins can do towards a policy of zero knowledge about member IP addresses (and geographic locations).

The current forum app captures IP addresses associated with registration and associated with the posts from the previous 24 hours. Then it is purged. Still, 24 hours worth of data is a lot. (My webhost logs 30 days of IP data before it is purge. The data on their end is not connected to any specific member username.)

Some forum admins will argue that storing IP data for long periods of time is extremely useful at detecting and eliminating scammers, spammers and problematic trolls. I can't disagree. I just think there should be a balance between this and member privacy. Personally, I think 24 hours of data is enough to do a decent job. When a forum is under heavy attack, then a longer period might be in order - maybe 7 days or even 30 days during sustained attacks.

This is MESO's disclosure. While PI's admission may be disconcerting, I would tend to be more concerned with the massive data that may be stored on the websites we visit.
My apologies Millard yes I have collected source info. While setting up the traps there has been innocent bistandards. That fell in to the trap. I do not have there info stored and it was not my intention to have there info. When I said I catalog info. I was being a smart ass. I have no interest in members info. If anything I have tried to educate Members. As far as sources I do not care about them and if I want there info I see nothing wrong with that. In some case it has got rid of bad sources and there minions. So it has been done for the better of meso. If you feel this is not. Right I will not do it again. Sometimes I do tend to blur the lines and go to far which can be easy to do when your behind the keyboard. Once again my apologies.
Also to let members know. I am not some super black hat. All the tools are readily available to any one on the internet at anytime. A few simple steps for most alot of the tools are already made to go. I really do advise members to learn about this and the ways to combat this by protecting your self. Sources should already know for you protection as well. And by knowing you can ask them how are they protecting you data!
My apologies Millard yes I have collected source info. While setting up the traps there has been innocent bistandards. That fell in to the trap. I do not have there info stored and it was not my intention to have there info. When I said I catalog info. I was being a smart ass. I have no interest in members info. If anything I have tried to educate Members. As far as sources I do not care about them and if I want there info I see nothing wrong with that. In some case it has got rid of bad sources and there minions. So it has been done for the better of meso. If you feel this is not. Right I will not do it again. Sometimes I do tend to blur the lines and go to far which can be easy to do when your behind the keyboard. Once again my apologies.
Thanks. If a source doesn't use VPN/TOR and publicly posts from his home Comcast or Time Warner account, then I think it speaks volumes about their security precautions across the board.
Thanks. If a source doesn't use VPN/TOR and publicly posts from his home Comcast or Time Warner account, then I think it speaks volumes about their security precautions across the board.
Agreed completely!!!!! I've learned quite a bit in the last few hours as far as ip's go. thanks for the intel. Nevertheless, its uncomfortable to say the least just knowing that at any given time my ip addy can be up for grabs for 24hrs...

Ive got a fucking headache a mile long trying to figure out a way to protect my ip. Is there such a thing???
I have tons of threads you should read. But for starters os tails is highly recommended. Also dont click on links and pictures. And have an encrypted email.
Haha.....PI has mine as well cause I damn sure clicked the link, but I'm not worried about it! PI has gone far and beyond to try and help this community out! I do not think he means any ill will on any of the members here.
I have tons of threads you should read. But for starters os tails is highly recommended. Also dont click on links and pictures. And have an encrypted email.

I wouldn't have said the way you did but yea pretty much don't.click on everything you see
Haha.....PI has mine as well cause I damn sure clicked the link, but I'm not worried about it! PI has gone far and beyond to try and help this community out! I do not think he means any ill will on any of the members here.
It sounds like you have too much trust in strangers. You don't know anything about the man behind the PI22 handle, only what he chooses to post. I'm not saying he's a bad guy but we need to be careful about who we trust.
It sounds like you have too much trust in strangers. You don't know anything about the man behind the PI22 handle, only what he chooses to post. I'm not saying he's a bad guy but we need to be careful about who we trust.
Agreed but regardless if LE really wants you, at some point they always get their man.