Marvel Labs

And I wasn't bashing him at all. His write ups have helped me many times.

I'm just saying reviews based on feelings don't hold any value. It's not personal, that would apply to anyone.
Well the placebo effect can have a big impact on feelings. You expect to be taking steroids so your mind tricks you into thinking you feel different.

But there's no tricking blood tests. If your T level is elevated, obviously you're taking test.

Your missing my point. What if he was taking test e and EQ. The test was bunk and EQ was actually test. The gear is still jacked and your bloods are giving you idea all is gtg.
And I wasn't bashing him at all. His write ups have helped me many times.

I'm just saying reviews based on feelings don't hold any value. It's not personal, that would apply to anyone.

I wasn't really questioning you specifically I think you were the last person to comment on his post so I choose you. I'm speaking theoretically here. We put so much into bloods and IMO they are just as worthless as an opinion is some circumstances. Especially when multiple compounds are being ran. A test only run with a person who has a baseline with Pharma would be useful. But that's about the only time if you ask me

I've read lots of your post and think you got a good head on your shoulders. So not really calling you out on anything. Just a little back and forth lol
Yea but at the same you all are demanding bloods well I'm here to tell you pick 5 people and run the same gear and you'll get 5 different levels. I have nothing in this fight but damn with the bloods. Bloods are only useful if you have a baseline of how you react with Pharma quality gear. Otherwise your just shooting blind

Keep in mind too that people were mentioning bloods because PI didn't mention running three different labs even though he did happen to say that he felt no difference when he switch to Marvel Labs.

I could give a fuck less about what PI personally does. If he wants to use Marvel, an untested source, that's on him. But to come here as an "Awesome Member" and vouch for a lab with no proof of the quality screams shill/gear whore status. He said himself that he knew he was going to get bashed. That's because he knew better and knew what he was doing was wrong. I personally believe based on the tone of his posts that he feels guilty for selling out. The person that gets hurt from this is the noob that sees an "Awesome Member" vouching for a lab based on feel and T/A.

Let's be honest. How many people here think that Boxcar would be willing to give free gear to an Awesome Member in exchange for a review?
speaking on behave of the new member of this forum.
(Please correct me if I'm wrong)

The reason this forum
became a success and has people coming back, is due
To the bluntness of it's (awesome) (well-known) members ready to shoot a BS source in the face if they smell something even REMOTLEY fishy


With that being said,
Again correct me if I'm wrong.
I feel it's a privilege,
To have the
(well known) (awesome)
Member tag,
and shouldn't be taken lightly,

You guys (VET'S) have to remember,
We navigate trough this cluster fuck of information based on what you guys post and say.
Sending money into the dark,
Pinning some UGL's oil into our body's.


Long story short if we have one or two vets vouching for a lab
And the others against it,
the whole concept of this forums goes to shit
And everyone can just go back to

Sincerely the new dude
How many members ordered bathtub gear from Phurious because of Casca vouching for him based on feeling and delivering? And we all know how that turned out. I thought Casca was a good dude too. He just put his name on the line for the wrong guy. Thanks to @OdieM for showing us what a dirtbag Phurious was.
How many members ordered bathtub gear from Phurious because of Casca vouching for him based on feeling and delivering? And we all know how that turned out. I thought Casca was a good dude too. He just put his name on the line for the wrong guy. Thanks to @OdieM for showing us what a dirtbag Phurious was.

Yeah I miss Phurious. Lol. That was fun. Hated to hear that his rep WetWorks got killed in bike accident. On another note all UGLs are shit shit shit. You will not see me in the Under Ground nowadays unless someone tags me. If you want good gear get a good raw guy and test everything to make sure it's what it's supposed to be. Then run it and get bloods done. If it's under dosed then just adjust your brew to make it dosed right. Wha la. After you get low bloods a few times you will see things my way. ;)
Yeah I miss Phurious. Lol. That was fun. Hated to hear that his rep WetWorks got killed in bike accident. On another note all UGLs are shit shit shit. You will not see me in the Under Ground nowadays unless someone tags me. If you want good gear get a good raw guy and test everything to make sure it's what it's supposed to be. Then run it and get bloods done. If it's under dosed then just adjust your brew to make it dosed right. Wha la. After you get low bloods a few times you will see things my way. ;)

I hear ya. But to me, it's not worth risking the charges for procuring or holding powder. It also seems like the raw game has the same quality issues as the UGL's. I personally only buy from tested sources. Why someone would get from an untested source beats me. Unless it's free..oh wait!!!

See what I did there?! :D
I feel it's a privilege,
To have the
(well known) (awesome)
Member tag,
and shouldn't be taken lightly,

You guys (VET'S) have to remember,
We navigate trough this cluster fuck of information based on what you guys post and say.
Sending money into the dark,
Pinning some UGL's oil into our body's.


Long story short if we have one or two vets vouching for a lab
And the others against it,
the whole concept of this forums goes to shit
And everyone can just go back to

Exactly right! I wish new members would take board status lightly but most think it means something, so it's for that reason that WKMs and awesome members have a responsibility to be careful of what they say about a particular source. And they certainly shouldn't be promoting and giving reviews on these fly-by-night startup bathtub brewers.
Exactly right! I wish new members would take board status lightly but most think it means something, so it's for that reason that WKMs and awesome members have a responsibility to be careful of what they say about a particular source.

Making an educated decision is all we can go by, I don't care if ur a vet or new member
a lab is only as credible as it's last blood work sample ...
It's that simple
Making an educated decision is all we can go by, I don't care if ur a vet or new member
a lab is only as credible as it's last blood work sample ...
It's that simple

That's not true bro. One blood work means nothing much. I feel like I'm preaching but an educated decision to me consists of a series of blood work, a series of Labmax results, Simec or other independent lab testing, and finally customer's experience. Again, for me only, all of these together form a somewhat educated decision.

Stick around bro and keep reading and learning. If you have any questions, I would be happy to help.

Edit: I should also add asking the manufacturer directly about their sanitization and manufacturing process is part of the educated decision puzzle.
All I was doing was sharing the bit of info I had. Some info is better than none at all.

You were using your status to help this source gain acceptance here. At least be honest about it, PI.

See this is the problem you have one member who set the tone for this whole fourm and it will be the down fall of this fourm if it continues this way IMO.

Who is trying to set the tone? Certainly not me. Take a look at this thread - everyone has shot this lab down except for you.

The downfall of this forum will happen when we have more members like you, members that are willing to use their status to help startups to gain a foothold here.

I've been doing gear long enough to know when its decent.
Just like you know if coke has been step on.


I'm also running three others sources gear so I hardly see how I'm repping or the point of bloods.

What a fucking joke. This isn't, PI. You're not going to convince anyone here that you can "feel" how well Marvel gear is working when you're running three other labs at the same time. You're delusional - or biased.

Thanks for that, though. You just removed most of the remaining doubts that I had about your motives. No one says anything that ridiculous unless they are completely stupid or have a vested interest.

Now I want to ask a question if I had said something bad about this source I gurntee we would no be having this situation!

No one would say anything because no one gives a shit about this lab, nor should they. People do care about awesome members using their status to promote labs, though. See the difference? I doubt it.

I am a wolf and not a sheep and will not follow the crowd or Masses.

Yeah, you're a wolf alright. You're a real wolf. LMAO

And I'm certainty not going to defend my self to a old man on the PC. I know who he is and he hate gear and bb and believes steroids are the reason of the death of his son!

You're starting to lose it, PI. I mean really lose it. You should get those delusions checked out.

If you follow him this placed will be just A bb fourm.

It is a bb forum. Oh, wait - is this like the time when it took you two years to realize that Millard had switched Meso fron vbulletin to Xenforo? Are you going to be surprised when you finally discover that Meso has been a bb forum all along?

I have nothing to prove and nothing to say.

Then shut up. If you're going to be promoting bathtub labs, expect to hear about it.

Some members know I'm a real person And have real pics. I am real.

I'm sure this will come as a surprise to you but everyone here is a a real person, PI.
That's not true bro. One blood work means nothing much. I feel like I'm preaching but an educated decision to me consists of a series of blood work, a series of Labmax results, Simec or other independent lab testing, and finally customer's experience. Again, for me only, all of these together form a somewhat educated decision.

Stick around bro and keep reading and learning. If you have any questions, I would be happy to help.

Edit: I should also add asking the manufacturer directly about their sanitization and manufacturing process is part of the educated decision puzzle.
Touché my brother
This is exactly what I'm talking about! Thank you for that, and I'm gonna hold you to your offer of help ;) constructive criticism is key in this game
I know I got a lot to learn and I know that, that's why I came here
(and stuck around)
Just cause I don't talk all day don't mean I don't listen
I'm starting to sift my way through the bullshit

Ps. Don't be that vet no one takes serious ... Just sayin
Watch out that's a loaded question^^^^.

Nah in all seriousness with my status I will never give a review for a source whether it be good or bad publicly. Y'all can hold me to it. I know CBS will ;). I gave a source a good review this time last year and I watched lots of members get burned because of it. All you should really do is buy a product and post bloods. Even then though it can be very misleading cause members will go out and buy that product based on your bloods and it will be a different batch. If I have something I think is good and bloods tell me the same then I'll share it with friends on here behind closed doors. Keep in mind I'm not telling these friends to go buy this product. Just simply showing them my bloods and giving them a little review as far as pip. Some of y'all may say that's fucked up but that's why you put in the time here and earn members trust.
All I did was talk about my experience. Mostly shipping I said I have no bloods. I didn't test. All I said was I got what I order.
. And I get blown out of the water lol. So much for sharing any info. If it was Bad reviews this would not be going on.
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Well I will never post in this thread or section again. That's for sure.
I will stay in !my tech threads and the dark web. It all you CBS happy late birthday by the way ;)
Nah in all seriousness with my status I will never give a review for a source whether it be good or bad publicly. Y'all can hold me to it. I know CBS will ;).

Haha. I better clarify my position. I don't think there's anything wrong with giving an honest review on your experience with a particular source. That's the purpose of the UG. What I don't agree with is the idea that these startup labs deserve a shot, and that you're doing the forum a favor by trying them out and posting a review.

Startups are garbage labs. They are nothing more than some meathead who brewed up some untested powder he got on alibaba and now thinks he's competing with the real sources. Startup sources have very short lifespans and every single one that has came to Meso failed withing 6 months, with most ripping of their customers for hundreds of dollars. Just look at PCTshop for the latest example.

Chasing these bathtub operations out as soon as they try to set up shop is the best way to minimize the risk of new members getting scammed.
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