Marvel Labs

No problem...but just for the record I'm not endorsing just looking out! :)

You heard it here first. Cdnguy completely ENDORSES marvel labs!

Edit: If anyone doesnt get sarcasm thats not your fault. Your parents just did a horrible job raising you because theyre bad people.
You heard it here first. Cdnguy completely ENDORSES marvel labs!

Edit: If anyone doesnt get sarcasm thats not your fault. Your parents just did a horrible job raising you because theyre bad people.
fuck you both marvel is g2g esp. boxcar
I don't even have a clue what your trying to say here lol nice chattin goof. Later...
What exactly besides your "advice" (lmao) have you contributed since here? bloods, labmax... anything besides your dumb ass trolling bullshit?
What exactly besides your "advice" (lmao) have you contributed since here? bloods, labmax... anything besides your dumb ass trolling bullshit?
The gear whore/ wanna be rep but failed miserably said I don't contribute. Guess I should leave then...:(
The gear whore/ wanna be rep but failed miserably said I don't contribute. Guess I should leave then...:(
You are so worthless. I ignorantly accepted two separate occasions of freebies within my first month of purchasing online AAS/being a member here. I am a college student who likes to save where I can and that was my line of thought. You are such a troll ass fucking loser its not even funny anymore. move on, bitch.
Oh whats this you say....spoken like a true gear whore you slut!! Everytime I turn my back your cum guzzling a new ugl! FACT! Now run along son your late for pre school ;)
You stupid fuck, dumb cunt. I don't and have never used this lab, never will. I have drawers full of tested brands I am satisfied with, also paid hard earned money for it all. Get. A. Life. Bitch.
This dumbass chode couldn't get a joke if it was shoved in his sister wife's pussy. Look harder faggot I know its a large deep black hole.
I got the joke you squid....that doesn't change the fact or your past choices here on Meso. :)
Good day whore....