I just about to send my stuff for mass spec found a third party from a university lab willing to do the test. I pretended to be a grad student so if the testing goes well first time it will be worth and its a accredited lab too.. Sweet he even answered a purity question which hopefully helps
I can only make a rough estimate the purity of the compound based on the intensity of the LC-MS peak versus the TIC plot. The purity will be based exclusively on compounds which can be ionized by electrospray.
Why perform a test and produce results that have no basis in laboratory science.
Can you show me an analysis of this sort from a reputable lab? Does this "accredited lab" understand your intentions to use MS AUC (Area Under the Curve data) to determine 'purity"?
The fact is cutting corners to save money in the lab only diminishes the reliability and reproducibility of the results.
If you want purity data THAT IS USEFUL you MUST perform an LC OR GC guys, its that simple.
Moreover while I agree the MW data obtained in Daltons by MS is, or should be VERY accurate (about 0.01-0.02% of the compounds MW) it does not eliminate the possibility another compound of near identical MW has been detected (and substituted).
However there are other tests which can be used to determine whether the substance in question is a "sterol" molecule such as melting point and spectroscopy.
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