Masteron cramping and stuck muscles = missing minerals?


Well-known Member
I've noticed masteron always makes me pee a ton and eventually I start to get these weird cramps like the instagram alien guy (Video below). This starts happening with my traps, lats, biceps, triceps, chest etc. Everything gets stuck and painful.

Since masteron also causes kills my sex drive and gives me ED I was wondering maybe it has something to do with depleted minerals and nutrients? I mean the stuff makes me pee ridiculously a lot and my pee is usually transparent. I usually eat kinda low sodium around 2g a day. I don't salt my food.


It's possible you're cramping because you don't have enough sodium and/or potassium. My muscle cramps are inversely proportional to my potassium levels (I get plenty of sodium). I often supplement with potassium to prevent this, on top of eating some potassium, but obviously not enough.
It's possible you're cramping because you don't have enough sodium and/or potassium. My muscle cramps are inversely proportional to my potassium levels (I get plenty of sodium). I often supplement with potassium to prevent this, on top of eating some potassium, but obviously not enough.
I'm on telmisartan which increases potassium levels... I did try supplementing potassium on it once and it did not end well.

On a bunch of test and some tren I don't get this issue. In fact as soon as I eat something salty my face blows up and I gain several kilos the next day. Super sensitive to sodium which is why I keep it low. Maybe it's a different story on masteron since I pee more. Would a blood test show this?
I am not sure if a blood test will show sodium levels in blood. I would say that the idea of your face blowing up is relative and *could be* all in your head. But a low sodium diet isn't really ideal for lifting weights. Sodium is REQUIRED for proper muscle function
I get 2-4g sodium from food alone easily and I don't see how it would have something to do with low estrogen on close to a gram of test with no AI.
Ok, well without a lot more information, it’s really hard to make an informed idea of what’s going on. Sounds like you got a handle on it though, based on your responses to this point
OP need a full list of AAS, ancillaries, and other meds you are on.

Do you have desire for sex but just can't get it up?

Or no interest in sex?
Also a gram of week could be the reason
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You are super sensitive to sodium because you eat a low sodium diet without any sane reason.

What bloat you it's not the sodium but the sodium intake difference from your normal diet..if you eat a normal/high sodium diet (and you should as a bodybuilder) you will not see much difference from a normal day and a day where you ingest more sodium because the difference between those two days will be there but not as much as if you were on a low sodium diet.

You should srsly learn how sodium potassium pump works and why it does make no sense to have a low sodium diet unless you have some specific problem about it.

Oh btw with telmisartan raising/retaining your potassium level it's much better if you increase your sodium so the ratio isn't skewed.

Sodium manipulation makes sense maybe few days before a show. For a normal day routine keep your sodium high, nice pump, feeling fuller and less problem when cheating.
I'm on telmisartan which increases potassium levels... I did try supplementing potassium on it once and it did not end well.

On a bunch of test and some tren I don't get this issue. In fact as soon as I eat something salty my face blows up and I gain several kilos the next day. Super sensitive to sodium which is why I keep it low. Maybe it's a different story on masteron since I pee more. Would a blood test show this?
I've noticed masteron always makes me pee a ton and eventually I start to get these weird cramps like the instagram alien guy (Video below). This starts happening with my traps, lats, biceps, triceps, chest etc. Everything gets stuck and painful.

Since masteron also causes kills my sex drive and gives me ED I was wondering maybe it has something to do with depleted minerals and nutrients? I mean the stuff makes me pee ridiculously a lot and my pee is usually transparent. I usually eat kinda low sodium around 2g a day. I don't salt my food.



Only person I’ve ever heard say Masteron kills libido and gives Ed !!

It’s usually the opposite
You may have rippling muscle disease. I have it, no mineral depletion, just a condition. It’s pretty restrictive at times.