I think you are too fucking stupid and arrogant to help, but i hope nobody reads your moronic ramblings and mistakenly thinks you have the faintest clue what ure talking about.
What does your dictionary give for 'carbolic acid', since u throw it around in this thread. Moron.
Kindly tell me the boiling points of some steroids, and also the bp of BA, BB, and MCT.
Everything you said was horribly incorrect and I pity anyone who tries to boil their solvents or steroids.
Fuck you if ure trolling and hoping someone would do something so stupid. If you arent trolling please read up on some homebrew techs and the reasons for each step.
If you dont believe me, brew some steroids and heat to boiling. Post before and after pics of the liquid. Ull have a dark polymerized mess at best and possibly a smokey disaster. Dont even think of injecting anything that has turned dark after brewing and/or hasnt been filtered prior to injection.
Here is an article where they heated steroids including Nandrolone to about 300c and noticed substantial decomposition (oxidative degradation they called it) starting about 251c
PDF | The Medical Commission of the International Olympic Committee forbids the use of anabolic androgenic steroids, β-agonists, stimulant and narcotic... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate