Ok. My comment that you need to research more was because of the fact that you didn't know E2 was tested in the hormone panel that you purchased. Especially since it's listed in the test description. In addition, if you didn't know it was tested for, you probably don't know why you need to have it tested either. Hence the researching comment. Take it how you want.
I know it's not uncommon to get estrogen tested on cycle and I know which tests actually test for it. I don't need to be linked to a site telling me so. So when I stated that I didn't know if you were fucking with me or not, it was because what you stated was blatantly obvious and known by most that have actually took the time to research what we are doing to our bodies.
The fact that you keep posting about the most basic shit that you should know before starting gear proves my point even further. You even had to call them? You know you are posting in a thread that I created to establish a uniform testing protocol for the entire board. I know what the hell I am doing. It is abundantly clear, you do not.
So next time you try and argue with someone, you should probably know a little bit about the subject.