Mid-Cycle Bloodwork Protocols and Values


New Member
Good day kind sirs, we are selling 5 gallon jugs of testosterone pr....wait, wrong thread. :D

So a lively debate has been simmering about what tt numbers should be based on dose, when blood should be drawn (days/weeks) into cycle, how many days after last pin blood should be drawn to get an accurate peak serum concentration, and how split doses affect peak concentrations. There are pieces of this information all over the forum, and the answers vary wildly depending on who you ask.

In the interest of collecting this information in one place, and getting a standard meso protocol in place to eliminate questions and debate over the bloodwork protocol used, it would be very cool if folks can chime in and we can nail down, at a minimum, the EXACT protocol we should be using to get numbers from testing that are considered reliable and can be compared.

My understanding for test c or e, to get a peak total T concentration after an injection, blood draw is 48-72 hours later, based on this post: https://thinksteroids.com/community...nd-blood-levels.134356260/page-3#post-1048814 from @Michael Scally MD.

It is also my understanding that a single dose should be expected to produce ~ 10 x, i.e., 200 mg shot provides 2000 ng.dl, and that this relationship is linear (same thread as liinked above, again, from Dr. Scally). I'll be looking around for papers/data, but many of you have run multiple cycles with mid-cycle bloodwork, those numbers would be great, i can compile them and get a mean and some statistics if we have enough numbers. If you can post how long it was between last pin and draw, that would be very helpful.

Hoping Dr. Scally will also help us out here, having a standard protocol for mid-cycle bloodwork will provide a level playing field and eliminate a lot of variables. Having an agreed upon and scientifically based expectation for ng.dl values would also be great.
Great idea LS. I'm not seein that 10x shit though... I have not seen one single bloodwork ugl or pharma. A factor of 8 or 9 maybe but not x10. I understand that is peak values and testing must reflect that but I just haven't seen it. I'm new, but I pay attention to the numbers put up. Look forward to seeing this thread progress.
Thanks brothers. That's the whole idea, compile a standard protocol going forward, and enough past experience/data to have something to compare to that we can all agree on. If it is 5x, based on third day after pinning, then it is what it is, and we know where the target is. I just see so many different positions that I figured hammering it out helps everyone and puts us all on the same page in evaluating gear. Now throw up some bloodwork! :D
Finally an educating post!!
Meso was dry for a few days..

A huge problem I see is that many of the people showing 8x or 9x rates have been tested using underground gear and that makes it so much harder to know whether their personal rate was 8 or 9 or whether the test e or c was just underdosed.

How are we to know if our rate is just lower than usual or if the gear is underdosed?
we have been giving underdosed garbage for so long the not so bad stuff is looking like good stuff. since i have began learning about this way of life i have not seen any 10x resutls.

I think the best results i saw off blood work at 500mg ew was sust at 3300 or so. I went out and got some for myself and will post bloods on it in a few weeks time.
Very good thread LS and hopefully Dr. Scally can chime in on some of the uncertainties . Your inbox is going to get flooded with blood questions, I know I have a few myself.
Very good thread LS and hopefully Dr. Scally can chime in on some of the uncertainties . Your inbox is going to get flooded with blood questions, I know I have a few myself.
Post them on here please :) Others might have the same questions
let me take another stab at this. if you have done mid cycle bloodwork, please throw up your results and let me know what the cycle was, when you did the bloodwork in your cycle, and how long it was from pin to draw. i'll compile the results and do the number crunching. i know it is a pain in the ass to dig that stuff out, but it will give us as a community a database of results and ranges to expect. take a few minutes. shit, i feel like sally struthers begging for money for starving kids. :D do it you fuckers!!!!

In the thread about math and serum levels we had last month, there was a study that showed the low point on a weekly injection protocol to be around 4:1 ratio. DR Scally elaborated that the high point should be around 10:1.
Things will be different with a twice weekly injection protocol, I'd guess 8:1 on the high side and 5:1 on the low side.
IMO, the peak happens about 24 hours after the pin, give or take a little.

These ratio's seem to validate the 5 day half life of test e and c.

These bloods were drawn 26 hours after pinning 250mg on a 500 a week test e cycle, mid way.
I ran a 12wk test e 500mg/wk pinning 250mg twice a week.. Monday and Thursday.
did mid cycle blood test eight weeks in.
Pinned 250mg Monday night and had blood drawn Thursday morning.
Total test was 2476 using test e from a raw source.
I could post up a couple labs based on my TRT (Doctor prescribed and monitored) if you like. The only thing that may complicate my results is that I also take HCG. I don't think there is a way of knowing how much impact the HCG actually has on my TT. I'll post some labs if you think it will be useful.
........and to think we had no forums just 10 years ago......what boring lives we must have had.....ohhhhh yea and great info coming through on those labs!!!
500ew pinned 250 every third and fourth day. total test 2146 test taken after 7 weeks 3 days after last pin. gear was legend test e
Damn, I'm really starting to appreciate my UGL!
current test e cycle, pinning 220 mg E3D
Deca at 50mgE3D
Adex .25 mg EOD
labs done 24 hours after last pin
Serum 4300\

