MindlessWork Accepts Free Samples.

Hello guys,

I don't understand why this has gotten to become yet another big witch hunt against me. It was my understanding that asking for or being offered samples of GEAR was a big no-no and not for common ancillaries for PCT and gyno prevention supplements. I PM'd Pharmacist for some information on some AI's as I was looking to purchase some. He had what I was looking for, like Adex and Nolva. So he asked me if I wanted to try his service and he'll send me some samples of AI's and under NO circumstances did I ask for or did he offer me gear samples (i.e Test, Tren, etc.). The posts I have seen on this matter were mainly for people accepting samples of gear, not ancillaries. If there's a very strict interpretation of the unwritten "no samples" rule to include not just gear but all the ancillaries as well, I have not seen it. If any one can show me posts or threads clarifying this rule to include ancillaries as well I would be glad to read them and provide feedback.

@SJB78, if you felt that I made a transgression whether intentional or not why did you not PM me to point out any perceived issue first? It would have saved a lot of trouble to do so and I gladly would have provided an explanation. Today I was not always online on my phone as I had meetings as well as doctor appts today plus gym so I apologize for not coming online sooner.

So let me know your thoughts on this subject, and I say if there's any "gray areas" in this unwritten rule that needs to be discussed in some thread and I will gladly follow such thread.

Thanks for hearing my side of this story.
So your saying after spending years researching and being on steroid forums you needed more information on an AI. Then during this conversation @pharmacist just offered you free samples unsolicited? Lmao
I very shamefully hit on the chick at the Wmart $gram:oops: this last time she didn't ask any of the questions she was supposed to.:eek: She actually asked for my number after she handed me the receipt. Told her I was married and she said she'd see me later and winked.:( Felt so bad I called my wife and told her the whole story and she just laughed at me:confused:...........
Moral to the story, just use bitcoin.
I very shamefully hit on the chick at the Wmart $gram:oops: this last time she didn't ask any of the questions she was supposed to.:eek: She actually asked for my number after she handed me the receipt. Told her I was married and she said she'd see me later and winked.:( Felt so bad I called my wife and told her the whole story and she just laughed at me:confused:...........
Moral to the story, just use bitcoin.
The fact that all she did was laugh would have me worried!!! J/s
The fact that all she did was laugh would have me worried!!! J/s
It was more of the fact that it's completely out of my character....hell I didn't really hit on my wife :p Id always let them come to me.......might be why I stayed single and only had fuck buddies for so long:oops:
It was more of the fact that it's completely out of my character....hell I didn't really hit on my wife :p Id always let them come to me.......might be why I stayed single and only had fuck buddies for so long:oops:
I was the same way with the exception of my wife now.... I was like, to hell with it and initiated first contact.... little did I know that was the luckiest day of my life
I very shamefully hit on the chick at the Wmart $gram:oops: this last time she didn't ask any of the questions she was supposed to.:eek: She actually asked for my number after she handed me the receipt. Told her I was married and she said she'd see me later and winked.:( Felt so bad I called my wife and told her the whole story and she just laughed at me:confused:...........
Moral to the story, just use bitcoin.
I thought the moral of the story was Walmart girls are an easy way to score pussy?