Mixing N-AC With HGH Causing Gyno/Coming Off Growth


New Member
I am at the end of a cycle of growth and peptides that I have used for over 5 months to help with healing. I have experienced no adverse side effects, and have generally had an increased quality of life during this cycle. However, I began taking N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) approximately two weeks ago and this week I began to feel sensitivity and the formation of small hard lumps directly under my nipples. Seems to be the beginnings of gyno. Have read basically everything I could about this, and I have stopped taking the NAC as there is vague, but causative information online showing NAC to affect LH, FSH, and Test.

Question for the board would be, should I stop taking the HGH a month early, and what has been everyone's experience related to gyno, mood, energy, and sleep coming off of a cycle of Growth?

Thanks, appreciate any information anyone feels like sharing.
When did your cycle end and what were taking? Did you keep up the AI afterwards? Could be eesteogen to test ratio is off as the androgens clear your body and your estrogen is high right now.

Personally the NAC causing gyno sounds dubious to me. Never heard anything about that from anyone and tons of people maybe most are taking it, but can't say I've researched it
Yeah it's not NAC id bet money. Bloods will tell you what it is, otherwise your guessing. Might be prolactin, might be from playing with those milk spouts too much.