Mod GRF/Ipamorelin efficacy


Is it possible to achieve IGF-1 levels compatible to 2IU per day of HGH, by using a combination of MOD GRF and Ipamorelin?
Do some research dude if you have the peptides use them if not use growth its more simple you want 2 iu you take 2 iu no need to go crazy.
There’s is no academic research on synergistic dosages in human subjects that I can find. Peptides websites and bro-scientists seem to recommend 100-300mcg of each daily.

Seeing as you’re clearly the superior researcher maybe you elucidate me?
There’s is no academic research on synergistic dosages in human subjects that I can find. Peptides websites and bro-scientists seem to recommend 100-300mcg of each daily.

Seeing as you’re clearly the superior researcher maybe you elucidate me?
Its called spoon feeding and its not what i do. I can point you in the right direction but thats it i'm done giving dosages advice and as you can see other people are reluctant also .
But i will tell you one thing its more of one peptide than the other.
Its called spoon feeding and its not what i do. I can point you in the right direction but thats it i'm done giving dosages advice and as you can see other people are reluctant also .
But i will tell you one thing its more of one peptide than the other.

There is no right or wrong answer to the question of how to dose combination of grey-market compounds which possess no great body of clinical literature regarding their use in humans.

If you have an opinion and wish to share it, be my guest. If you don’t and wish to feel superior about the fact that you know the answer and I don’t, equally be my guest.
Mod Grf has a ceiling dose, ipamorelin doesn't really.

Do more research, imo you're kinda portraying yourself as a bit arrogant, that's the problem.
I’m wondering whether you’ve read

There’s no mention of a ceiling dose in that although in children (if my memory serves me correctly) the full 40 amino-acid chain GHRH peptide overtakes the efficacy of MOD GRF (1-29) at between 100mcg and 200mcg intravenous.
My mistake. I just skimmed the paper. It’s between 50mcg and 100mcg


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I don't think you need to look at papers for that if you understand how the GH system works. A GHRH will mimic a natural pulse. So you can't go supraphysiological with it in one burst. You could only do that if you released more then one pulse. At least to my knowledge. A GHRP binds to another receptor, and it's a different mechanism altogether. There, you can go supraphysiological within one burst. You can pin 500, 1000 mcg of ipamorelin. But mod grf shouldn't make a difference after a certain dose has been reached and if memory servers correctly, I think it's to do with body weight. I wouldn't go over 150, as it's just wasting money. Unless you are using it for sleep. But again, I could be wrong, so somebody correct me if I'm mistaken.
You’re suggesting that referencing peer reviewed, medical trials isn’t necessary? Better to regurgitate bro-science you read on web forums you reckon?
You’re suggesting that referencing peer reviewed, medical trials isn’t necessary? Better to regurgitate bro-science you read on web forums you reckon?

I did not say that, at all. I was referencing to GH system mechanics and how ghrh works and how the ghrp's bind ... Or, you know what, nvrmd:

I don't think you need to look at papers for that if you understand how the GH system works. A GHRH will mimic a natural pulse. So you can't go supraphysiological with it in one burst. You could only do that if you released more then one pulse. At least to my knowledge. A GHRP binds to another receptor, and it's a different mechanism altogether. There, you can go supraphysiological within one burst. You can pin 500, 1000 mcg of ipamorelin. But mod grf shouldn't make a difference after a certain dose has been reached and if memory servers correctly, I think it's to do with body weight. I wouldn't go over 150, as it's just wasting money. Unless you are using it for sleep. But again, I could be wrong, so somebody correct me if I'm mistaken.
l have been using 100mcg MOD GRF,100mcg Ipamorelin am fasted, and
100mcg MOD GRF, 300mcg Ipamorelin before bed to try help my shoulder injury. Been doing this every day for about 4 weeks, don't know if its helping shoulder much yet, but my appetite is through the roof, being carnivore l feel like l could eat a whole cow, LOL. l think energy is better to, l cant wait to get back into training hoping l feel like this. Are these side effects common?
l have been using 100mcg MOD GRF,100mcg Ipamorelin am fasted, and
100mcg MOD GRF, 300mcg Ipamorelin before bed to try help my shoulder injury. Been doing this every day for about 4 weeks, don't know if its helping shoulder much yet, but my appetite is through the roof, being carnivore l feel like l could eat a whole cow, LOL. l think energy is better to, l cant wait to get back into training hoping l feel like this. Are these side effects common?
I’ve only been through a couple of small vials of ipam/mod grf, but growth hormone makes me crave carbs.
l have been using 100mcg MOD GRF,100mcg Ipamorelin am fasted, and
100mcg MOD GRF, 300mcg Ipamorelin before bed to try help my shoulder injury. Been doing this every day for about 4 weeks, don't know if its helping shoulder much yet, but my appetite is through the roof, being carnivore l feel like l could eat a whole cow, LOL. l think energy is better to, l cant wait to get back into training hoping l feel like this. Are these side effects common?

No, imo you should not be hungry after that combo. Ipa does not produce any hunger sides in me and it generally shouldn't in other users. You might have a low mix of ghrp2 there instead of ipa, ie. fake ipa.

But, I was once hungry and anxious, unbereably so, from a bad batch of Hilma's GH. But there might have been a ghrp in it to.

What's your source?