I believe this is not the time to judge. Everything has been said already many times before. This is not an example to follow for anyone.
Right or wrong he did enjoy the ride, to him it was worth it, he didn't care about anything else. He always said don't do what I do, be mindful and stay away from this lifestyle. It's not for you. He admitted it was reckless and unhealthy. Believe it or not, he said most guys shouldn't touch anything more than Testosterone at moderate dosage and maybe hgh.
I'm not gonna defend his source promoting, protocols and lifestyle. It was what it was. Maybe outside of this circle and scene he was a genuinely good person who cared about his family and others. We don't know him. We don't know what his life was like and what goals he had on his mind. Maybe something bigger or greater was in the cards. Only his closest friends and family may know the real story.
Only God can judge him now. Again, rest in peace Monstro.