Mountain Biking Endurance + Intro


New Member
Really liked the level-mannered responses to questions and concerns of this forum when compared to others, so I thought I'd join for assistance. Nice to see people helping each other without so much trolling.

My combo post of, looking for direction, and an intro since this is my 1st.

50+ in age and my main joy is Mountain Biking. I don't compete, it's just been what I do for fun and to stay in shape for about the past 30 years. 5'8", 165lbs.

I don't have a clue about any of this but I've been studying what I can, taking notes, and getting lost in all of the acronyms and suggestions for what I'd like to do.

Now that my family has grown, I'm able to ride more, and also have a son pushing me harder so I've improved. I actually perform better than when I was in my 30s and 40s, but I'd like to do even better. I ride with a younger crowd and I don't want them to regret dragging me along because they're tired of worrying if the old man has been left behind, lost, or injured. I want to grow in my endurance and strength enough that I can at least hang in the back.

I first looked at steroids and TRT but that didn't seem to be the best route for endurance. Not sure. I then read about SARM and a triple stack of S4, Ostarine, and Cardarine but stopped when I read that S4 might affect my vision, especially since I have glaucoma.

I won't do injections so I'm looking for oral doses which I'm sure has me really restricted.

Lately I've been trying to study EQ as it seems it might be in line, but I don't think it's offered in oral?

I'd also like to increase my red blood cell count.

Suggestions on where I should start is greatly appreciated!
Inject about 200 mg test every 7-10 days. It's your holy grail. All your desires will be granted. I'm your age, works for me.

There is no magic pill.

slin pin injections will even work. As pain free as it can get.
slin pin injections will even work. As pain free as it can get.
Not about the pain or blood as I'm getting hurt all the time on the trail pushing myself hard, and I'm fine.

It's a vasovagal syncope with needles and the like, blood dropping from my head, going white, cold sweats, and winding up on the floor. I've tried and can't get past it. I've had to stop allergy shots and surgeries not go through because the surgeon said I was too much of a risk.

Any oral options that would be similar?
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Winstrol tabs, Primo Tabs, is what i would try if needles are out of the question.
Winstrol tabs, Primo Tabs, is what i would try if needles are out of the question.
This is terrible advice. At his age winstrol is a bad idea, primo tabs are super weak and expensive. Orals aren't a good plan in general for his goals or his age.
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I found Test-600x in tablet form. Is that the same? I can post link to it if it's allowed on here.
No. You have a lot more reading to do. Oral test is crap. If you want to go down this road you're going to have to sack up and inject testosterone. For your goal TRT to put you at high range will make a huge difference. HGH at 2- 3iu daily will be a big advantage as well. That's it. Maybe add low dose injectable AAS on top of TRT if you wish at times. Really the TRT and HGH is all you need for better recovery and more strength/endurance. Those 2 have low health impact as well, possibly they will improve your health. Test gel is an option but sounds annoying dosing it often, it can contaminate people you live with, and it only works well for some guys.
This is terrible advice. At his age winstrol is a bad idea, primo tabs are super weak and expensive. Orals aren't a good plan in general for his goals or his age.
Did you read where he said he can't do injectables?
This is terrible advice. At his age winstrol is a bad idea, primo tabs are super weak and expensive. Orals aren't a good plan in general for his goals or his age.
Nonsense. There is nothing wrong with Primo tabs or Winstrol. You are 100% wrong.
Inject about 200 mg test every 7-10 days. It's your holy grail. All your desires will be granted. I'm your age, works for me.

There is no magic pill.

slin pin injections will even work. As pain free as it can get.
I would never take a shot every 10 days
Please enlighten us then on how taking winstrol or primo orally solo will benefit a man in his 50's. Prove it.

Winstrol and Primo have been popular in bicycling because you can make gains in FTP without excess weight gain. This is not to say that injectables provide far superior results with many options for success. but if we are talking about orals, then Anadrol is out.

"Winstrol (stanozolol) is a potent anabolic but also binds to the progesterone receptor and to LAGS in the liver. In muscle tissue, Winstrol has been found to stimulate immediate-early gene expression by a means independent of the androgen receptor." It is used by athletes all over the world because it does not add any extra water weight. It is also used in women to treat osteoporosis.

Methenolone acetate (Primo) boosts protein synthesis and increases red blood cells. Both of these would benefit a mountain biker, especially the red blood cells. Primo also doesn't aromatize into estrogen so he won't get any added bloat or weight gain which is important to mountain bikers.
I have known plenty of people who have taken Primo and Winstrol in their 50s with success. Need to watch the liver enzymes but they do work.

I will say that you are right about Testosterone and HGH as they would be far superior to Winstrol or Primo tabs. I am a retired bodybuilder who now races mountain bikes. So I absolutely love TRT with HGH, I will say that you need to watch your diet closely so that you don't put on excess weight.

I currently take 2 IUs of HGH in the morning and 2 iu HGH in the evening. 200 mgs Test C, Enclomiphine 25mgs 4 times a week, astrozole twice a week. T3 in the morning. It is truly amazing. I have lost 35 lbs and feel better than I did in my 30s. I am 48.

I been on this forum for 25 years, I was a competitive bodybuilder, my dad was a bodybuilder and I am now a mountain biker, with muscle. I think proper steroid use with a whole lot of cardio is the path to longevity.
Winstrol and Primo have been popular in bicycling because you can make gains in FTP without excess weight gain. This is not to say that injectables provide far superior results with many options for success. but if we are talking about orals, then Anadrol is out.

"Winstrol (stanozolol) is a potent anabolic but also binds to the progesterone receptor and to LAGS in the liver. In muscle tissue, Winstrol has been found to stimulate immediate-early gene expression by a means independent of the androgen receptor." It is used by athletes all over the world because it does not add any extra water weight. It is also used in women to treat osteoporosis.

Methenolone acetate (Primo) boosts protein synthesis and increases red blood cells. Both of these would benefit a mountain biker, especially the red blood cells. Primo also doesn't aromatize into estrogen so he won't get any added bloat or weight gain which is important to mountain bikers.
I have known plenty of people who have taken Primo and Winstrol in their 50s with success. Need to watch the liver enzymes but they do work.

I will say that you are right about Testosterone and HGH as they would be far superior to Winstrol or Primo tabs. I am a retired bodybuilder who now races mountain bikes. So I absolutely love TRT with HGH, I will say that you need to watch your diet closely so that you don't put on excess weight.

I currently take 2 IUs of HGH in the morning and 2 iu HGH in the evening. 200 mgs Test C, Enclomiphine 25mgs 4 times a week, astrozole twice a week. T3 in the morning. It is truly amazing. I have lost 35 lbs and feel better than I did in my 30s. I am 48.

I been on this forum for 25 years, I was a competitive bodybuilder, my dad was a bodybuilder and I am now a mountain biker, with muscle. I think proper steroid use with a whole lot of cardio is the path to longevity.
Well, you wrote a paragraph for each compound covering random info but leaving out a lot. Them you talked about yourself. You conveniently leave out that winstrol is a quite a harsh oral on ones health and will shut his testicles down. He's going to feel like shit and at his age his balls will take a long time to get back natural production if they ever get back to baseline. Primo would be a better choice if he injected it along with test. But Primo tabs are expensive as hell, especially at the dosage necessary that a male would need to see any progress. At that dosage they will also shut him down.

Once you talk about yourself the 2 main compounds you are using are HGH and Test! You should get off everything, take only oral winstrol, and get back to me in 6 weeks. Let me know how you feel. I get that you're a body builder and bike now, that's great, but your advise for this guy is WAY off. If this guy decides to keep reading elsewhere he'll figure that out on his own so I'm done with this thread.
Well, you wrote a paragraph for each compound covering random info but leaving out a lot. Them you talked about yourself. You conveniently leave out that winstrol is a quite a harsh oral on ones health and will shut his testicles down. He's going to feel like shit and at his age his balls will take a long time to get back natural production if they ever get back to baseline. Primo would be a better choice if he injected it along with test. But Primo tabs are expensive as hell, especially at the dosage necessary that a male would need to see any progress. At that dosage they will also shut him down.

Once you talk about yourself the 2 main compounds you are using are HGH and Test! You should get off everything, take only oral winstrol, and get back to me in 6 weeks. Let me know how you feel. I get that you're a body builder and bike now, that's great, but your advise for this guy is WAY off. If this guy decides to keep reading elsewhere he'll figure that out on his own so I'm done with this thread.

Why would Winstrol shut down his testicles any more than Testosterone? You again have no idea what you are talking about. I have actually taken all of these compounds. Clearly, you haven't. Your lack of understanding is embarrassing. DON'T COMMENT IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT GET OFF THE FORUM.

If the guy can't handle needles then Primo or Winstrol are perfectly fine. He should study each one of them to understand their dosing, PCT, and liver toxicity. I am not giving any medical advice, just pointing to what other people have taken to get faster on a mountain Bike.
Really liked the level-mannered responses to questions and concerns of this forum when compared to others, so I thought I'd join for assistance. Nice to see people helping each other without so much trolling.

My combo post of, looking for direction, and an intro since this is my 1st.

50+ in age and my main joy is Mountain Biking. I don't compete, it's just been what I do for fun and to stay in shape for about the past 30 years. 5'8", 165lbs.

I don't have a clue about any of this but I've been studying what I can, taking notes, and getting lost in all of the acronyms and suggestions for what I'd like to do.

Now that my family has grown, I'm able to ride more, and also have a son pushing me harder so I've improved. I actually perform better than when I was in my 30s and 40s, but I'd like to do even better. I ride with a younger crowd and I don't want them to regret dragging me along because they're tired of worrying if the old man has been left behind, lost, or injured. I want to grow in my endurance and strength enough that I can at least hang in the back.

I first looked at steroids and TRT but that didn't seem to be the best route for endurance. Not sure. I then read about SARM and a triple stack of S4, Ostarine, and Cardarine but stopped when I read that S4 might affect my vision, especially since I have glaucoma.

I won't do injections so I'm looking for oral doses which I'm sure has me really restricted.

Lately I've been trying to study EQ as it seems it might be in line, but I don't think it's offered in oral?

I'd also like to increase my red blood cell count.

Suggestions on where I should start is greatly appreciated!


Here is a cycle posted on Ashops site. Might be interesting to try. These orals won't bloat you at all. You will certainly notice a significant increase in your FTP. Make sure you take all precautions and get your blood work. Also notice the PCT compounds at the end. Make sure you understand why to take them.

Oral ONLY Cycle

Anavar (mg/day)​
Winstrol (mg/day)​
PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)

Nolvadex (mg/day)​
Clomed (mg/day)​

  • 10 Weeks Anavar 50mg Every Day
  • 6 Weeks Winstrol 50mg Every Day
  • Week 11: 40mg Nolvadex /100mg Clomed Every Day
  • Week 12: 30mg Nolvadex/50mg Clomed Every Day
  • Week 13: 20mg Nolvadex /50mg Clomed Every Day
OP. If you take any steroids (anavar, winstrol, oral primobolan acetate), your natural testosterone production will be effected and at your (our) age you’ll find it difficult to bounce back. SARMs will present similar (although probably less) risk.

Cardarine has been demonstrated to case cancer in rats at clinically relevant doses. People on web forums will tell you that it’s ok to take, but they’re not doctors or scientists. Do you want to be saying “oops I listened to a bunch of random internet people and now I have leukaemia”.

Try SR9009? People on web forums will tell you it’s not orally active but they’re wrong (they’re wrong about a lot of stuff incidentally). Take it first thing in the morning as it’s a circadian rhythm modulator. It does take a long time to act if taken orally so I snort 10mg and swallow 10mg at the same time (breakfast). It keeps me enhanced until mid afternoon boosting my work capacity.
OP. If you take any steroids (anavar, winstrol, oral primobolan acetate), your natural testosterone production will be effected and at your (our) age you’ll find it difficult to bounce back. SARMs will present similar (although probably less) risk.
The degree and probability of suppression is effectively identical for sarms as aas. I recall reading some studies showing significant suppression at 3 weeks. But your main point about suppression of testosterone at OP's age is most relevant.
Cardarine has been demonstrated to case cancer in rats at clinically relevant doses.
The human equivalent dose typically cited is 83mg/day. Higher than what essentially anyone will use, BUT the risk implied by the study is definitely not zero even if the HED is 83mg/day.
Try SR9009? People on web forums will tell you it’s not orally active but they’re wrong (they’re wrong about a lot of stuff incidentally).
Where have you read this? That's contrary to essentially everything I've ever read about it.
Where have you read this? That's contrary to essentially everything I've ever read about it.
I haven’t read it, I’ve done it. Just because people repeat something in a web forum doesn’t make it true.

There’s no primary sources on the oral bioavailability of Rev-ERb agonists that I could find, so I tried it myself.

Edit: I should add to this that there are a whole bunch of metabolic modulators which athletes use. Meldonium one is another (I have no personal experience of). The WADA banned list is a great resource :)
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