Mountain Biking Endurance + Intro

So nandrolone is also on your Nono list huh? I’ve been worried to go over 100mg a week with NPP myself for fear of the potential mental sides, I’m assuming you hit some issues with Deca?
So nandrolone is also on your Nono list huh? I’ve been worried to go over 100mg a week with NPP myself for fear of the potential mental sides, I’m assuming you hit some issues with Deca?
Both mental and physical. My current plan is just using Test but the temptation is always there.

Some related content for those interested. I guess I am too old. BP really takes off, widened pulse pressure and that pesky arrythmia afib stuff that set me back a while. Probably multifactorial in origin.

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Yea that all tracks. I’m on BP ancillaries anytime I’m on cycle. Telmisartan and Htcz. I did read that Telmisartan does have some heart protection from nandrolone but I just didn’t save the source, I hopefully remember everything I read but you seem better at saving your source info references.

For me, anytime I’m above 400mg of anything it’s BP control time. Oddly enough I’m normally 110/70 off cycle My anything these days though is most test,mast,primo only. I’ve got EQ (never tried), NPP (tiny amount only), Deca (never tried) and Anavar (never tried) sitting around for some potential scenarios I haven’t figured out yet as well.

I totally get the: fuck it I’m going for it! cycle concept. It’s just life is so fantastic as is I don’t have my old Tren,drol,dbol self destructive tendencies and the mental health issues that made me want to be a mass monster.

Ps: no one can read those nice references to Tnation without signing up FYI.
totally get the: fuck it I’m going for it! cycle concept. It’s just life is so fantastic as is I don’t have my old Tren,drol,dbol self destructive tendencies and the mental health issues that made me want to be a mass monster.

Ps: no one can read those nice references to Tnation without signing up FYI.
That is awesome that your plan is working for you.

And sorry about the TN member firewall. I had to work out a deal with them just to get access to all my crap since I use the forums as a data/reference/analysis repository. Probably a bad plan if I don't want to lose stuff one day.
Yea that all tracks. I’m on BP ancillaries anytime I’m on cycle. Telmisartan and Htcz. I did read that Telmisartan does have some heart protection from nandrolone but I just didn’t save the source, I hopefully remember everything I read but you seem better at saving your source info references.

For me, anytime I’m above 400mg of anything it’s BP control time. Oddly enough I’m normally 110/70 off cycle My anything these days though is most test,mast,primo only. I’ve got EQ (never tried), NPP (tiny amount only), Deca (never tried) and Anavar (never tried) sitting around for some potential scenarios I haven’t figured out yet as well.

I totally get the: fuck it I’m going for it! cycle concept. It’s just life is so fantastic as is I don’t have my old Tren,drol,dbol self destructive tendencies and the mental health issues that made me want to be a mass monster.

Ps: no one can read those nice references to Tnation without signing up FYI.
Do you cycle off telm by tapering or just ceasing use?
Do you cycle off telm by tapering or just ceasing use?
I’ve been cycling off, not tapering but I’m only on 40mg nightly. However, based on a different thread from the only member I’ve head who gets EKG regularly and has experienced Telmisartans actual ventricular protection, I may switch to year round like he does. Before him I just had the white paper showing it’s protective effects from ventricular thickening.

I don’t know if I can pull Tel year round though without getting low BP yet so I’ll report back in a month.
Ok so after....

Test cyp at 200 mg/week base "cruise" for last 12 weeks

4 weeks at 25 mg/day oxandrolone


4 weeks at 50 mg/day oxandrolone

I pulled blood work. Lipids took the expected hit and crp looks OK. Waiting for the rest of the results.

Dropped the oxandrolone and jumped straight into 12.5 mg/day stanozolol. Been a week. Was not expecting much.

Whoa. Did my biking today and something was weird. Felt like I was on PEDs. Estimated Ftp jumped up 50 Watts and got through 30 min ride really fast. Hungry as hell and oddly enough my joints are feeling better. They felt like hell on the oxandrolone. Will either stay here for 4 weeks or bump up to 25 mg/day for 4 weeks and pull bloods.

Should never have tried this stuff. Haha. Wish me luck. I am too old and know better. Nice to know stanozolol works or just really awesome placebo.

Disclaimer: please don't try this. Your heart and lipid particle counts will thank you.
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Ok so after....

Test cyp at 200 mg/week base "cruise" for last 12 weeks

4 weeks at 25 mg/day oxandrolone


4 weeks at 50 mg/day oxandrolone

I pulled blood work. Lipids took the expected hit and crp looks OK. Waiting for the rest of the results.

Dropped the oxandrolone and jumped straight into 12.5 mg/day stanozolol. Been a week. Was not expecting much.

Whoa. Did my biking today and something was weird. Felt like I was on PEDs. Estimated Ftp jumped up 50 Watts and got through 30 min ride really fast. Hungry as hell and oddly enough my joints are feeling better. They felt like hell on the oxandrolone. Will either stay here for 4 weeks or bump up to 25 mg/day for 4 weeks and pull bloods.

Should never have tried this stuff. Haha. Wish me luck. I am too old and know better. Nice to know stanozolol works or just really awesome placebo.

Disclaimer: please don't try this. Your heart and lipid particle counts will thank you.
Winstrol works very well for athletic performance. YOLO!
Why would Winstrol shut down his testicles any more than Testosterone? You again have no idea what you are talking about. I have actually taken all of these compounds. Clearly, you haven't. Your lack of understanding is embarrassing. DON'T COMMENT IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT GET OFF THE FORUM.

If the guy can't handle needles then Primo or Winstrol are perfectly fine. He should study each one of them to understand their dosing, PCT, and liver toxicity. I am not giving any medical advice, just pointing to what other people have taken to get faster on a mountain Bike.
So you think if you take a compound then you're somehow magically an expert on it and how it functions in the body?

You're wrong about a number of things. Just because you have taken a bunch of drugs doesn't mean you know what you're talking about. It just means have taking a bunch of drugs.
So you think if you take a compound then you're somehow magically an expert on it and how it functions in the body?

You're wrong about a number of things. Just because you have taken a bunch of drugs doesn't mean you know what you're talking about. It just means have taking a bunch of drugs.
Go back to Reddit. Your comments are absurd. The original poster asked about orals. You again
know nothing and regurgitate inaccurate information.
Well, you wrote a paragraph for each compound covering random info but leaving out a lot. Them you talked about yourself. You conveniently leave out that winstrol is a quite a harsh oral on ones health and will shut his testicles down. He's going to feel like shit and at his age his balls will take a long time to get back natural production if they ever get back to baseline. Primo would be a better choice if he injected it along with test. But Primo tabs are expensive as hell, especially at the dosage necessary that a male would need to see any progress. At that dosage they will also shut him down.

Once you talk about yourself the 2 main compounds you are using are HGH and Test! You should get off everything, take only oral winstrol, and get back to me in 6 weeks. Let me know how you feel. I get that you're a body builder and bike now, that's great, but your advise for this guy is WAY off. If this guy decides to keep reading elsewhere he'll figure that out on his own so I'm done with this thread.
I thought you were done with this thread?
Merry Christmas all you guys. Hell has frozen over. Readalot has gifted himself stanozolol for the holidays. Hope I make it.

Watch those HRV/HRR numbers.

This is terrible advice. At his age winstrol is a bad idea, primo tabs are super weak and expensive. Orals aren't a good plan in general for his goals or his age.
He literally asked for what orals to take for MTB performance.
Go back to Reddit. Your comments are absurd. The original poster asked about orals. You again
know nothing and regurgitate inaccurate information.
I actually do use Reddit for other topics besides AAS. Thank you for the suggestion, but I will politely decline the request.
Really liked the level-mannered responses to questions and concerns of this forum when compared to others, so I thought I'd join for assistance. Nice to see people helping each other without so much trolling.

My combo post of, looking for direction, and an intro since this is my 1st.

50+ in age and my main joy is Mountain Biking. I don't compete, it's just been what I do for fun and to stay in shape for about the past 30 years. 5'8", 165lbs.

I don't have a clue about any of this but I've been studying what I can, taking notes, and getting lost in all of the acronyms and suggestions for what I'd like to do.

Now that my family has grown, I'm able to ride more, and also have a son pushing me harder so I've improved. I actually perform better than when I was in my 30s and 40s, but I'd like to do even better. I ride with a younger crowd and I don't want them to regret dragging me along because they're tired of worrying if the old man has been left behind, lost, or injured. I want to grow in my endurance and strength enough that I can at least hang in the back.

I first looked at steroids and TRT but that didn't seem to be the best route for endurance. Not sure. I then read about SARM and a triple stack of S4, Ostarine, and Cardarine but stopped when I read that S4 might affect my vision, especially since I have glaucoma.

I won't do injections so I'm looking for oral doses which I'm sure has me really restricted.

Lately I've been trying to study EQ as it seems it might be in line, but I don't think it's offered in oral?

I'd also like to increase my red blood cell count.

Suggestions on where I should start is greatly appreciated!

I also love mountain biking and when I turned 40, I started to lose my endurance. I did a cycle of Primobolan and Testosterone Propionate, 200/100mgs for three weeks and half that for four more weeks. The results were fantastic, the only side effect was the HPTA shutdown. A little triptorelin can take care of that.

I was 10-15 lbs heavier that season, absolutely shredded at around 7% BF, and the fatigue I was having after a ride was replaced by exhilaration. I do not think I was any faster (or slower), but I looked great and felt awesome.

This was with pharmacy stuff, injectable. Real Bayer-Schering from Turkey.

So, since you will not do needles, you're kind of up shit creek. Primo is an awesome drug IMHO, but I am a very high responder and Primo doesn't cause me anxiety. The problem you will have with Primobolan orals is not the price. SWIM just got 400 50mgs tablets for $270. That's $0.68 a tab. (I do not think he will need more than a tab a day) Janoshik lab tested. The issue is that Primobolan, while almost side effect free for most users, will still suppress your HPTA. For this, it is recommended to use either TRT dose testosterone, or HCG to counteract the suppression effect. SWIM is planning to do a Primo Oral only cycle with HCG/HMG and just avoid the shutdown. Also the oral will clear his system very quickly and allow for triptorelin administration almost immediately after the cycle. He says he is going to make a youtube video. He also does a lot of cardio and is basically doing a cut/peak cardio. Now if you would want to emulate this, it still requires injection of HMG/HCG subcutaneously with an insulin needle.

Other than that, I suppose you could take proviron with primo tabs and get good results, then PCT with Clomid and Nolvadex and maybe exemastane. No needles. It really does not take much at all to get the enhanced recovery, endurance, and muscle retention at peak cardio conditioning, so you would want to find the minimal effective dose. I'd suggest 50 days or less.

If you crash your testosterone and cannot bounce back with those pills you will be screwed. Everything else to fix that invovles a needle.

P.S. If anyone here has firsthand experience with both Primo-E and Oral Primo, how much oral per day equals 200mgs/week of the injectable? From what I have read it is only 50mgs/day.