Moving from testosterone pellets to inections?


New Member
Late 40s F. I found a local Dr a couple years ago that specializes in women's health optimization. Tested my testosterone levels and of course they were in the toilet. I've been getting BioTe pellets now for a couple of years and I LOVE them. Increased libido, bit of 'fluffiness' to my lady bits, more motivation and focus, and I've gained 10lbs of lean muscle mass in the past two years. But they are $$$, I'm burning through a pellet in about 10 weeks and can tell the difference when I get to the end, and I am 100% A-ok with pinning myself at this point. Blood tests confirm this.

I'm due to go in and get another pellet this morning, going to ask what the actual dosage and chemical is that's in it, and then start doing some research to figure out just what kind of testosterone, dosage, etc. to take matters in to my own hands.

Question - anybody else here have any experience making this shift? Seems like injections would provide a more stable experience (to my hormones AND my wallet).
Thanks for this ball park. I actually wouldn't even mind the peaks and valleys of the pellet but I'm tired of losing nearly a whole WEEK at the gym because of the glute insertion site. :/
So the pellets are custom made? Sounds kinda scammy

BioTE pellets contain bioidentical hormones, specifically estradiol and/or testosterone, derived from plant sources like yams or soy[11][12]. The key ingredients and details about BioTE pellets include:

1. Hormones:
- Estradiol (a form of estrogen) for women[11]
- Testosterone for both men and women[11]

2. Binding agent:
- Stearic acid is used as the binding agent to fuse the powdered hormones into pellet form[11][12]

3. Size and composition:
- The pellets are about the size of a large grain of rice[12]
- They are custom compounded for each patient based on their individual hormone needs[9][11]

4. Sourcing:
- The hormones are derived from plant sources, typically yams or soy[12]

5. Dosage:
- Dosages are customized for each patient based on extensive lab work and consultation with a Biote Certified Provider[9][11]
- The exact quantity of hormones is determined by the patient's specific requirements[9]

6. Frequency of administration:
- For women: Typically inserted every 3-6 months[12]
- For men: Usually every 4-6 months[12]

7. Quality control:
- BioTE pellets undergo 8 quality measures and are E-Beam sterilized[12]
- They have a 3% variance in testosterone and a 5% variance in estradiol[12]

It's important to note that while the hormones used in BioTE pellets (estradiol and testosterone) are FDA-approved, the pellets themselves are not FDA-approved[12]. The dosages and exact formulations are customized for each individual patient, so there isn't a standard dosage that applies to all users of BioTE pellets.

Sure, you could get testosterone and estradiol injections much cheaper. But you would probably have to do a lot of experimenting and bloodwork to find the right dosages.
I’ve been doing Test C inj for a year now. It’s so inexpensive, in comparison to pellets. My friends that are on pellets seem to have a difficult time finding their correct dosage and then having to wait until it wears off if they’re dosed too high. With bi-weekly or weekly inj, I feel like it allows your levels to be more stable and you know exactly what you’re dosing, therefore it’s simpler to make an immediate adjustment, if needed.
Then try asking for the exact dosages and we might be able to help you to find the right injectables
So when I went in for my last insertion, I did ask what the dosages were, and it got weird fast. Lots of 'um, err' and when I asked about injections it was a lot of "well it's hard to get the dosage right" nonsense. Really? I can do basic math, and I know what my labs are NOW, and I know how to get future labs :rolleyes: So yea, now it does feel scammy.

When this pellet runs out in about 9 weeks, I'm definitely going to go DIY. I'd like to aim initially for 10-15mg/wk - probably start with 10mg/wk, split in to a couple doses, and use bloodwork to go from there. On the pellets, when I'm feeling my best (libido, workouts, mood, etc.), labwork shows Total Testosterone at right around 300ng/dl.

Looks like a lot of the concentrations are such that I'd be drawing .04-.1mL per injection (250mg/mL vs 100mg/mL) 2x/wk

I’ve been doing Test C inj for a year now. It’s so inexpensive, in comparison to pellets. My friends that are on pellets seem to have a difficult time finding their correct dosage and then having to wait until it wears off if they’re dosed too high. With bi-weekly or weekly inj, I feel like it allows your levels to be more stable and you know exactly what you’re dosing, therefore it’s simpler to make an immediate adjustment, if needed.
Thanks for this, that's where I'm at right now, and when my 10 weeks are up (in about 9 weeks or so) I'll head toward Test C.
If you are going to buy UGL testosterone make sure you do a lot of research. Go with the highest quality source you are comfortable with. A vial is going to last you a long time so probably smart to go with a top notch domestic source that does a lot of testing because the extra costs won't really matter. I would highly suggest that when you get your chosen product you send it in to be tested. Because the range for female dosing is so much narrower you really want to be sure you know exactly what you have in your hand. Most UGL products are made for men so if it happens to be say 10% overdosed, no big deal for a man. For a female though that could be a big deal. You also want to be sure that there is no contamination with another type of AAS witch occasionally happens.
If you are going to buy UGL testosterone make sure you do a lot of research. Go with the highest quality source you are comfortable with. A vial is going to last you a long time so probably smart to go with a top notch domestic source that does a lot of testing because the extra costs won't really matter. I would highly suggest that when you get your chosen product you send it in to be tested. Because the range for female dosing is so much narrower you really want to be sure you know exactly what you have in your hand. Most UGL products are made for men so if it happens to be say 10% overdosed, no big deal for a man. For a female though that could be a big deal. You also want to be sure that there is no contamination with another type of AAS witch occasionally happens.
Thanks for this thoughtful response, I’ll file this away and dig around for good domestic sources. Are you talking more front end single vial sales rather than kit sales type sources?

As for lasting a long time, I did some math a few days ago and you aren’t kidding lol. YEARS and years :p
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My wife is in her 50s and starting to go through menopause. I am giving her 10mg a week of Test C and she feels amazing. Her libido has returned and her mood has improved drastically. Her exact quote "Feeling powerful is amazing" Lol. We are scheduled to get her labs done to see exact numbers and make changes from there. It has been 6 weeks and as far as we can tell she has had no side effects except water weight. I know this is a low dose but why go higher if she is feeling great. I use the UGL Test C and give her my Test C from the Doc. Not that I don't trust the UGL. I think your game plan of brewing your own from your intro would be a solid plan.
My wife is in her 50s and starting to go through menopause. I am giving her 10mg a week of Test C and she feels amazing. Her libido has returned and her mood has improved drastically. Her exact quote "Feeling powerful is amazing" Lol. We are scheduled to get her labs done to see exact numbers and make changes from there. It has been 6 weeks and as far as we can tell she has had no side effects except water weight. I know this is a low dose but why go higher if she is feeling great. I use the UGL Test C and give her my Test C from the Doc. Not that I don't trust the UGL. I think your game plan of brewing your own from your intro would be a solid plan.
Well here I go, perimenopausal breaking bad :p

I agree with your wife!!
Thanks for this thoughtful response, I’ll file this away and dig around for good domestic sources. Are you talking more front end single vial sales rather than kit sales type sources?

As for lasting a long time, I did some math a few days ago and you aren’t kidding lol. YEARS and years :p
Most of the domestic sources sell single vials. Some make lady dosing test at 50 or 100 mg per ml. There are good international vendors as well. Because the price won't be a big deal go top shelf.
Thanks for this thoughtful response, I’ll file this away and dig around for good domestic sources. Are you talking more front end single vial sales rather than kit sales type sources?

You could also look into homebrewing with presterilized vials, which is very easy.

Estradiol you could get from tranny shops, but i would rather homebrew.