New Member
Touchdown of my order 10723.
I just bought some test-e to bridge the gap between cruise and summer cut when i’ll add some masterone in equation. Tbh, ever since i got horrible pip 2-3 years ago i avoided test-e completely and replaced it with test-c…i am glad to say that this one only causes tiny bit of pip so no need to avoid it! (even though i find test-c even smoother). Order came in 4 days, and i have to admit their customer support response time is pretty damn quick. Also, since i am writing this review i ll give you data for their test-c and my blood results. I would give you the photo but since its foreign language might as well translate for you. Disclaimer: I was on 250 mg/week, pinning once a week, i took the test 72 hours after injecting.
Albumine: 53 g/L (40.6-51.4 ref interval)
Testosterone, total: >51.2 nmol/L (8.64-29) (beyond their upper limit of measurement)
Globuline (SHBG): 19 nmol/L
Free testosterone: / (due to high levels of total test they could not calculate
Free testosterone, ratio: /
Bioavailable testosterone: /
Estradiol (E2): 287.4 pmol/L (95-223)

I just bought some test-e to bridge the gap between cruise and summer cut when i’ll add some masterone in equation. Tbh, ever since i got horrible pip 2-3 years ago i avoided test-e completely and replaced it with test-c…i am glad to say that this one only causes tiny bit of pip so no need to avoid it! (even though i find test-c even smoother). Order came in 4 days, and i have to admit their customer support response time is pretty damn quick. Also, since i am writing this review i ll give you data for their test-c and my blood results. I would give you the photo but since its foreign language might as well translate for you. Disclaimer: I was on 250 mg/week, pinning once a week, i took the test 72 hours after injecting.
Albumine: 53 g/L (40.6-51.4 ref interval)
Testosterone, total: >51.2 nmol/L (8.64-29) (beyond their upper limit of measurement)
Globuline (SHBG): 19 nmol/L
Free testosterone: / (due to high levels of total test they could not calculate
Free testosterone, ratio: /
Bioavailable testosterone: /
Estradiol (E2): 287.4 pmol/L (95-223)