My 1st log evah

You got that 1/4 turn IG pose nailed man. Looking pretty lean and solid for sure.

Keep on it. Haterz gonna hate and all the jizz...or jazz. You know what I mean.
You got that 1/4 turn IG pose nailed man. Looking pretty lean and solid for sure.

Keep on it. Haterz gonna hate and all the jizz...or jazz. You know what I mean.

thanks man… i ll keep kcals low and wanna get rid for the first time of that fuckin fat on abs and love handles… if I understood maingayn first…

abusing carbs isn’t good for me .. now i m ok with a very slow grow process
Solid improvements
How are you feeling on the stack bro?
Finally i found the perfect combo … because oxymeth fucked my appetite and couldnt enjoy its effects… winstrol dont wanna fuck my joint… boldenone crashed my e2 and its not more anabolic than primo, if not very very slightly.. Llewellyn puts bold on 100 and primo on 88 as an anabolic compared to test (thats 100 as a reference) … dbol bloated me badly… NPP wasnt magic at 300mg ew.. and i putted fat on test bold npp at the same kcals i was duri the first recomp .. when i looked like that , at the end of 9 week


right now im at less kcals than that first recomp i made in december (like 500kcals less) but i upped Primo, reduced slightly test, now i m on prop and not enanth, Aromasin is still 25mg eod and i m fine, tren is 140mg weekly , primo 800mg and test prop 400mg… tren will be done 3 weeks on 1 week off… this is my 3rd week… because i have to synch the tren on week with Humalog pre wo 6iu that i m doing 1 week on 1 week off… kcals are 2800 during Humalog week and 2700 when off Humalog.. during Tren off i ll do Oxa pre wo 40mg + 40mg ..

Hgh is opti 3 + 2 … 500mg inj carnitine pre wo after 30 min Humalog… carbs are 200g Ed.. mainly pre wo intra and post wo..

I had just some heartburn some days ago maybe because of the tren but i m fine, i m slimming and recomping… skin is thinner day by day… so i m fine with a slow grow but totally lean…

when i ll be happy with the shreds i ll up kcals 200 every week until i ll find the sweet spot… maybe i would stop at 3500kcals… or maybe 3200kcals and reduce aromasin to E3d instead of Eod… dont know.. i ll see… but i wont up drugs… that perfect like that

maybe at 5th week i ll add 200kcals nonetheless because i m doing primo and dont wanna waste it with too few kcals…

my previous bulk attempt after that glorious recomp was shitty, 500mg test enanth, 450mg bold, 300mg npp, 40mg OXY pre wo that i quitted at 2nd week, no insulin, hgh still 3 + 2, still Metformin 1g ed , but aromasin was 25 E3d and without tren i was fuckin bloated… bold crashed estro and i was fuckin upset because i looked way better during the previous recomp…

so i edited the recomp cycle as stated and will keep doing what i m doing now.. i think during the first 2 weeks of cruise that ill have primo still on blood i ll do 2 weeks (on trt 200mg week) with 200mg DNP ed and some t3 after some days… mostly on very low carbs because when i ran dnp on a keto i lost fat but sweating was just a bad memory.. no heat without carbs.. but it was still working…

so i ll update this log with new relevant shredded pics in maybe 4 weeks…

cycle would be maybe 10-12 weeks and cruise 6-8 with just test 200mg week, very little aromasin, 2iu HGH … then i ll get blood and restart
Finally i found the perfect combo … because oxymeth fucked my appetite and couldnt enjoy its effects… winstrol dont wanna fuck my joint… boldenone crashed my e2 and its not more anabolic than primo, if not very very slightly.. Llewellyn puts bold on 100 and primo on 88 as an anabolic compared to test (thats 100 as a reference) … dbol bloated me badly… NPP wasnt magic at 300mg ew.. and i putted fat on test bold npp at the same kcals i was duri the first recomp .. when i looked like that , at the end of 9 week

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right now im at less kcals than that first recomp i made in december (like 500kcals less) but i upped Primo, reduced slightly test, now i m on prop and not enanth, Aromasin is still 25mg eod and i m fine, tren is 140mg weekly , primo 800mg and test prop 400mg… tren will be done 3 weeks on 1 week off… this is my 3rd week… because i have to synch the tren on week with Humalog pre wo 6iu that i m doing 1 week on 1 week off… kcals are 2800 during Humalog week and 2700 when off Humalog.. during Tren off i ll do Oxa pre wo 40mg + 40mg ..

Hgh is opti 3 + 2 … 500mg inj carnitine pre wo after 30 min Humalog… carbs are 200g Ed.. mainly pre wo intra and post wo..

I had just some heartburn some days ago maybe because of the tren but i m fine, i m slimming and recomping… skin is thinner day by day… so i m fine with a slow grow but totally lean…

when i ll be happy with the shreds i ll up kcals 200 every week until i ll find the sweet spot… maybe i would stop at 3500kcals… or maybe 3200kcals and reduce aromasin to E3d instead of Eod… dont know.. i ll see… but i wont up drugs… that perfect like that

maybe at 5th week i ll add 200kcals nonetheless because i m doing primo and dont wanna waste it with too few kcals…

my previous bulk attempt after that glorious recomp was shitty, 500mg test enanth, 450mg bold, 300mg npp, 40mg OXY pre wo that i quitted at 2nd week, no insulin, hgh still 3 + 2, still Metformin 1g ed , but aromasin was 25 E3d and without tren i was fuckin bloated… bold crashed estro and i was fuckin upset because i looked way better during the previous recomp…

so i edited the recomp cycle as stated and will keep doing what i m doing now.. i think during the first 2 weeks of cruise that ill have primo still on blood i ll do 2 weeks (on trt 200mg week) with 200mg DNP ed and some t3 after some days… mostly on very low carbs because when i ran dnp on a keto i lost fat but sweating was just a bad memory.. no heat without carbs.. but it was still working…

so i ll update this log with new relevant shredded pics in maybe 4 weeks…

cycle would be maybe 10-12 weeks and cruise 6-8 with just test 200mg week, very little aromasin, 2iu HGH … then i ll get blood and restart

Sounds like you've dialed it in better this run.

You cant go wrong with Test/Primo as the main driving force in a stack, they're just such awesome compounds!
Plus you'll always feel good with that lowered SHBG and the decent test driving your workouts

My next run will be 750T 500 Primo
Might add some GH, not too sure yet.
Maybe an Adrol strength finisher... but I'll probably just skip the oral and push the cycle to 16 weeks instead.

Hows the BG treating you with the GH and Slin?
Any issues?

Also, why the DNP?
Cutting or just increasing insulin sensitivity from the GH/Slin?
I assume you're just trying to get crazy shredded right now before your next bulk?
Sounds like you've dialed it in better this run.

You cant go wrong with Test/Primo as the main driving force in a stack, they're just such awesome compounds!
Plus you'll always feel good with that lowered SHBG and the decent test driving your workouts

My next run will be 750T 500 Primo
Might add some GH, not too sure yet.
Maybe an Adrol strength finisher... but I'll probably just skip the oral and push the cycle to 16 weeks instead.

Hows the BG treating you with the GH and Slin?
Any issues?

Also, why the DNP?
Cutting or just increasing insulin sensitivity from the GH/Slin?
I assume you're just trying to get crazy shredded right now before your next bulk?

in regards of bg, when i went donating blood it was fine, some weeks before i hopped on new cycle, i feel good and dont know if i wanna pin my fingers… maybe ill try in some days but since i m feeling good and with metformin + berberine and clean diet, 6iu humalog every other week and not more than 5iu of hgh for 10 weeks, i dont think i have to be worried about bg…

Dnp i would use to shred while tryna keeping muscle… i m not a fan of stupid clen , i m doing some cardio intra week for other purposes and mostly because right now dont wanna reduce kcals under 2800… so i ll see how ill react to dnp this time in those circumstances i stated..

I wanna reach a very low bodyfat level and tryna to maintain it during the year… my next “bulk” as stated wont see a change on the stack if not for a slightly less aromasin (e3d instead of eod) and kcals will be increased little by little… sort of what s called Maingayn ..
I can't see any reason to pin your fingers on only 6 iu.

Outside observer objective opinion - you are plenty lean. Lower the AI and increase calories to 3500 (or more). Start growing more quickly. That is a lot of "stuff" you are taking just to play around with the slow-grow-recomp stuff. Eat. Train. Grow.

You don't have a competition for which you are currently prepping. There is no reason to be any leaner than you are right now, and you are harming your growth prospects.

2700-2800 calories is not enough to fuel those muscles to grow.

You can accelerate this process by eating more.
I can't see any reason to pin your fingers on only 6 iu.

Outside observer objective opinion - you are plenty lean. Lower the AI and increase calories to 3500 (or more). Start growing more quickly. That is a lot of "stuff" you are taking just to play around with the slow-grow-recomp stuff. Eat. Train. Grow.

You don't have a competition for which you are currently prepping. There is no reason to be any leaner than you are right now, and you are harming your growth prospects.

2700-2800 calories is not enough to fuel those muscles to grow.

You can accelerate this process by eating more.
Thanks for taking your time for giving me your opinion, I know you have a ton of experience… so i appreciate it a lot..

Yes you re right i ll add kcals little by little because as stated i was fearing i was wasting too much the primo…
Hi Meso brazzers...

Exactly 1 year ago I was in such condition, after lockdown I started starving at bed , full tilt... fuckin pissed off, lost lot of money, lost my life (not just because of Corona , life was already gonna shit st lot of weight too..

April 2020

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I think I weighed 81kg

Then I stsrted a heavy cycle but everything went shit after 2 months, gained size but had to stop everything... and don’t remember if I made a small cycle then after I starting the prep in December when I switched coach.. the pic of how I was in December 2020 before starting the new Bodybuilding lifestyle, has been posted at the start of this thread...

I just found pics of April 2020 ,

now, after some workouts, some aas, some HGH, some food, i m the gentle woman I am

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@Kim You should see ... and @TrennedOutLunatic , ... I don’t miss being so skinny... honestly
Jesus Nice progress, looking back do you think it was a mistake going into a blast that detrained? Or worth it cause muscle memory?