My 1st log evah

tryna bulking, not happy, i m struggling with my diet and im not able to eat as much as i should

In a couple of weeks i ll have to drop current bulk cycle and start cruise for 6 weeks... then i ll retry bulking...

Now im weighting 99kg upon waking after toilet..

Cycle : 200mg TEST E x 3 weekly, Bold Cyp 160mg x 3 weekly, 75mg Tren Ace / Enanth x 3 weekly, 100mg NPP 3 x weekly.

12.5mg Aromasin 3 x weekly

2 + 2 iu Optitropin ED (scored 431 ng/ml IGF1)

Eating something like 3500kcals but should be eating 4000 , but thats hard because i found myself at 2:00 am that i ve eaten 5/6 meals and most of times i gonna sleep and fuck the last meal... fuck

@Kim sorry if i m not sexy as you expected.. maybe next time i ll be able to eat more...

tryna bulking, not happy, i m struggling with my diet and im not able to eat as much as i should

In a couple of weeks i ll have to drop current bulk cycle and start cruise for 6 weeks... then i ll retry bulking...

Now im weighting 99kg upon waking after toilet..

Cycle : 200mg TEST E x 3 weekly, Bold Cyp 160mg x 3 weekly, 75mg Tren Ace / Enanth x 3 weekly, 100mg NPP 3 x weekly.

12.5mg Aromasin 3 x weekly

2 + 2 iu Optitropin ED (scored 431 ng/ml IGF1)

Eating something like 3500kcals but should be eating 4000 , but thats hard because i found myself at 2:00 am that i ve eaten 5/6 meals and most of times i gonna sleep and fuck the last meal... fuck

@Kim sorry if i m not sexy as you expected.. maybe next time i ll be able to eat more...

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Hahaha funny
tryna bulking, not happy, i m struggling with my diet and im not able to eat as much as i should

In a couple of weeks i ll have to drop current bulk cycle and start cruise for 6 weeks... then i ll retry bulking...

Now im weighting 99kg upon waking after toilet..

Cycle : 200mg TEST E x 3 weekly, Bold Cyp 160mg x 3 weekly, 75mg Tren Ace / Enanth x 3 weekly, 100mg NPP 3 x weekly.

12.5mg Aromasin 3 x weekly

2 + 2 iu Optitropin ED (scored 431 ng/ml IGF1)

Eating something like 3500kcals but should be eating 4000 , but thats hard because i found myself at 2:00 am that i ve eaten 5/6 meals and most of times i gonna sleep and fuck the last meal... fuck

@Kim sorry if i m not sexy as you expected.. maybe next time i ll be able to eat more...

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hi man thanks, now i m at 2900kcal... (months ago i was at 6k kcal and lot of them have been wasted)

This is a recomp phase with tren and primo.. and less than 3k.. i think growth phase will involve NPP instead of Tren.. and kcals will be increased little by little..

But i dont wanna use again huge dosages like previous plan... since i m prone to high bp and thats not estrogens related in my case...

I would be fine with insulin and 5-6kcals again but not with 1g of EQ weekly + 1400mg Test weekly , and 300mg Tren weekly.. i think i wont go over 150mg tren ace weekly or it s equivalent in tren e...

hope to be able to reach my goals while staying something “healthy”..

Anyway everything will be done little by little....

I would love to be a fuckin bull and getting huge just eating grass.. but i m a fuckin human and i ve not been gifted with an outstanding genetic
Dude just stop. You look like a natty yet you are using or planning to soon use TWICE as much gear as i am. I easily have you by 50lbs probably more. Get off gear and learn to eat and when you hit a wall and cannot gain more weight then consider steroids. You have come nowhere close to rreaching natural genetic potential. Miles to go. Steroids no good for you yet. Replace npp vs tren with 10oz of steak or chicken????
Dude just stop. You look like a natty yet you are using or planning to soon use TWICE as much gear as i am. I easily have you by 50lbs probably more. Get off gear and learn to eat and when you hit a wall and cannot gain more weight then consider steroids. You have come nowhere close to rreaching natural genetic potential. Miles to go. Steroids no good for you yet. Replace npp vs tren with 10oz of steak or chicken????

dont know what to say
tryna bulking, not happy, i m struggling with my diet and im not able to eat as much as i should

In a couple of weeks i ll have to drop current bulk cycle and start cruise for 6 weeks... then i ll retry bulking...

Now im weighting 99kg upon waking after toilet..

Cycle : 200mg TEST E x 3 weekly, Bold Cyp 160mg x 3 weekly, 75mg Tren Ace / Enanth x 3 weekly, 100mg NPP 3 x weekly.

12.5mg Aromasin 3 x weekly

2 + 2 iu Optitropin ED (scored 431 ng/ml IGF1)
Question for you as I am not really familiar with aromasin dose requirements (I have always just used adex): 12.5 mg 3x/week seems like a lot? Is that not a lot? Especially with the EQ, usually that reduces AI requirements, doesn't it?

Since you're struggling to eat as much as you should, would you say this has become more of a recomp than a bulk?

What kind of ab routines do you do? I am curious. Your obliques are looking quite nice.

You are looking real good man. Real nice physique!
Also, how do you like the NPP + Tren together? I think in the past you have mainly just run Tren, right? Do you feel like the NPP is adding benefit over just tren? Also, you said Tren Ace/Enanth, as though you are taking both. Do you have a blend of the 2? Or are you just taking both for some reason?
Question for you as I am not really familiar with aromasin dose requirements (I have always just used adex): 12.5 mg 3x/week seems like a lot? Is that not a lot? Especially with the EQ, usually that reduces AI requirements, doesn't it?

Since you're struggling to eat as much as you should, would you say this has become more of a recomp than a bulk?

What kind of ab routines do you do? I am curious. Your obliques are looking quite nice.

You are looking real good man. Real nice physique!

thanks man, yes its turning to be not a real Bulk since i m not able atm to eat more than 3500kcals and it pisses me off sooo much..

About abs, well.. i dont train them specifically because i dont have a tiny waist and dont wanna have a blocky one.. more than what already is..

About aromasin, bold gave me crashed e2 symptoms but i took bloods and they werent crashed, just have skyrocketed E1 .. and i was on 25mg Aromasin 3 x week.. so i stopped aromasin but after 2 weeks i felt the need to try a smaller dosage and goes with half of it..

You could discover it just with bloods, but as stated, different compounds (such as bold) give you different results... so it s a try and retry game
Also, how do you like the NPP + Tren together? I think in the past you have mainly just run Tren, right? Do you feel like the NPP is adding benefit over just tren? Also, you said Tren Ace/Enanth, as though you are taking both. Do you have a blend of the 2? Or are you just taking both for some reason?

i got gyno surgically removed, so i wasnt scared about tryin both of them..

I added tren because i was looking too puffy, and because couldnt change NPP to something else because i was already on a small dosage of Bold... i dont know if its going on well... i m not good with feelings..

I brewed my tren like this: 25mg tren ace + 55mg tren enanth x ml .. because tren ace was giving brewing issues and Panda said to add some tren enanth to get the esterless tren into solution, something like that...

I like this mix, because tren cough is less common
i got gyno surgically removed, so i wasnt scared about tryin both of them..

I added tren because i was looking too puffy, and because couldnt change NPP to something else because i was already on a small dosage of Bold... i dont know if its going on well... i m not good with feelings..

I brewed my tren like this: 25mg tren ace + 55mg tren enanth x ml .. because tren ace was giving brewing issues and Panda said to add some tren enanth to get the esterless tren into solution, something like that...

I like this mix, because tren cough is less common
Yeah same here and it was one of the best things I have ever done.

As far as what Panda said, idk anything about that. Glad it is working well for you though!

I have yet to get tren cough even after 10 weeks of daily tren A pins all over. Delts, lats, quads, VGs. My tren does get mixed with other substances in the syringe. It might be Test + Ment + Tren all in one. Or Test + NPP + Tren, so maybe that reduces risk of tren cough since it's all mixed together?


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